I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Ssndays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN. OFrmcu: Times building, 31 S. Main St. Telephone (New Statei189. ,MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, t00 L. BUSINES MANAGER O.11. HAs,'00 L.. EDITORS H, B. SKILLMAN,'98 L., Athletics. 9. L. G ineaz,'3 L T. R. WooDROW, '98 F. EOunAno,'98. F. D. EABA, 05 . D. RtmNsuT, *00 B. S. DAFRirnv,58 P. W. JONAs, 599. C H. Luen, 00 M. A. H. McDOuGALL,'01 E The subscription price of the Daly is $2.0 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, comounica- tins, and othermatterintended for publica- tion mot e handed in at the Daily office be- fore 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before p. i., of the day previous to that on which Shey are epected toyapear. Subserip tines ma left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Subribers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office an failureeof carriersan deliver paper Co. A at Island Lake. There is considerable excitement at Island Lake in the First Regiment over the failure of two of its officers to pass the physical examination. This is the regiment to which the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti companies belong. It is claimed that political motives were re- sponsible for the decision of the exam- ining board, and, as a. result, the men will be given a special examination by private physicians today. There are 37 University of Michigan students and graduates in the First infantry, 23 of whom belong to Com- pany A. The list is as follows: COMPANY A. Lieut. M. L. Belser, graduate. Dr. O. H. Freeland, staff, graduate. W. G. Palmer, hospital corps, grad- nate. Joe Ball, hospital corps, graduate. W. H. Murray, graduate. C. H. Duncan, graduate. F. A. Carnal, student. J. B. Stocking, student. R. E. Robinson, student. C. F. Juttner, student. a. A. Cemns, student. o. P. Cole, student, . V. Magofin,s tudent. C. F. Severon, student. John Caywood, student. B. B. Johnson, student. W. G. Johnson, School of. Music stu- dent. Fred Dodsley, student. A. C. Wilson, student. W, B. Richmond, student. S. F. Nichols, student. P. C. Church, student. W O Wright, student. COMPANY C. Lieut. F. B. Wood, graduate. P. W. V. Keusch, graduate._ COMPANY F. A. J. Tuttle, graduate. , C. Rumer, graduate. COMPANY G. Captain Cody Kirk, graduate. Lieut. F. W. Green, graduate. Edward Owen, graduate. J. F. Webb, graduate. COMPANY H. Dr. Charles Ryan, graduate. Walter Snow, graduate. F. . Pratt, Jr., graduae W.R.Weeks graduate. Company A have had more or less high scool training. The educa- tional superiority of Comipany A over other companies on the ground is as striking as that of the dullest American soldier over the Spaniard: This superiority manifests itself in many ways. The general conversation around camp is of a higher order than that of other companies. For instance, it is the custom for a half dozen fellows to get together in a tent in the even- ing and enjoy a spirited discussion on the topics of the day. Talk of the war and future military possibilities, of course predominates. In other tents the boys read aloud to one another. In still others, whist games are ius progress. The Civil board of Comoany A were In camp yesterday, inspecting the qupr- ters, cheering the boys, and presenting their compliments to the staff and governor. This board is made up of Col. Dean, Major Soule, Major Millard, Coptain Hiscock, and Postmaster Eeakes. Of course they found every- thing in first class shape, and the boys were highly complimented. NOTICE. Parties having table board or rooms to rent during the May Festival will please leave address at the School of Music. If YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237,239,41Woodard Ave..Detroit. Designs and estimates furnished on allwork of this kind. Athens Theatre These are some of the attrac- tions weahrve booked for next Wilbur Opera Co. Eletrician. Prisoner of Zenda. Under the Red Robe. Sol Smith Russel , Heartof Maryland. And many others' equally as ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIE5 IN Fine Footwear. J. T. Jacobs & Son, SEE OUR WINDOW. 121 South Main Street. .....FINE TAILORING.... Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embrtcing all the s well- eat and most exclusive novelties. Our garments wherever seen will be appreciated anti prontisced by critics as strictly correct. We respectfully invite your inquiry. We do only a fine trade. We carry but one patterr of a novelty in stock. Garments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURCHFIELD, New Phone 43. 106 East Huron Street for a summer cruise tk fth ict [Inc toMackina Ofa I acOfES S take the UU8L t v$v~u~~ NEW STEEL The Greatest Perfec- tion yet attained pi PASSENGER Boat Construction: STEAMERS, Luxurious .Equip. SPEED, ,r' mest, Artislic Fur. COMFORT nishing,Decoratin AND SAFETY andEfficlentService To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago SNothrtin cfernaa Pmorama o ites of equaietyadntrst fourTrips peree.kBten. Ev errDymdCnd Dayad fsibt5riBewn Toledoetroitnd Macinac n DETROIT AND CLEVELAND TO"s5, "THE ss0,"Uq UETTZ Put -in -Bay Bets. at $ axe su and Toledo. Cxmle>srno railpitsslmsd Souh OeWBATESs" re*s"rs qusnninSouthes, nrstDe roit forall pointa Return Inludng rMeals dBrts. Appro.ssorh md Nrhwstmairrlirlei lusts iFsr.tfrm ad, $17ifrom Toido, llnddtsrs ne , Jly up $14;fromDetroit, sse.. Septme.Jsdo, isir Only. Send 2c. for llustrated Pamphiet. Address A. A. SOHIANTZ. o".. " 1)8CT. MICH. 8gIliU llf gOfU u iiOQ! ii INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME, - COTRELL & LEONARD. - 9472-478 Broadway,.Albany, N. Y. Makers of the CAPS and GOwNS, to University of Michigan, U. sf Chicago, U. of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh, U. of Penn- sylvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton,.Columbian, Williams, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, etc Class contracts a specialty. HOLMES' LIVERY, 515 East Liberty St. Phne 106- BEST SERVICE INTIE CITY. '98 MICHICANENSIAM! TH PRZE ANNUAL'., O.N SALE TODAY Main Hall, Tappan Hall and Law Building. gt or cif I