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May 05, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-05-05

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At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our. ..."
Suitings, Trouserings,

Palmer's Pharmacy
.IS NOW----
Wilder's Pharmacy
The store is undergoing a
thorough renovation, and
the stock is being sorted
and increased. Precsrip-
tions a specialty.
Geo. P. Wilder.

Jist received a fresh sppiy of Allegretti, and.
Wilians and Wersers Chocolates. Largest line'
in the city+
Lunches at all hours,
C o
308 south state Street.
There is.
No disappointment in our
Soda Water. There is
plenty of euldness and
satisfaction. Have you
noticed that even on cool
days, .people often have
to wait-their turn? They
don't do that at any other
foustait. Our soda
water is right.
300EST 0R

It Was Won by Hannan.
The finals in the punting contest
came off yesterday. The contestants
were marked on form, accuracy and
distance. Hannan won first place, with
an average punt of 144 feet and average
drop kick of 137 fet. Caley won second
prize and Smith, '98, third. Each con-
testant had several trials and an aver-
age was then taken. The trials were
made across a strong wind, and taking
this into consideration were very good.
The results were very close, all of the
contestants showing up well, Smith, the
third man, especially. The prizes have
not yet been presented but will be soon.
The judges were Nate Duffy, John
Duffy and E. P. De Pont.
Whist Club Cracks.
The following out of town men will
be present at the Whist Club tourna-
ment and banquet this evening. From
Toledo, Captain Mathias-and brother,
champion pair of the United States;
Tracy Barnes, editor of the Whist de-
partment of the Toledo Blade, and C.
L. Curtis, also of the Blade. From the
Detroit Felloweraft Club, Geo. Heigho,
J. Somers and Dr. Carrier. From Jack-
son, Buffington, Knight, Middaugh and
Johnson, the team which won the
trophy at the recent state meet. in
Grand Rapids. Eight cracks will be
up from Ypsilanti. Play will begin at
7:15 sharp and continue three hours,
when the club will banquet, No mem-
ber of the Whist Club can afford to
be absent and miss the opportunity of
playing with such distinguished whist
More Men Enlisted.
Company G, of the Second Regiment,
M. N. G., is composed almost entirely
of Michigan alumni from Grand Rap-
ids. At the call for troops this com-
pany was immediately formed among
the Grand Rapids boys, most of whom
are college men and especially from the
U. of M. E. Berkey Jones, of the class
of '99, is captain of the company. At
college Mr. Jones was popular and well
known throughout' the University.
Corporal Loomis, until recently a stu-
dent at the University, came down from
Island Lake' Tuesday to recruit men

Co. A., U. of M. Rifles.
Company A U. of M. Rifles, Wm.
Magley, captain, is drilling hard each
evening and is rapidly getting into
shape. All the members are big men,
the requirements being that all men
must be over 5 feet 8 inches and weigh
over 140 pounds. At the drill last night
Geo. Wilson was elected second heuten-
ant. A few vacancies are open, and all
men coming within the requirements
and who mean business are invited to
meet with the company tomorrow even-
tig at 7 o'clock in front of University
Hall and make application to the cap-
tain. The company are tr3 ing t o make
theirs the best drilled one on the camp-
us, and for this reascn only men who
will take an interest in the plans are
invited to join.
Interesting Experiments.
Professor Frederick G. Novy, of the
medical department of the Univerity,
has been conducting an important ser-
ies' of experiments for several months,
to test the comparative values of ordin-
ary sulphur fumigation and formalin.
More than twenty-six trials in the dis-
infection of rooms have been made, and
upon twenty different kinds of disease
germs, 5,000 specimens of these being
used in the experiments. The results
have led Dr. Novy to conclude that sul-
phur fumigation as ordinarily practiced
is incapable of destroying the germs of
tuberculosis, and also spores of germs
such as those which produce anthrax
and lockjaw. The sulphur fumes when
wet will, however, destroy diphtheria
and typhoid germs. Fornialin, on the
other hand, if wet will destroy all kinds
of organisms, including those of tuber-
culosis. If used dry, it exterminates
most of the ordinary germs, such as
those of diphtheria, glanders, cholera
and pneumonia.
'A simple and very inexpensive ap-
paratus has been devised by Dr. Novy
for disinfecting rooms with formalin by
distilling through the key hole. Five
fluid ounces of commercial formalin,
when distilled into a room, are suffi-
cient to disinfect each 1,000 cubic feet
of air space in ten hours or less. The
apparatus-Is effective in rooms of any
size, and as it works under the direct
observation of the operator, there is no
danger from fire. 'A full account of
these experiments and the conclusions
of Dr. Novy will be published by the
State Bcard of Health in a few weeks.
Naval Reserves Enlisted.
James Pell, with a squad of six men,
left Tuesday for Norfolk, Va., to join
the Detroit Naval Reserves. The men
taken were Judson, Pottinger Brown,
Ammermon, Chandler and Wetz. They
wer.e joined at Detroit by Loomis,

