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April 28, 1898 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-04-28

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TieCornel Shoe W.. BOO , Pres. W. A orNOLt, Vis.ce-pro
IIil e y !The Minister Shoe Stte - SaVIls - Bail,
Transacts a general Banking busi
The best shoe made -
Cor. Main and Huron Streets.
, " OO D~w7 E IET""'S. ,Capital, $30,00. Surplus, $30,00. Transact a
- \.1J L 1 Lgeneral baking business.
" RK asPr, Pres. C. E. GRaENE, Vice-Pres
IFD. i. BELSER Cashier.
/ /Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, 150,000.
/ /... . . .,.Resources, $1,100,000.
Oranized under the General BankingLaws
ofthis teo. Rceivesdeposite, buys and
\ r fsells ochessgo onthe p~ncllpaI cities ofthe
United t Sta.o raits cashed upon proper
idenaL cation. Safety deposit boxes to rent.
Orrinus: Christian Mark Pres.; W. D
110E, WASHINGTON ST. -u- "Harriman, Vice-Pros.; Chas E. iscock,
E STAtHI . STAnn Arbor MichC Cashier: . J.Frito Assistant Cashier.
B IVof Ann Abor
HO .DRIN ERS F CO FEEUpitai, 100000. Surplus and Pret, 40,000
LARGEST SHOW ING Tranats a general bankin .urnish
LARESpSHWIGetters of credit.
NEWEST FANCIES I Dean & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of thirty years experience E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SULE
in roasting coffee, and produces in the cup a beverage of golden S. W. CLAVSON. Cashier
In Hats, Flowers, Plumes, color and unsurpassing flavor. We sell this coffee at 25c per pound
and venture the statement that no better or more delicious coffee ! H1 MAOR?&O
Ribbons, Feathers, Orna can be had at any price. * *
ments, Etc., selected by our The Artistic deorators
trimmer in New York, under DEAN & OO M PANY. Have a complete line of
whose direction hats and bon- 214 South Main Street. Wail Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
nets sold are trimmed: IShades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
Do you want to see all the cago-Michigan ebate. coming to the lniversity of Chicago, be Specialty of fine interior decorating
latetor ctiatsee althhas continued his work in oratory, be- painting, frescoing, tintingand paper
latest, correct ideas, of Spring The Michigan debating team which ing chosen orator of the Forum Litecary flanging. Only the best of workmen
Millinery? Visit this depart- will meet Chicago in University Hal Club, amd declared winner of the senior enployed. Work guaranteed.
ment, 2d floor, this week. Friday night is practicing daily in prep- debate. He is presidente of the senior
aration for the event. Very marked class and a n ember of the Sigma Nu The Artistic Decortor,
improvement has been shown by every TeAtsrnety.
one of the men. The order in which the Edwaid M. Baker tas hotnin Eie
Michigan men will speak will probably Pa.,linl17. te graduated fro the
be Berkible, Whitman, Dillon, with high school there in 1893, and cxpeKt to
Berkible for rebuttal. Several difficul- Chicago this LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S
ties have been encountered by the men, han had quite extended practice so era-
the chief of which being that each man torica and literary work. He waTAILOR
itosekon the opposite ie from
chosen one of the Chicago representa- Latest Novelties in Winter
that which he took in the final and all lives in the Chicago-Iowa debate in '0, and Spring Garments.
preliminary debates. The men are not and was a prize winner in the senior de-
at all disheartened, however, and feel bate this year. He is an essociate ed- COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
WRGTW ETERS4c0. confident that they will be able to do ior of the Cap and Gown, and is chair- One block west of University.
ROCHESTERNY their best. A new feature will be e man of the executive committee of the
in the debate in the shape of a chart
upon which wibewltten the subject On Watches, Diamonds, Wheels or other Per-
Amos A. Ebersole was born in Sterl- sual Property.
and the main provisions of the treaty g, Ill., in 189. He attended the publi ATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED.
to be discussed. It is expected that this schl, there graduating from the high c at residence, 1 LibertySt.Ann Ar-
will not only help the debaters on both .r- 8 to 11:30 a. m. and 1 to n:30 adta9 ou
I chool in 189. He ten became a teach- Jtl:0~hnl osephand Wtt s.
sides but will also help the judges and er in Whiteside Co., where he remained . Bargains in Second-hand Watches and Dia-
the audience to understand the eues- for three years. He first entered the
the Latt ion better and take more terestirUniversity of Chicago in 1895, remaining
n the discussion.
ortbng but the Ordinary dcthere a year. In 1894 he won the state
The Daily has boon sent a oso hi.- prohibition oratorical contest, held at
We are showing the largest and tory of the careers of the three Chicag Kalamazoe, Michigan, and at Staten Is-
most cormplete line of men, which follows: land, New York, he won the inter-state
John Franklin Hagey was born in contest given by the Natinal Prohibi
Davenport, Iowa, in 1877. He attended tion Society. He has done considerable
D n t w i0 ean work in Chicago, being on the winning
the public schools of that place, grad- team of the senioe debate this year. He
uating with honors from the Davenport is twenty-nine years old, being the old-
Spring High School in the class of '94. He took est man on the Chicago teamN 4 t
part in the several debates in the high 1901 baaeball candidates moet in Room
T t o school, representing the school in sev- C, University Hall, Thursday, April :,D A N D LIN
eral inter-high school contests. Since at 4 p. n, to elect a captan.
The Washburn is the one and only
SEE OUR $3100 SHOES IN BLACK 'EC .I CEE s ymake ofworld-wide reputation. Sold
by first-las dealers everywhere from
SsB5.oo upward. Imitated extensively,
BR TAN, VESTING TOPS. Made especially for us. They consist so be sure that the name "Geore
of bright and dressy styles, many lines Washburn" is burned upon the insie.
A beautiful Wahburn Book contain-
but fewof each pattern. Our window ing portraits and letters from the De
Sce department, 1st floorwill show you the creams for $1.49. Reszkes, Calve, Eames, Nordica, Scal-
chi and too other famous artists and
S0 0.". teachers, mailed free upon request.
Address Dept. U,
M ACK. . .&..CO4:. Cr. WaBsh. Ae. td Ads..Si. Chisa.

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