TlUT IJNI\TMj YV U MC IIIGAN DAILY. {Keep the Feet Warm A hot water bottle is just tire thing for cold feet and ,a sure relief for most acties 9and pains. 65te, $1.00, $1.25 9 and $2.00 are the prices. $1.00 gets a goad cue that we can warrant not to leak. tCALKINS' - PHARMACY: I, 4 4 4 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 OUTFITS FOR G1'MNIA SIUMN WORK .md SWEATER~S SHIRTS (-o0 sx LE ES) SUPPO)RTERS LO7NG STOC KINGx'S SHOES 0, OODSPFI3D'S, MAIN STREET. , Brighter than 4 Klondike Gold 11 Our window is blaziiig with the bri-.htest, icehest, nobbiest things = =-iniNecekwear ever shown, Ilhey / nire high values at Low Prices. You will see them now heieelse. o Noice the"-Reds" 1.URNI SHERS. cvwr I'-S Main Si., - Ann Arbor. STYLISH DRESSERSI Lamps Expressly ° Students' Use FURNISHINGS CORRECT FADLS Of altlimaiiier of a-ticts- that go to made uip a gentlemin's wardrobe sthown for the 1first tiiiie liere. FISK, CLARK & FLAGS Complete line of fineineckweair. "Ii & W:" COLLIRE, Newist Shapes arkers Perfect Fitting Collars. Night Robes 50c to $1.00. Laiundried Shirts, 75c to $1.50. Bath Itoqes $2.50 to $3.50. aiicy Hose 25c to 75e. Black Hose 12,!,,c to 50c. .Mens' Sweaters 40ec to $4.00. Street or Dress Gloves $1.00 to $1.00 Umirbrellas 76o to $4.00. Fine Suspenders 15-1 to $1.05. Newest Novelties in Cufflinks, Shirt Studs, Collar Buttons, etc. Nens' Fine Under- wear 25c up. Ul Mens} Fancy Front Shirts 50c_ MACK & COB, IDEAN &COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Baseball Men Meet Tonight. L:Isl eti 1"artiit 11,1 1'i3a11 mo ll '''lit lllootilt,". oi' 1.1a:>tlfill latch c°all > I Will 111001 ill Room, :). t livorsity hall, fcr Ytalli llt: at i o'cltr k ill ilooln till ovollill ; at ! ocl(.,-k. «'ill 1)E' Of S 1't'at I11117U1'l:1llt',' t0 11i,, All cmiliilatos for tlh 14)t;l foo tb:tll prospo(,livo cantliilatc: for ii-xt p-IT'S (("till will lllcct in lii)om C. l'ltil er itt (tt;llll an;l all tllt= t>ltl lllt'll ill coll(,;. :". 11x11, ail satlintA.' at 1 t I. llt. l'tcr l e 15 will Ilc cli f tt yetl f tfiis State. Rteceves depsits, bys and ells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Draf to cashed upon proper id entiictian. Safety dejosit boxes to rent Orrio niso: Christian M1ack Pres.;XW. . tiarimaas, Vice-Pres.; Chas E'. iscok, Cashler; . J. Fritz Asistat Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANKof AnnArb186: Caipital, 10,000. Srpus and Profits, 14,555, Transactnapennral tanking business. Foreign exchange bought andsaid. Furnish letters of credit, E. . FiNNE,PFos. iHARRItSON SOLE, Vice Pres S. W. CLARKSON Cashier. to. 511i11 a11d1 Huron Sreets. Capital, 1,,0,000. Srpls 011,t0. Trasact i generoabaninig busiess. it. hoEMer, 1r0. . E.(Cuoco, Vice-Prs CALLAGHAN 9 9 340 S. STATE STREET F. J. SCHiLEEIDE. 340 South State Stict 111111 Bilndig ....... l.2 ots ind up 011110 1111old ontinies 0.0..1.00 11110 up. Wal~rmauand1111Wii.toins is to Is ad Wh'eosac land Retoal Ppr, 1ylbs. of Lii- Jast Rtcived a Large aid Elegant Line of New Pipes a list sod Cold Lnies t alt hours. Agents for Huiyler's 0110Williams d erers Co.'s ChocolateiBonlios R. E. JOLLY St o. -.4)08SouhlState Street. Music Stutdio PIANO AND COMPOSITION. CONCERT PIANO TtUNNG R. H. KEMPF, From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 312 SOUJTH DIVIStON STREET. [ATHENS__THEATRE. ICOR BET- FITZSIMMONS VERISCOPE Saturday,Octl6 F IRE r I During the past ten 111 years the Toledo L.aundry Co. have kept their custom.. rs goods insured against fire, a fact hat is appreciated by their patrons. Best of work and Prompt Delivery. Branch Office 123 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich Calk 1111.111it1ofill loo al115 Mr. .31 'o111i1 1111 :Tllli lll ('111111 o lll in 111f1a:- voIli cod sli '.v 11in ist0 ol-yai . oii 1~l 'iiuuii 1.11met51100y rcl