tIjc U, of inI VOL. VIII. No. 158. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTP. i At Wild's Spring selectionsjust arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Palmer's Pharmacy IS NOW. Wilder's Pharmacy The store is undergoing a thorough renovation, and the stock is being sorted and increased. Preosrp- tions aespecialty. Geo. P. Wilder. PIPE SALE! FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply cf Allgrettl, ad Williams snd Werners Chocolates. Larest line in the city. Lunches at all hours. R. E. JOLLY & 00. 3.5 South state Street. WHAT'S NEW? 1L-A folding Camera with plate holder and carry- ing case for $7.00. Takes a 4x5 picture. 2.-A 4x5 Plate Camera for $5.00. Takes good pic- ture, too. C LKIS' PHARMACY. 300E$T 0O lLE A good Base Ball and Bat is just the thing to develope your muscles., We have every varity from 5c to $125. Sporting Goods of all kinds. Base Ball Suits made toorder. Prices are right. WAHR'WO0OK STORE Up Tew . Down Town S. State at. Opposite ourt~ouse &AnnAror_ Main st 'VARSITY WINS EASILY. Northwestern Defeated Saturday; by the Score '15 to 4. The standing of the four teams in the Wetsern Intercollegiate League to date is as follows: Played. Wu. Lost. Percentage. Michigan-3 3 3 1000 chiceac-1___ 01 0 If. Illiniss-.2 OH500. Northwestern3 0 3 000. The game with Northwestern Univer- sity Saturday resulted in an easy vic- tory for the 'Varsity, the score stand- ing 15 to 4. The visitors presented their strongest front, with Hunter in the box, but were out-fielded and out-batted at all times. They were woefully lacking in team Work and for the most part played listlessly. Lehr pitched for -the Varsity and was in great form. He was steady and effective throughout. His opponents found his speed too much for them and ten fanned out. The hits made off his delivery were well scat- tered. The support given him was, af- ter the first inning, of the best, and the good plays were repeatedly cheered. For Northwestern, Ashcraft and- Cap- taminMiller excelled in the field, and Brown, Hunter and Miller at the bat. Saunders succumbed to Lehr's speed and, curves four times in as many times at bat and Ashraft three times. Besides Lehr's pitching, Lunn's work at backstop and that of Cooley at sec- ond, Gilbert-at short and Wolf at third stood out most prominently. At the bat Lehr and Butler each secured three hits and McGinnis got two, one a three- bagger. Northwestern scored one in the first on a passed ball and errors by Cooley and Gilbert. In the second Miller sin- gled. Sabin hit a hot one to Wolf, who made a fine stop and retired Miller at second. Sabin stole second and went to third on a wild pitch. Ashcraft struck out and White put op a foul fly which Lunn captured after a desperate run. In the third Brown doubled and scored on Hunter's single. For the next five inings only one man got as far as third base. In the ninth Miller reached first on an error and stole second. Sab- in filed out toCooley, Asheraft struck out Lehr let up on his speed, and White and Brown got hits which scored two runs. Michigan failed to score in the first, but two hits, three errors and two stolen bases scored two in the second. In the fifth ten men came to bat and six scored. McGinnis tallied in the. next, Wolf bringing him in with a single af- ter he had tripled to right. The seventh was productive of six runs, bringing the total up to 15. Michigan's work on the bases was a feature of this inning. No runs came in the eighth and ninth. The grounds were in very poor condi- tion. They had been rolled, but in. a -manner that left gutters and ridges all over, and to this. is due several of the (Continued on Second page). Chicago Wins at Phladelphia. As the result of a foul committed by Hoffman, of Pennsylvania,'Chicago won first place in the mile championship re- lay race at Philadelphia Saturday, and Michigan took second honors. Penn- sylvania took third. Georgetown was originally entered but failed to appear. The greatest interest centered in this race because of the fact that two west- ern teams were entered. In the first quarter Bastian (Penn.) took the lead and maintained it till turning into the stretch, when Burroughs (Chicago) overtook him and beat him to the tape by five yards. Thompson (Michigan) was six yards behind Bastian. Time, Bf seconds. In