THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. See Sour Sw'ell Displa0o Summer Neokwear!" For Quality, Correct Styles, and Square Prices-We are the "Onliest." AN 'EXCLUSIVE LINE OF WASHABLE NECKWEAR, Madras, Cheviot, Ginghams, in Combination StocKs, .Ascots, Strings and 4-in-hands. Alfred Benjiman's, Fancy Vests, Crash and Cloths- swell patterns. We can flit you in an~y style of gloves. Our $1.50 Gloves are especially strong. Ask for "No. 30 Every pair guaranteed. TRY .ULS.'TRY:-US* MACK & C. OMPANY -y Iyuwihto own a Banjo or Miandosin that hao a tone to suit the roost exacting critic,' buy the SWaldo' OP LANN ARBOR MUSIC.CO 215-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR me Table, Sunday, Sept, 5, 1$197. TIME TABLE: Trainn leave Ann Arbor by Centrai Stand arfl Time. 8:43 a. m. *7:30 aM *12:15 p. io. I 11:21 a. m. 4:46 p. mn. I 8.40 p. m. nRun between Ann Arhor and Toledo oniy. E. S. GILMORtE, Agent W. B BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. MIHI AN tui The iagara Falls Route." Central Stand5ard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR P. M. AM Mail and Ex..3 47 B, NY, Chi.--- 8 12 N. Y. Special -.-4 58 Mail.-----------18 *N. S. Limited-_-_8 10 Pacific Ex ---____12 3t Eastern Ex.5---947rP. A. M. Western Es.---1 38 D. N. Express ---5 50 G. R. &K. Ex--- 55M Atlantic Ex...7 30 Chl. Nt. ExI.---7 47 B. R. Express --.1 10 *Nort~h Shore Limited is sn extra fare train KINDERGARTEN, io1. uonS. STEIN S ! Call and See Us, u (} / gip J p A wholo window full. RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER w .~~~ LEADING Telephone 1 O. ANN ARBOR J E FULLER & ERANEK 'TAILORS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for and delivered li2 S. STATE ST. ever RoseyIs. Phone No. 204,, New State. I Sig miodels for '9)8 ast860. '197 Models, while they laninaan.$50. C or Slain sod Boron At i3rownxrs Drug eStiore, Streets. At the Theatre., Bose Boll Schedule. Michigan's baseball schedule for the Davenport Daily Irepublican, larch remainder of the lesson is as follows:, 27, says: "The warmest show of tire May 7, Illinois. season is on at the Bortis. The people May 11, Chicago. laugh until their sides aeched. At both My1,Dxn performances they laughed, roared, May 14, Dixon. howled and stamped. The first act is Ma1,Deuw one of the funniest ever produced irs May 19, at Chicago. thin city. Of the many characters o May 21, at Illinois. the stage there's not one that doess iot May 21, Kalamazoo. move, and move lively and amusingly. May 26, Beoit. The matinee yesterday was largely at- May 28, at Chicago. tended anrd the houee wan iled last May 30, open. night. People arel ikely to be turned June 2, open. away tonight. It is 'Darkest America.' June 4, Northwestern. At fte Athens Theater tomorrowc tF.i- June 9, Notre Danme. day) night._______ June 11, Chicago. Objects to Protest System. June 15, at Cornell. 0.11. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. 209 1FOURTH AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Residence, 3112 Fifth Avenoe. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS, Orders cor all Fraternity parties, club dances. etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Music Co. or at Reidence, 1710OGeddes ave. P. S. - Will lake pupils on Piano and in sight reading at above named Pisces. A. V3. VohnstYon. U.Of N. