THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAIL. A SWELL DISPLAY OF MEN'S WEAR We certainly have a very fine and carefully selected line of Furnishings for Men. Con- vince yourselves that we are THE BEST. Largest line of Fancy Hose in the city. Complete Department of Men's Underwear. The Best and Cheapest in Neckwear. Don't miss our $1.50 Gloves. A perfect guarantee in every pair. The swellest New York styles. MA0K & OMPANY. Those who said "rats" to the" An ArDor MusIc Co., 203-207 E.- Washington street, learned that even rats were some use in the world. In this case they helped to buy Canvas Guitar Cases at 9)c each by just gnaw- ing a' few slightly. Many of them absolutely perfect. For- mer price $2.0. ANN ARBOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 5, 189T. TIME TA BLE. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. NORTH. SOUTH. 8:43a.m . 7:30aM *12:15 p. m. 11:25 a. m. 4:460p. m. ,8:45p.m. *Rue between Ann Arbor and Toledo only E.S.GlI.MORE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A Toledo O. IGHIAAN ENTRAL The iiagara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. P. M. A. Ml Malland Ex.._347 BN. Y,Oh--9812 N.Y. Special.4358 Mail . 0918 'N. S x.imited-__8 10 Pacific Ex-1230 Eastern.Es. $ d_- 4..P. is, A. M5. Western Ex_. 1 38 D.N.Express.550 GR.&K.Ex--- 5 Atlantic Es..7.. 30 Chi. Nt.Ex Il. d4 G. R. Express .1310 *North Shore Limited is an extra fare train and thereis a charge of $210 to New York more than on other trains. 0. W EoGLEs, H. W. I-AYss, G. P. & T Agt ,Chicago. Agt.. Ann Arbor THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUSI DOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY In the only line from the Toledo Union' Station to Columbuo sod points beyond, using Union depot- terminals at Com bs and runs four fast exprss trains daily beeween the points named, two of them in the un-precedented time of three hours. Parlor cars on day trains, s~ats 25 cents Puman sleepers on night srais. Students d siring 'unequaled facilities are invited to use the Buckeye Route and nan obtain fli particulars on apprication to legal ticket agents,. E. It. DAVIDSON, Dist. Pass. Aent, oledo; or W. I. FISIgEIt, G. P.- and T. A. Columbu. Ohio. 91110 O 1CNTRAL blN N-ST TEE DIRECT LINE TO' KINDERGARTENia STEINS! Call and See Us, A whole window full. RENKOHIER, THE PHOTOGRAPHERLEA DING Telephone COU. ANN A 0IOJ Il E FULLER & BERANEK, TAILORS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for and delivered 31il S. STATE ST.. over nosey's. Phone No. 24, New State. CRANGER'S ACADEMY. SCHOOL OF DANCING. Private Lessons MR. OR MRS. ROSS GRANGER. BELL TELEPHONE 246. At the Theatre. Calendar. Roland Reed, in "A. Man of Ideas," April 29-Punting contest for Car- which he will present at the Athens row cup at :Regents Field. Theater next Tuesday evening, May 3, has struck a most congenial role and A preliminary notice of some work, the best play he has had in several promising to be very important, which Tears. Drs. Cushney and Wallace have been carrying on during the past winter, ap- The Iris which wvas Coken by lbs peared in a recent number of the Jour- junior engineers during the spring vaca- nal of the Boston Society of the Medical tion was a complete success. The cities Science. A full report of the work is visited were Niagara Falls, South Beth- now in preparation. lehem, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Pitts- burg, Pa., Cleveland, Ohio and Detroit. A practice game will be played this The party were fortunate enough to be afternoon with the Olivette College at Niagara Falls at the time of closing team. The Olivettes last year won the the steel arch, which is the largest in Michigan intercollegiate championship, the world. The trip was conducted by and this year's team is said to be Mr. G. R. Allen, instructor of mechanic- stronger than that of last. The 'Varsity al engineering, and the students who is in excellent form as a result of the took advantage of it were Wm. Arnold, spring trip and may be expected to '99 M; M. B. Beattie, '99 E; F. C. Borst, play fast ball. The admision has beet '98 M; F. P. Beach, '98 E; F. L. Browne, placed at 25 cents, which will insure a '99 M; W G. Chesebrough, '99 M; C. O. large attendance. Cook, '98 M; W. L. Cooper, '99 M; O. J. - Hall, '99 M; J. L. Horth, '99 M; A. C. NOTICE. Lindau, '89 M; W. M. McKee, '99 M; A. Candidates for the '99 baseball team J. Mayworm, '99 M; A. W. Norton, '00 report at the gymnasium at 4 p. m. to- M; 0. N. Rosen, '99 M; C. H. Thomas, day. P. W. JONES, Mngr. '98 M; G. -D. Wuerfel, '99 M; C. W. r Whitney, '99 M, and Mrs. L. H. Allen, All classes at Granger's wll meet as B. S., '93. usual. University School of Dancing STAVE STREET, OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING. Programe Party, with - Orchestra Music, every Saturday Evening. Private Lessons by appointment. Office, 427 Thompson st. 0. X. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. 200 FOURTH AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Residence, 302 Fifth Avenue. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS, Orders for all Fraternity parties, club dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Music Co. or at Residence,1710Ge ddes ave. P. S.- Will take pupils on Piano and in sight reading at above named Places, A. 3J.Johnston. U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath'Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs Old friends call again. We welcome new ones. J. lt. TROJANOWSKIL 1po Lowney's Chocolates -0G TO- W1 W. TU TLE'S, St ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. TO RENT. M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM One door east of American House. Both Phones, No. 8. suE L~ARGEST MANUFATRERSOFor Avt11LsIC ANs sCYCESUPESoAsp UNxtRMS IN THE WORLD. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The Name the Guarantee." Official Outfitters to the Leading College, Ath- letic Club and School Teams of the U. S. Every Requisite for Base Ball, Athletic Sports and Pastimes. The Spalding Official League Ball Adopted by National, Minor, College and School Leagues Base Ball Unlforms, Bats, Gloves, Mits, Chest Protectors, Shoes, Etc. THE SPALDING CHAINLESS BICYCLES . THE SPALDINC BLUE RACER (Chain) MODL THE SPALDING ROADWiIEEL ' LS Send for Ilustrated Catalogue of al. Athletic Sports. A. 6, SPALDING & BROS., New York - Chicago A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTnENT OF ;Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos 4 and Metronomes at 20 per cent off from our usual low - prices-this month. These Goods are all guaranteed.