w. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. t. f' Yesterday'sPrcie ;Te'varsity el'een lid tile best Published Daily (Suotlays excepted) daringfiiie oisoie eaniiys the College year, at stay's lricte with the Normalti et THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Tesfniesokwsgotas OFriCE: Times building, 329 S. Main St. be- lie Norittes wire no nleli. tween Liberty and William Sts. the ;=>lb nte of lilay the 's-ar- MANAGING EDITOR sorest sine lotielidown by spslendiid J. IF. THOMaAS, 'S0 L. terferee, line tiuekinig ant-iniiex" B3USINES3S MANA.GE11I lent rsni if :30 yards bsy (tata ini He 0. II. liANS, 'SO L. ainila, goal froiiinitdfroiiithe 355 ys EDITORS line !by 11aiiiisii. The l alferos It. ii. SansMAx, 'tO L., Athiletics,. rudto' ls a ge~l E. L. GEIS31eas, 1:)3L - - Monday aon tr ts a ral BUTsEs LAMB, 'so, - - - Tuesday Prov'ed. Bennett aid Tieteail'g. G. D. iituxrvr, 'SO, - Wednesday itlsiyed oil the enids and both slidi b ~. B W~ilionw,'so - - Thusdayteewilk 'ilthle defensive, lie foi A. A CsrEss, 'S,- - - - SFtrday I. A CAPBEL, 0, Saurdy leise sdui t t tier were aftie tarl1 iiil'.iiositins, she wo-rk of itie'fori The subscription peter of the Daily is $.50 thlies t-slg lategoodassiw al fur the college year, with a regular delivery haoftn sierwslw. ts befure soon each day. Notices, communica- asit Onosy at g Lions, and other matter intended for publica-isragnso 51 lion must he handed is at the Dlaily office be- kn goosd foriii 011( played lisril, St fuse 5 p.,in., or mailed to the editor before 3i p. in., of the day previous to that 00 which ias' at refue, sdisdsell sit ulfensi thev are expected to appear.btwa nosueith a ba Subscriotios may be left at The Daily 1u ~i ilsis nteca it Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or 'faleolt aidssiiteliards at quarter wi with Business M51anager. Suberibers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this ,,teady. "at'atitn Hogg, Ottisirt i] office ass failure of carriers to deliver paper. l'ntsg'iS sill ilsaye'dlill sldili fousui 'Fur epia of senling itrofessors to haslf. -Nut unse sisos the 'vanrity'sgi sperak liefore lihe' vtrios sfarniers' n itidaiger. stiti's to li e lsd ill the stsite sliiig Teliii rsst sruilis seoredil iedl o the witeri is an excellent oils'. 'Thi'tll thie secsndsc srtils iinisrsieit grieat tirsible lierelsifure hissaltsatys lodiiii idliithe frisk fisin Ikhe bhi iiihei prejudie of lthe fsrins'rs; tirdsiisue a i n tic ae isle orf iii' o. agailist tue 1-ivsersit~y his loss been cre''sditsilili performianee. tookis-si shownil repeahtedlly andl if thits ltton usr- sl tou at in the signsal psractie't sowessit, the ,soeuewill ihavli's'een1noti inte work, Witounlk, ashi s irovei's toaltsalle. 'hte iieiibersof bacekfrontiii llipis-Exeteru, swas olt f, tle fsac'lty wtho haieueIsen a 'lisen lihetrorstti'. sliolsiirealic" lie rspsoiibility 'rest- Saturday's Game. tug lipoi thiemi siini ake c'arseful prepi- airationutfor liii'adsiresses they sirelt Saturdlay', ganme' withi Itle (Ouhi si deliveir. Illsisersity still be'anstlor lose eli list iflii'eilepots of teisreliniinsi 't'eis ttudsents of she inivstiy of stork is si.scriterioii. 'liy ihis-' be( Mis'liigsn an' alile t appires-iite a goodisisliossingbet tefoiriiiin lpraetie lri itinig.' 