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STRIEET.' Ladies' artistic Blair fDressing' up stairs Old friends rail again. We welcome new ones. J. Rt. TROJANOWSKI, Lowney's Chocolates -00ooTO- W01. W1Y. TUTTLE' S Me ALL EORETIS, iS you wish. TAN~DEMS TO RENT. M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM Debaters to Receive Medals. The last number of the New Yerk and there is a hreo more than on other trains 0. W. RUG GLES, G. P..T. Agt., Chicago, THlE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY In rhe only line from I Station to Columbus an using Union depot tern bus snd runs four fai daily between the poin them in the un-precedei boors. Parlor carsond cents; sleeper: Students drairing uni are invited to use the Bi can obtain fall partieub to local ticket agents. E. R. D Dial. Pass. A WV. II. FISHEB, G. P?. OHIO (?JNTR, TEE DIRECT Cincinnati Dayton 'Urbana Springfield and Charleston Through trains wi, Drawing 'Roomu Cal ad Toledo. $2.5 t to e or Nation contains a getter from R. C. The committee having in charge the One door east of American House. B. W. BAYS, Ringwalt, '05t entitled "Judging College recent Pennsylvania-Corn~ell debate Both Phones, No. S. Asst.. Ann Arbor Debates." The point made in the letter haive procuired three beautiful solid gold a) A$5ET.6 is that judges should be instructe~d "to medals to be presented to the members ___________________ render their decisitn not on the merits of Cornell's v itrious team. The med- TnE LARGEST MANUFACJTURERS Or ATH14TnO AN-OLD IAILWAY sf the question as debated but on th irrts are of antique style, the fasce being INN N nrCYCITn SUPPLIES OL AND UNIFORMS he Toledo Union rie n vlwt ltbc n k4 point beyond, me.rits oif-tile debating entirely." His raie n ,vlwtl lfbr n A. -6. SPALDING & BROS. ninain at Colum- rough ed ce. The seal of the Universrty' t express trains objection to the present system is that apaso h rnwieo h TeNm h urne. "t ae, w f ,in judging the merits of the bakuseirsnmeofthnd-Offieial Outfitters tn the Leading College, Ath- ated time of three questio s engraved thlav f h e etie Club andi School Teamns ofElhe U. S. lay trains, seats 25 asdeatd"th ijdgs urt unen- hater to whom the medal is presented., vr eustefrBs al s on oight trains. Easrdebated"t the judgeasl equaled facilities siul ei~une yterproa under the inscriptiorn Cornell-U. Of P. Athletic Sot n atms suckeye Route and " cosyb nlecdb hi esnlSot n atms a~~eat,4rs on apinpication prejudices, and that moreover it is 'at- Dbt,1089."ThSadngOfcaLeueBl The tUniversity' of Pennsylvania boo Adopted by National, Minor, College ansi 'AVIDSON, most impossible to obtain a question already succeeded it' raising, by sub- ( Schoil Leagues. 4tgenterToiedo; or that will furnish equal optportunritres7 to scription. half of the $600.600 needled to I Base Ball Uniforms,-Bas, Gloves, and T. A. both sides in the debate. erect a new club house arndlgymnaosirm.Issli.I" Chess Protectors, Shoes, Etc. Colnab, h~o___________________________________________________THIE SPALDING CHAINLESS BICYCES Colu~pC~tbUr Ohio. !UTE SPALDINC BLUE CUOR "Chain) ii8 V ni ers '-y'4 S hoo of r .A~n 11 LX bend fur Illustrated Catalogue of al. , Ll ESWST~t STRET, OPOSIE LA, BUIDING. t , .Athletic ~ Snorts. Programs Party, with Orchestra Music, every Saturday Evening. Now York - Chicagor LINE To Private Lessons hy'appointmett.. Office, 427 Thomspesinet. Columbus SOISDEEL,- , 'War Songs"! Coon songs"!A Athens EinBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Sotisa's Karches"! Middleport Cals Atteeded Day or Night, £.,. Latest Music for Piano, and other W. 'Va. q~yInstruments. No. 16t1Eash Liberty Street: Residence, 5335 Finest assortment of Guitars and South Fourth Ave. Phone 129,V Mandolins. Strings and Trim'- re fro DtritAHE* mings. Lowest Prices. & th Slepin an RNDAL, HOTBBpIIERThe SCHAXIWIRLE MicateStore ith leepng nd RNDAL, TE 1 V t U111 R ff e4Wst, LibetuatAnn Arbor, rsfo eriWASHINGTON STREET, ANN ARBOR 1I "