VOL. VIII. No. 159. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our..-- - Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN Palmer's Pharmacy .----.IS NOW----- Wilder's Pharmacy The store is undergoing a thorougih renovation, and the stock is being sorted ) a I and increased. Precsrip- tions a specialty. Geo. P. Wilder. I '' c I 1 1 I 1 J i 1 j TODAY'S GAME. Senator Ingalls, of Kansas. Those on Summary of Students For 1897-98 delivery are: Judge Wood, of Indian- apols; Judge Baker, of Indianapolis, The following statistics regarding First of Our Series With Chicago and a third gentleman whose name has University of Michigan students are This Afternoon. not yet been announced. from advanced sheets of the Calendar. Mr. Ferdinand W. Peck, the donor of The Calendar itself will be issued about This afternoon Michigan meets Chi- the Peck testimonial of $100 and $50 re- the first of May. cago, her foremost rival in natters ath- spectively, will preside at the contest. DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE, letic, in the first of a series of five SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. games, and the usual hard fought con- May Festival Handbook. Holder of Fellowship... test may be expected. Chicagohas Th prgrResident Graduates. ..... 70 The official program for the May Fes- Candidates for an advanced de- thus far this season played only two tival, prepared by Professor Stanley, of gree enrolled in other depart- opposed- the University, is to be a valuable Graduates . i. .3b i Northwestern and Beloit, defeating handbook for the concerts. Its 48 pages Undergraduates: Candidates for a Degree....1093 both, Northwestern 10 to 3 and Beloit contain the complete libretta of the Students notrCandidates for a- 4 to 3. Michigan defeated Northwest- "Flying Dutchman" and of Verdi Degree-........ .... . Sod .Flin 7Dttchmandand of Veadd was bea64 ecu 7 to 2 and1StSo 4, and woo beaten "Manzoni Requiem;" the latter in both 1333 ty Beloit 5 to 2. These scores show that Latin and English. Analyses of all the DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING. the two teams are most evenly matched principal worko performed at the Fes- and as each has a percentage of 1000 tial will be given, illustrated by their Undergraduates s27 in the Western Intercollegiate League 7usical themes. Among these are the race today the game is an important motifs of Professor 2Stanley's Sym- D77 one. phonic poem to be performed for the SURGEY. The Maroon team left Chicago yes- fit time at the Festi. This pro-SURGERY. terday afternoon and spent last night Resident Graduates...4 eoutcngcsgram-book contains also portraits of all Fourth Year Students ... 77 the soloists of the Festival, and of the Third Year Students.... 03 this morning. They took light practice mkSecond Year tdents.. .313 wratJcsnerytilomn.cotmposers whote ssorks they perform, First Tear Students. .. 33 namely, Wagner, Verdi, Tsc'aikowski, *Students enrolled in other depart- Michigan's work yesterday afternoon -ients of the University: was all that could be desired, and the First Year Students in Medicine 16 players will enter the game in good Few Turn Out. ..- 437 PIPE SALEI FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and Williams and Werners Chocolates. Largest line la the city. Lunches at all hours. R. B. JOLLY & CO. 308 South State Street. There is No disapointment in our Soda ater. There is plenty of coldness and satisfaction. Have you noticed that even on cool days, people often have to wait their turn? They don't do that at any other f,)ultai.. Our soda water is right. condition. Following yell masters have been appointed and the cheering will be systematic: A. L. C. Atkinson, Ralph Page, Sig. Loeb, James Pell, Ferris Stevens, S. Neal, Bill Day, P. W. Jones, S. Stein. These will come early and meet 'Ur. Atkinson at the gate. The teams will line up as follows: IMichgan Chicago Lunn. '...--catcher.----..--..Gardner Miller...-..- ----..pitcher.-............--..Smith Condons-------------st base---.----Kennedy Cooley-------------2d base .----.--.......Clarke, Gilbert ash stoprt - ernon W~of----------dbase- .-----Merrifield Matteson------left field.------Suthard McGinnis.---- middle- ersehberger Butler---..----..-right field .