Prof. Gardner Coming.
The lecture by Prof. Percy Gardner,
of Oxford, next Saturday evening will
be one of unusual interest. His subject
is "Archaeology in its Relation to His-
tory." The lecture will be illustrated
with stereopticon views and is free to
the public., Professor Gardner holds
the same place in England that Dr.
Doerpfeld holds in Germany. He is well
known as an authority on archaeolog-
ical matters, and is the author of
"Sculptured Tombs of Hellas," "New
Chapters in Greek History, "Numis-
matic Commentary on Pausanias" and
in collaboration with Mr. Jevons, "A
Manual of Greek Antiquities
Professor Gardner was formerly Dis-
ney Professor of Archaeology at Cam-
bridge, but was called to Oxford in 1887
to take the Linton and Mtrton chair
of Classical Arachaeology and Art.
He comes here from Ithaca. Before
that he had delivered lectures at Johns
Hopkins, Harvard, Yale, Princeton and
the tUniversity of Pennsylvania. From
here he returns to New York for the
annuaj convention of the Archaeologic-
al Institute of America at Columbia,
and retraces his journey westward to
appear at Chicago and Madison.
Tennis Courts in Shape.
At last the 'Varsity tennis courts are
in shape for the players to start upon
their spring practice. New clay has.
been drawn and so placed on the
grounds as to make them far superior
to their condition of last fall. The
courts are thus drained and so pre;ted
that the players will be bothered very
little by rains and wet weather as last
Manager Herrick has been arranging
for the dual tennis meet with Chicago,
but as yet the date for the contest is.
uncertain. In spite of the other causes
for interest an excitement the tennis
men are enthusiastic and anxious to
begin practice, for since Bond is no
longer playing with Chicago Michigan's
chances in the Western Intercollegiate
tournament are excellent'as well as the
dual meet with Chicago.
Base Bail Schedule.
Michigan's baseball schedule for the
remainder of the season is as follows:
May 7, Illinois.
May 11, Chicago.
May 14, Dixon.
. May 16, DePauw.
May 19, at Chicago.
May 21, at Illinois.
Mray 23, Kalamazoo.
May 26, Beloit,
May 28, at Chicago.
LMay S,opso.
r June2,open.
June 4, Northwestern.
June 9, Notre Dame.
June 11, Chicago.
June 15, at Cornell.
t A pupils' recital will be given in
;Frieze Memorial Hall Friday, May G,

A good Base Ball and Bat is just
the thing to develope your


We have every varity from 5c
to $1.25.
Sporting Goods of all kinds.
Base Ball Suits made to7order.
Prices are rig t.

from among the students for meiber-
ship in Company G, known as the
Grand Rapids Company. He took back
with him last night H. P. Bowen, C. C.
Wallin and several other young men.
Corporal Loomis was again in town
yesterday recruiting troops, and about
ten more, all students, accompanied
him to Island Lake.
The April issue of the Teachers' San-
itary Bulletin consists ofian exhaustive

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