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October 15, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-15

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. AN E"LOQUENT MAN Unity Club Program. social settlement Work.
B argailIs WllAperhnth S A n iit lubi opelit;; elitla Las .t 01)iilYthiroghlitheiieflorsor1s
Will Apper I the S. . A ca o n ilOct. 8, itti arrag tsil Prof. (rlniio T 1lor, of (ilio theti
madCers. i or1oneofth f o sit 1111w e S. (A. of thi is 'ivit y estblshedl
Ii ll'e olt..ls evr loffeied in A ru4 bor. sco-laorhip t lpu os of owh i is
. _I
iii 8rn Of ~trtoct c~loilitn li of lrillisiit er trr, ityho rave l l t iththtil'per o, ngligol
in te Sudets'Lecure 5,oistvu rn utU iither i t t 11and1kloldg t fileii'sothil ortiroiet twork of the
(-11111s5sou ' toil . 21. Ils Sbjet twill lstt' i ' dwl liiw ; 00menwioiaeI i t gll it' I 1 35 y ns if itis sol-
s. ''r b! Soing iii l't N ro Problem" ioh-n 10o he' listii li t-s, lirs of r hill Jciise K. Minden Pr)sidrt of
(,ri ale -ll i' ioroorl :a3is. c.. liii 11 and1 liiiolll pork, Bi i des O I t l h S. ( .A.. wo ennbhilI t senid
illt' eigt loist. oiiiof 01hich 5 a re igl tks ii igo, stu ying is
. ..STATE STREET, t1be nte dublylilt lnt r nih vrioss'101-101 siotslon. I. 1
S t ,rcptieout rcn Crn Icoplu c~ Diingth "' two imontsSi. at
Opposite Uiuvrsity FEtrance.o. i t jtit-linave 151' 11')) 10 rlnli - 1~ ~ I ,i .1 loalerrel illt t (hitgo
Socoisdhanil Books bough, sold i i.11.111'dlioIs hvllyt rtt s0(1ar- ~heudrokit cficrlinofoworkt
111? 1nge 1111 t11 e y will iottomplt i Wtll'iiicsk n ttiii ii f5 ih
and exoha£ngodi.FBOteafarw il h'ptoso thbtflinada ed le nrle-
LawV, Moal land t7i lloe Text- 11111('llt)inity Clubcourse (11 11 111 i t t- fots10of tlei t itudtiol a hyig 111110
botoks at cut pricesitll. 111'LilsiO ls ortt. uonhi1101st111y1of
CHEAEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR _ err',10r11 len lllll Il hot itd lee t11 oet ro'1' ~lI l t lit ('1111o 11,no 110as
plc. hePhii-pp-e 1la1111101hei 1a0lt e11'11 1 lo g 11)1a1111') 011 1111-i
'Ban Booksfl Io ii IinrlAottOIIIis not siumIwo.koir.
SOct.~N & U I in Ill 17h blly111110D., g 1,() 1ll lt -Isllhri sient: anl'.
_____Col____t,___will_________________the i Il) 111 Ot 111tcr1, ill hillnl 111' fnl the1)0 "''t01r il
wOols i-,117r11> lili ti N 511 o o Ibi. -i Aig. ho gb u w ll i I) lllr'o II'")1)chl.
ta escie Mat foI l 10 f N l tti-.es e -tg' '' all sio s-inlSit]. fir 'i- n 7bi.1 . lie' 811111111 . rtt ors. E, , llgogidsilteill reatr se o , ci il.)
fgnSadort i ndgwOOer 11-'; '11111ir1)1:- on hrid ofor' sed-i' o o'ns i f till isitn o S t. c si-ill 1 aid] - ' 11 11 11051 llleet~l r S 5'i tll 1 g ll
and Ov rcoa oirenl 11111- 1o1.i' pyof iot a tllil. i it Ill "'b' '00 fin l c-Fao." ogi- ']iieiefefr t h hcr' 'on
____________b illl 1' ileA lant1 l~uu. ois. 1-l 'iiiii (f "rs
P for r o v tetuir9 111. Ih ve l e1 our9 spine 8011 . 1x01in111'1is 1111the 5f 'ilit ilthe of lli'
NO 0 E A SINGTiNST NEAR M iN ntens e rb (Ls athinDthe 1-0-hi.ot 25.- orAn 'Itli111are'11 of O al''l 1100nfitted t-he'tll II f l':ll i d 111
1.11<; ition would be fully justified if Vec. (;-A popular enerta___n_- titof ar 'lilt.e Al leil.lo of ivllrw t' i'ern iiv.