---Sawyer Game will be called promptly at 4 o'clock. League Oratorical Contest. I m o o a t, ,,,, ,,, a e , The response to Pres. Weinstein's call for a meeting of the Athletic Asso- ciation was not of an encouraging na- ture. The call was made that steps! could be taken toward suppressing the personal remarks to and about visiting players, which were noticable in last Saturday's game. About fifteen were present, but as the number was entire- ly too small for the purpose the object of the meeting was defeated. Those who did go, however, were urged to help suppress this objectionable kir- of rooting, and all expressed themselves as being in hearty sympathy with the movement. Class Base Ball. ', r t a I oLThecighthunualconueutin sue The meeting of class baseball manag- Northern Oratorical League will be held I era and captains, wvhich was to be held next Friday evening, May 6, at Evan- last evening, was postponed until next CA NS' PHARMACYr the auspices of North- Monday, probably at 5 o'cloc .All western Unversity. The contestig class managers ard captains are re- colleges will be represented as follows: quested to be present at that time as A No-rthwestern by,'Mr. Nesmith, who will the schedule will be arranged and other speak with "Maceo" as his subject; important matters taken up. Iowa State University by Mr. Wiliams, whose subject we do not know; Wis- Our Bicycle Men. cnsin by Mr. Fox, subject also un- .Michigan promises to be well repre- known; Oberlin by Mr. A. D. Long, on sented in the bicycle department of the A good Base Ball and Bat is just the subject, "Under the Throne of the track team this year. Eight candidates the thing to develope your Czars"; Chicago by Mr. C. V. Norton, report for practice evry afternoon at the fair ground track, which is in very good muscles, condition. Bush, of last year's team, ar in Politics"; Michigan by Mr. Charles is sick at his home in Battle Creek, and We have every varity from c Simons, who will use his "John Brown." will not be able to ride, but York and to $1.25. The only time that Michigan lost the Turner are out for practice and are Sportig Goods of alt kinds, league contest was aix years ago at showing up very well. Baldwin, of De- troit, who carried off most of the prizes Base Ball Suits made toord Evanston, whenNorthestern was the i last year's inter-scholastic meet, Is winner. The Evanston people are anx- another likely man. The candidates are Prices are right. ions to repeat their performance, and being trained by 'Harry B. Marsh, the contest promises to be a very In- ex-'99, who is also getting in trim for teresting one. his season's racing. W A1.rR'S, OOD K STORE The judges on thought and compost- icbigan va. Oicago at Regnta' Up Town Down Town tion are: Chancellor McLean;; of Ne- tield, Tueaday at 4 o'cl1ock. Admis- S. State t. Opposite otBouse ; k, 4Anhs-r. ai t. Il'braslca; Prof., Baker, of Macyard. and piQD, 'Q~o ent. DEPARTMENT OF LAW. Resident Graduates .... 4 Third Year Students ......... 213 Second Year Students ..... 244 First Year Students . .. .. . 251 Special Students .. .31 *Students enrolled in other depart- ments of the University .........22 763 SCHOOL OF PHARMACY. Resident Graduates .... 5 Undergraduates: Candidates for a Degree. .64 Students not Candidates for a De- gree....... 10 79 HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COL- LEGE. Resident Graduates .... .... 2 Fourth Year Students.,..........., 8 Third Year Students ...........,, 1 0 Second Year Students.... 3 First Year Students ............ 26 iStudenta enrolled in the Depart- ment of Literature Science and the Arts ........................ 2 61 COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY. Resident Graduates .............. 4 Seniors .. ,......... . ... . 55 Juniors ...........,................... 74 Freshm en .........................., 90 223 Total in all Departments ........ 3175 Deduct for names counted more than once ............,........... 61 Total, exclusive of Summer Schools ........................ 3114 SUMMER SCHOOLS OF 1897. In Department of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts ............. 185 In Department of Law .,.......... 40 223 Deduct for students enrolled in 1897-8 in some department of the University ....................... 116 109 Total, exclusive of Summer School . ......- .---- ...--.. . 3114 Grand total ...................... 3223 (Continued on Second page).