the second quarter, 'air (Chicago) lead all the way and won ten yards ahead of Wilson (Penn.). Hayes was Michigan's representative in this quar- ter. Time, 51 2-5 seconds. The third quarter resulted in a neck- and-neck finish between Tewkesbury (Penn.) and Maloney (Chicago). Teet- zel ran for Michigan. Time, 52 seconds. The runners in the last quarter were Hoffman (Penn.), White (Chicago) and Hatch (Michigan). The race was a des- perate one between the former two, but Hoffman finished five yards ahead of White in the fast time of :51. Hatch was five yards behind White. At the start of the last lap it appeared that Hoffman had jostled White while at- tempting to pass him. Before the ref- eree had time to render a decisio in the matter Pennsylvania generously acknowledged the foul, an act most sportsmanlike. It was thoroughly ap- preciated by the large audience present. In the field events two intercollegiate records were broken. McCracken (Penn.) threw the hammer 139 feet 9 inches, and Remington (Penn.) made a broad jump of 23 feet 4 inches. Meeting of Athletic Aossocaton. A meeting of all members of the Athletic Association will be held this afternoon to make some necessary ar- rangements for the Chicago game. Much comment has been aroused over the action of several students in jeer- ing the members of the visiting team In Saturday's game, and one of the objects of the meeting is to prevent, if possible, any repetition of such conduct in to- morrow's game. Every member is re- quested to be present at 4 o'clock in Room C, University Hall. Dr. Herdman, of the medical facuity, will deliver a lecture this evening on' "Vitality in Therapeutics." This lecture is one of the special series announced in the Calendar for the medical depart- ment. It will be given at 8 o'clock in the lower lecture room of the medical building. Michigan vs Chicago at Regents' Field, Tuesday at 4 o'clock. Admis- sion, 50 cents. MICHIGANENSIAN. The Long Looked for Annual Will be Out Tomorrow. The '98 Michiganensian will be on sale tomorrow. The appearance of this year's Annual has been looked forward to with a great amount of interest, and it is certain to more than fulfill expect- ations. In form this year's volume is like that of the former Castalians and Pallai- ums, 8x10, but it is much thicker, con- taining over 400 pages. It is houid in olive green art canvass stamped with gold, Tise cover design is a vgl ne and was designed by a professional Chi- cago artist. The publication is dedicat- ed to Acting-President Hutchins, and for a frontispiece contains a steel Eo- graving of him. Prof. Knowlton con- tributes a short biography of Professor Hutchins. Lack of space today makes it im- possible to give an extensive review. The leading articles are: "In College Days," Harold M. Bowman; "Regents," "Faculty," this is the leading feature of the annual, it being illustrated with half-tone cuts of all the professors of the University, with short sketches of each; "Senior Statistics"; "Athletics"; "The College Man in Politics," a sym- posium by prominent men of the na- tion; "Sister Mary," prize story .y Katharine H. Brown; "Getting Estab- lished in Practice," Prof. Floyd R. Mechem; "La Senorita," a Mexican sketch by S. L. Tatum; "Publications," "Music," "Two Egyptian Universities," by President James B. Angell; "The Selection of a Location for Practicing Law," by the'chief justices of states from all parts of the country; "A Ser- enade," prize poem by C. Fred Gauss; "A Going-In Party," by Sara Spencer Browne; "The Woman's League," by Juliet M. Butler; "The Professor's Love Story," by Harold M. Bowman; "Pass- ing," C. Fred Gauss; "Organizations"; "Fraternities"; "Lawyer's Fees," by Hon. Levi T. Griffin; "The Sentinel," by T. M. Marshall. The publication is profusely illustrat- ed with half-tones, and original draw- ings by the best artists connected with the University, including Rob Wagner, J. A. Bardin, C. L. Emmons, R. R. Mc- George, Standish Backus, G. S. Ben- son, R. R. Latimer, J. E. Lawless and I. De Young. The engraving for the annual was done by E. A. Wright & Co., of ?hila- delphia, and the printing and binding by the Inland Press, of Ann Arbor. Meeting of the Athletic Association at 4 o'clock today in Room 0 to make arrangements for the Chicago game Tuesday. AUlmembers be present. H. L HEINSTN.