W IL )I idno105mr( hi'ntri u nishoifew"Silod~ n oitry and011i souk1115 Soetiloll I t 1110 051'50eldrt110 r II ihcV '51 il
THOSE OBBY S ITS! lop~rnjt' f or 's110e-pry or go o011 il insic4liaents'. be 0'. rnllOf l l It 11beginnig 5tlto o i'l 2-
words clianno t fail 1111do 0l; li a den-510or{I'!his iii l'ii'tl'oiy, siillheenature l o i' 'the119' tll rehagll 1
foIW lad iterTAiLOR, aboe;andshfoe;wl ole rearw ittin iof lambig' Ma(1 sowtll t Drtsllsii 511111er1o of (1110 ws 1 rollege
d11 nost from your 900155 o t h 0Lhi0 lsiuct eumg, th melot. arouc'd (Irisl <1llor s-illpeol, r31
S ESut, T. ers n thopetandsurnau nun it ierriw a i )1t 91l 34.-R f. . irlolof I'111414- 11tined iny news'r d intel0110001iso
sixheto a nllu ery awle hladvanI t o,111111. e i f aile e tr e Oon r eas'111 'iole of S ivtheuh e li' appl)yIto
anIlre a i gs aeoffaredhu e a cidtalleb shiotto (1111 10 Be t o f a wil l . thehur ou woiog1011. u o f the. S.O C.uua l lrpti-l
111111strne indued. Janay.IiS tll.-trtal eveniunhue fs"iolo hcol s~utudy o1t sou ilu poleti s all nitdlytilt
Y.Hsor uts ew rallels Poot r yogud-Sftlon applcatX i on15of thIl uilhl, ofilfl re-u
TH OA'NOBoYSU Iin doyswas oe oite ad hopw v ig lur adr.- n H e gneasofr n aso nd Hae e
tdet sold tr s meore iughs i cera t ees-porIei bonda of o ub nurobl[1.Iet.aul'Selirlulln 'o k f b ost. e tief [e'il l t le u earl
main ay achse W a eplove. t a Moses. n owas re arerSigedUniesityllso lDectr o g srmlantlreitID'bS.te.rA.igou lur t-
boun t atisy an plese. o r a alae whe cWashingtnras rnil Ds'O1ante" wit'tulle, idthuof or'rnt-sf. niu 'inoirst ull atlrk
large stock Hof A Iand ,Me e wstevler faewh a oBto, rf raa alrwl eie
BS inS oRtE T extBoks ioredonuatasunaio n ti e.w Dpat Mrll (N Xkrcot, illabe'911r'tilaes; ii'r n Ne rrynol ualuiuiu lsosu-
evey epatmntin heUnveritdoayhre u narkca l e isonont-ilpre osinlewill uni on or the l ue s rs 2 jl il lu t"Tyue ubsvo iptio fan-
n w a s e o dh a n n a s u s ad e a f h e is m or al .aj e std lcsn n e ctIn . wol s. S a e y o u r u on e klu d g et t e n 110 a11."n w ll d f r y h
to ellatthelowstprHe.stat hlduskgeew Aaamael.towiuer oresscourste ou2ntrs ld le liesorv ed sholaSf rshipue forthlits
Blnrok ndU fM S api rs fBoe .W sigo. AtlIS Teewl ea"l ecleeer
tionery'atlw'prices. 1l5t th ay0stu dltsaedwsoki vnting"stsor $.tickdes0or sa h S eoml n teW .stilopu hn 1110re.
Make oustoresyour hadquarersed1 teowlesalvton and rduratbon oost resliano d iusBak. lulayrinst'rerponetaetrt
j agel so s' modrnouesissalgll o l lead n ogwrs yHla onego-01111al u r hs onnaiis tt' uhits
Wtdet A h'ldtOOKusTOefarn i acotof thedae of sl. i ySlAieboern,911umaS. A Cruook29 99 nd 90 He lie h pe
bund tostsyadps.Ora.paTowa eatorleWaingMaonws at-Ui- Vaugbapshlice, Danceha ofrkf nigtSnentorsWit.hao at Uni-ck
ev.r Start nt Oointe Con i ssversity da hrearktonigta8o'lock.sjsileadmsi onfy.te ohes23i vesit y i tonightolu8io lo c .ia

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