THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orrres: Times building, 329 S. Main St. Telephone (New State) 189. MANAGING EDITOR _ J. F. ToMAs, 00 L. BVSINESS MANAGER .9H. HANS, 10 L. EDITORS H, B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. E L. GIER, '98 L T. R. WOonnow, '98 F. ENoBHARD, '8. F. D EAA, '00 G. D. HUDNUTT,'00 R. S. DANORTH, 98 P. W. JONEs, '99. . B. LUND, 000. A. H. MDocaALL, '01 E. The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noo each day. Notices, communica- tions, and othermat r intended ur puc pulc-tion inset be handed in at the Daily ofice be- lore 8 p. m., or mailed to the editor before 3 . ein, rg thedaypavrioousrto that on which Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newtand, or with Business Manager. Subcribers will coo- ler a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of carriersso deliver paper The first edition of the Michiganen- siani s meeting the success it deserves, and sthe first edition will soon be e- boousted. That this yor's annual is the acme of college journalism is the unanimous verdict of all who have seen the book. Every student in the Univer- sity should have a volume as a mo- .mento of his college life. George P. McCallum, who completes his course in the law department of the University this spring, will, rumor says, be a candidate before the republican representative convention of the Delta district this spring. Mr. McCallum is an able young man. His republicanism is unquestioned, he is a forceful speak- er, and would be, if nominated and elected, an honor to the district. No better choice could be made. The Delta delegation would not hesitate to vote for him in the convention-Manistee Pioneer-Tribune. Eight students have graduated from the Univerity, fourteen partially help-d ed through and seven are now in at- tendance, by the aid of the Detroit' Alumni High School Scholarship fund at a total cost of $6,424.17. Of the amount loaned to students, $1,075,35 has already been paid back. Prof. Fred L. Ingraham has resigned his position in the Normal faculty in order to return to the University, where he will complete his literary course next year, and then enter upon the praice of law. Mr. Ingraham has been a strong force in Normal affairs, and his many friends will bid him Godspeed In his new work.-Ypsilantian. The official program for the May Fes- tival, just from the press, is a valuable souvenir of the May Festival of '98. It contains 48 pages and a complete A9- bretto of the "Flying Dutchman," also Verdi'i Requiem, the latter in both Lat- in and English. It also contairs good cuts of all the soloists and also of the composers ,whose music is rendered..J Eveybody will want an offici pro-. gram this year. Prof, Stanley is to be congratulated upon its beauty and real worth. Reads Y5our Life. Palmist Isabel Hartness is located at the Cook House, and is a fellow df the Chirological Society of London, Eng. Palmistry is a science, recognized by the entire world as the only true meth- od of life reading. Among her many widely, known patrons at Saratoga Springs were Consul-General and.,Miss Fitzhugh Lee, Mrs. McKee, of the White Ilouse, Bishop Newman, Rev. Campbell, Fair Dean of Omaha, Sa- mantha Allen, Hetty Green, Roland Reed, Isadore Rush, and others. 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Will entertain even- ings by appointment. ANOTHER SPECIAL TRAIN TO IS- LAND LAKE. Owing to the belief that permission would not be granted to visit the boys in Camp Eaton, many did not go to Is- land Lake last Sunday who wished to do so. The Ann Arbor Railroad has therefore decided to run another spec- ial train to Island Lake on Sunday next, May 8th, at 9:15 a. m., returning from the lake at 5 p. m. Fare for the round trip, 75 cents. Children under 12, 40 cents. J. J. KIRBY, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. NOTICE. Parties having table board or rooms to rent during the Hay Festival wiii please leave address at the School of Music. IF YOU WANT TIIE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs and estimates furnishedon all work o1 thss k.nd. #Athens nTheatre# ALL TIiE LATEST NOVELTIES IN Fine Footwear., J. T. Jacobs & Son, SEE OUR WINDOW. 121 South Main Street. .FINE TAILORING Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embracing all the swell- est and most exclusive novelties., Our garments wherever seen will be appreciated and iron uced by critics as strictly correct. We respectfully invite your inquiry. We do only a fine trade. We carry but one patterr of a novelty in stock. Garments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURCIIFIELD, New Phone 43. 106 East Huron Street Tor a Summer Cruise Coast tie aki} takethih to M ia NEW STEEL The Greatest Perfec- PASSENGxER tionyet attained -in STEAMERS, Boat Constructions SA RLuxurious . Equip. SPEED, . men Artintic Fur. COMFORT . - ;, ,'nhlng,Dneration AND SAFETY andEffcientService To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago NootherLineoffersaPanoramaof460nmilesofequalvarietyandinterest. Four Trips per Neek Between EeryayAnDn d aya Night Service Between Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac CleveIand, FaTROIT AND LetViLAND PETOsKEY, "HE see," MARQUETTB P ut-in-Bay B e .60emS room. Ass sULTatn. ad'od. Cnentios ed a lland wit toPcturesenkinandaTra hr a i s aot m ae s r is Clevenand,q$17; fromnToledo, msutwan dNs t $14; from etit, $1.60. 6na rp ne ay nat Send 2c. for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address nUpInnstr lr. A. A. SCHANTz,. . P nus" oyT . ui5. llCOCH.V!Ull!NYi 1 Y ...... I< i FRIUAT MAT 5, S JOHN W. VOGELUS Darkest $ HO America.P qI~sj~mn,4,,mrhcI5,1bbI Phone 106 INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAUOF ACADEMIC COSTUME, COTRELL & LEONARIDe 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Bakers of the CArS and GOWNo, to University of Michigan, UsI Chicago, 07.01 Minnesota, Corseil, Lehigh, U of Penn- sleania, narvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, etc. Class contracts a specialty. LMES' LIVERY, 515 East Liberty St. BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. ' 98 MICHICANENSIAN ! THE PRIZE ANNUAL --AT-- Main Hall, Tappan Hall and Law Building.