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May 06, 1898 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-05-06

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r -i cat... Id. the college championship last fall, as ___
ac~tL XI .1... been unable to play thin pring o n.n- I
count of his baseball l ~ olg c l ir r
lPubliohed Daily (Sndays excepted) during The Yale team will probably be made1 1
the College ear, at up as follow: R. Terry, Jr., W. R. - __
*THE UNIERSITY OF MICHIGAN, lBetts, W. . Smith, J. Reid, Jr,~ R. 1-._____
GFE:Tmsbuilding, 325 S. Ian St. Crowell and T. 2. Robertson. The first ___- F E
Teehn NwSae 8. fu eemmeso h itrosMANAGING EDITOR Yale team last year. Yale has been "'
J. F. THOMnAS,*00 L.
BUINS MANAGED playing strong teams this spring ant)=
O. H. PlAs,'0 L. mating a good showig. Per team isFitofhe nomr-a'afrdt. siie iv ___
EDcnsdreItrnertanlstyars $1.00 Suit or over, you get a handsome swing mirror,
H, B. 6SassLsAs. '55 L., Athletics. The Princteon team will probably be:___ size 8x8, fastened in a nicke frame.
E. L. OxsnxR, '3 L T. I. WOODnow, '8 L. P. ayard, W. P. Vanderpoo, Jr., J. Our assortment of Suits at $1.0, $16.00 and $18.0 ___
F. EozInAR,'5. F. D. SaAss ,'00 Stuart J IBlair Jr,C BMurphy -
0. D. nnrcvT, 'to 1R. S. ASFORT, 98 was never better. We can give you light andit rk
P. W. JONES'o. C. H. Los, '0 . sod W Childs. The first threc played effects, rough or smoothl goods-Havu't space eogli
A. H. MODOUoALI,'01 E. last year and have been making good to give you a description of every good -quality they
records this spring. Blair recently have. Come in and let us show you what stylish clot h-
Imade a new record of 9 strokes for the - itg you can buy from our up-to-date stock.___
________________________NewBruswic tika.See our north window.
The subcrpton price of the atty Is $2.50 The Columbia team has played but-
Sot the colee year, with a regular delivery-
before noon each day. Notices, cosmoolica- one match tis spring and booslhd less -
tone, and other matter Intended for pblca-
tlon mst e handed in at the Datty office be- practice than the other college teans.
fore d p. i., or mailed to the editor before 3
p. s., of the day pevionu to that on which With lbe consent of the chairman of ql /r /'C r
they are epected to appar. heDiyPhOthei cmitete avr
Sacri ions mayse left at ThBatth atlic omteteBrvd
Office Myter'sor toiiets Sewtand, or ta a dpe nfr ossig ' 'Wl!
With Business M anager. Socrlers Wll con-temhsaoedauirmcnsig (
afavor by reporting promptly at this of a red golf coat trimmed with trim- - ,
ofee ann falure of carleca'ao deliver paper
s_________________ on, with crooed golf clubs and a small _
Let every member of the senior class black "HI" embrodera on the front.
turn out to the meeting this afternoon.
The determination of a class tax is one NfIE or a Summer Cruise j
of the most important nmatters that the Parties having table board or rooms toast [ine to Mackinac
to rent during the May Festival will '"tkth
class has to meet, and the questin as
please leave address at the School o NEW STEEL leuretettaiefei
to its amount should be thcroughly di- Music. PASSENGER BneatntriunI
cuooed before any action is taken. STEAMERS - BuxuriosruEuip.
YaesGf oteNv. IF YOU WANT THE BEST SPEED ,e ramet Artistic Fur.
YaleTEBGiTt tTAthelNavy.COMFORT - r'' ising,eegretiie
The students of Yale University have FAENT TTOEY AND SAFETY uuqEtgiuieerie
decided to make a gift to the United BADGES OR PINS To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago
States cruiser "Yale" of two Vicar-Max- Send to N o Soter LneoesaPaeramooolesenaelmvarity ad intxt,s
BTrpr Wetksee, ny ayrard eDay andNgto er wimt.,.x
im guns for the bUow of the boat. The SMT ,SU G ON O, TldDtotadNakoccit : DTROIT AND CLVELAND
cost of the two guns, with freight lB D5 39,241Wodard Ave.. Detroit PtSItilO,"Att ut I Y - y 5rO 5,, I teeesl
charges, wl e$,0,addfeet Designs and itimates furnshed onallworh LW RTS to55ee'trerss oimen oe do. d midoohweesfaedpeniesiFtoth
Yale alumni have already guaranteed of this ind. less,,,, name5e and Brt.. Approx.essun~ aaetrotbsu l~ipout
_________________________ es t,s t fro. e, 81; frm Tlsed, N,=storest.leeJl
$3,500. The Yale undergmadates will 514;Onletslt,$150. s sonarmssnlVy'
-Send 2cc.fr Illustrated Pamphlet. Address
niake up the ret of the sum by private t e s=T e teA. A. SHANTZg. S. "a'osruel. MIneH. De trot adilfi CeaNa ito uufopollY
Yale '7, the secretary to the president. 0 0CO R I2ELL & LESONARD .
They are first-class guns, carrying MAY~lA 472-48 Broadway, Albany, N, Y.
three-pound projectiles two and a half FR*UIDAY fl5, Maes of he CAPS and GOWN, to Universiy of Michigan,
mile. Thy ae nie an a alf eetU. of Chicao, U. of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh, U. of Penn-
aylvna, avad, Yale, Princeton, Colmbian, Williams,
$og h ayaprvstepa n JOHN W. VOG[EL'S W~ellesley, Bryn Mawr, etc.
will allow brass inscriptions on the) Cascnrtsapeily
guns. These will be worded in the (l a k s
simplest manner possible.H O LM ES' LIVERY,
It may or may not be possibleD to se-
cure these guns an memorabilia at New m erica,.I atLbryS
Maven after the government is done 55Es iet t
with them._ This point of course will tiii tlt Phoe 1065 BEST SERVICE IN TE CITY,
be insisted upon. The guns will be ooo
placed in position within a week.manm n a r Di
Intercollegate Golf Tournament. 9 ii
The intercollegiate golf tournamentl ii I N I 11 N1 1
Columbia will compete, opened on the U r EU If
Orse lblns erDb' r,"N. Y., yesterday, and will continue T H E/ P I E A NL
truhStra.Tetocapo-Jships, team and: Individual, will be
played for. Of these, the team cham-
pionshi was wona.- y Yale lat year,
ain he individual chanmpionahip is nose NSLwOA
held by L. I. Mayard of Princeton.
The IHarvard team consists of . F.
Cas'9'9, captain; W. B. Cutting, Jr.,A
'50; J. H. Choate, Jr., 1 L; Msf.Barger,
a .Sagn. k ureMain, Hall, Ta ppan Hall and Law
titute ,nG.A.Weddc'001asub Of theemen, Curtis, Cutting,
Chats and Brden played on last
ear's team. G. C. Clrk, 'S1, who won B u ild iug .e

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