'utois isprovedilibytt'esale of atany Itimla st year ansi ilsyetlis reservs-ie sats for the S. L. A, cousie.i'.1hioW(elysu's to a tie"biankussri Last iiighit lulltiftty seastsst-i-ri' ls'ft si tint-riiiilis'heseaison. Thie'gr~esutly il Palmse'" ansd sverythuing but rottsA, lwovsedl stork if thii'varrsityshiownitl BI ansi (' Wss-ssone sit W'sur's, dslissin lo flt'ii s-Promises the Oioi te, tow-i.,'Plg proc-eeds Of liha s-iire'sal le ia'sihiarde'i'gameli'thawi that lilt u Nvas$350, over $101miotret' litl ithe againlst t hi' W'eleyunsisist ,O8tii-sa; lurst iay's sale last year'. 'lls'tboair'i iso iiueh get)iidtiosee its pilist' of 1(1 IN-'rsrui'trisss osi-rilg lis-iil-is, uau i i sn iitsofsitwioior more. Inirie sit 4 rallier t ~ivisisii street, proineniii'it ileil, thuts indsorsed. (DITERSHOES!T -OF- Everry Descriptionr Gymnasium Shoces. SEE OUR WIsN OW? BEAL'S SHiOE STORE, 109) N. M1afn Sireet. Opposite she Court Rouse. YOUNG MENS SUITS' f r 9 r wV AT $15.00 $18.00 AND $20.00 ottng Men are tho best frientds of the best clothing store because they are particular stuilents of dress. They catch at a glance the little differences betwseeii our clothing and the ordinai'y ready made. Double and Single-Breasted Sack Suits in every Fashionable Fabric for Fashionable People. liil y. Single admnissions will he sold for each entertainment as follows: Nansen's Lecture---- Sousa, and His Band_ Gov. Robert L. Taylor..... Six Other Numbers ----- -$1.00 Reserved Seat 10 eevdSa -.75 Reserved Seat. -.75 Reserved Seat_ -$1.50 --.75 No Tennis sails. stItstabt lt i' imeyireiv f dteciidetidi 'ilit i-i' rs' t'hiei erhoofteniitst (ll lstv ii' ot yt. bsegir foms~rssailts I nt bei piostponed. as thser' airi ho isliis I Ol11 fill stil, ini Anin Airor sit tiii bssie bee'sn loosket iflter; thie -csurts sre hastie ibes'n nissis' anis the prizes idoiat- iii. Ilht ;is Otdt sty of iiie houlit mnll liie enire ii rst rotuidi o irhst visiss stiugi's suhid thei irih-'inhish't rissul of seconds elss stigles still tbe pilad No dosiuli acuhte' sire shi'ed- ued. J'riliu ileisuls wtithi thie s~nirsitug niuid its)isit liii'oirizi's s il bei disstiued on thei 4grsuuuis. a 'Tos this te'iinis i'iiuinusiast lie sisvv- ii's- gts ersit sdelighit. Ii thei first sciu-s sinugles Rus,!sell, SI. Dsiiifisrt, Itipley sans I isus ai's in the upiter Ill, st-itle ini ths lows--r hsaif "Ire It. Rttiforti, S-srset', 'Mei' .11i( (tote, Its dosutiles tore tetu 1Dee, sihis R. Dsia- fosi's i, aiid Heurrice .ore in the 001p hlil sof the d~rawsing s; in lie isottotut haslf E1n retRusell solid fiisley, asnd SO, Dais-j forth and tLambt. 1flitPI+. N1i-urs sesirabsuhite o'if u0 1ssi i wsithIs stsulissuaut-bowlsiss- 55lh t andti icold sl r te; host wst'st h esstiug; tustls. Iusiuire sah 4't) S.IDiviioni t. ST. THOMAS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CONDUCTED BY THE OF THlE MONROE =CONVENT Piano Forte, Vocal Cnltntre, Mandolin, Gnitar, Violin, Banjo, Harmony, C>onnter'- poilut tind General Musical Theory. Studly of Harp, ADDRESS, ST, THOMAS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, ELIZABETH STIRET. SAVE YOUR MONEY BY SECURFING A SEASON TICKET. Season 'Tickets, $2.00 Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .5O ui'ts and vercoats Bought before the recent rise in the tariff in- ' sures you the best for the least money. WE H1AVE "THE-IM. Cutting9 Reyer & Co. 201 and 203 South Main Street. t = Ann Arbor, flich i B y a godd leeking "u. of W." F:L ulONLY 5vc. WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler SHOES SUCH AS SOLD BY US 'rhey are She lnxnries of shooedoim,Sloe "elixir of life" to weary feet. It's nnjnst to your feet So do withoout them. 'WMl. J. APRILL. f19 EAST WASHINGTON STREET.