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April 15, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-04-15

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' i
.1v T-lts, -Flowers, Plumes,
Ribb -s Feathers, Orna-
muents c., selected by our
ftia r ine New Ytork, under
whe direction hats and bon-
ixetreidare "trimmed,
yo you want to see all the
t trrect ideas, of Spring
.°Visit this depart-'
3teRX, 2d floor, this week,
* -but tbe Latest
# i~tng but the OrefnArv

The Cornell Shoe
s ~The AMiniste
Six Models for 198 at :0.l'it).19
I t B[row)-n's 1Dmr

W,5. BOOM.L Preey. W. AnNOeeo, lob Vice-pres
J. V. SISEEHAN, 2U1 Vice-pres.
f JONC. WALL. Aat. Cashiepi
ar Shoe iSaeSaviii' Bdl.-
The est hoe ade t.'Transacts a general Banking busi

? i ~Capital, $50,000. Surplus, X30,000. Transacta
. general banking business.
R. tO aPr, Pres. C. E. Gao 'ut, Vice-Pres
r + FRED . H La SR Cashltr.
Capital Stork, 120,000. Surplus, $150,000.
Otesoarcet, l$,100,000.
Organized under the General tBankineaws
°' 1 /~' uf this State. tRereiren depositn, buyn and
- sells eschange on the principal citien of thn
United States. Draftn ranked upon proper
Miedir,-whle hey astat to. Ildentifiration. Safety deposit basers to rant.
llodlg, v~il thy lat at? :3t)' OrrICuns: Christian Mark tPreo.; W. Dt.
Cur :Alotsinsan HuoniHarrimne, Vire-Pres.; Chat E. Hiurork,
ig Store, Strerns. Cashier: 20.0J. Fritz Assistant Cashier.

QJ S W . KOLLAUF Capital, $100,000. Surplun and Profits, $405,000
Transarts a grneral banking business.
i Feegn exrhange bought asdusold. Furnish
letters of credit.
AWI% AWLla C .1. KtNNE, Pres. tiAttItSON SOULS,
TAIL~n IMVice Pres
S. W. CLAOOISON, Cashier
018 E. wASIIINCT ON ST, Ann Aror' Mih.i.TfH .MAJOR & CO.,
The Artiatic deorators
Hlave a complete line of
HO! DRINKERS OF COFFEE N ail Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
Shades, Roonm Mouldings, Etc.
Denr i Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of thirty years experienceI Specialty of fine interior decorating
in roastinn coffee, aud producer iiilitie cop a beveraige of itteldeni painting, frescoing, tintingand paper
color anti nsorpaesing fliavor. We sell this coffee at 25c per pound emanoing. OltebatoWork menrnted
and venture the statement that no better tsr more delicious coffee empoy. MAJORk guraneed
can be had at any price.C.I.M JR& O,
D BAN &ft OQtM. P AN-Y.The Artistic Decortor,
214 South Xain street.
lOpen Exercises in Womnens Oym terre ulsot eery well executled. 'Priw;K .. l
ITeewsalareinviled attensdance e IbseOtr lbseogtei~t--LADIES' AND GNTLEMEN 'S
{cat tie rupenexerciseesint hs- rotueno eeohourit eves omilteuianesa fttitcy csiii- j I
Gmaimyeteciay etrersnoetsat 41 ihots only sees gienby MiceslEdna ev r- F TAL OR
o'clocke. Thisevsosthe itst tepee: after- {one. The exercises tcocisttetl n-it rci etioetisi Wne
ntoun heldtOisersintc the Woen',.-,sbasket blliganse betenlieu tramsoteI adSrn amns
of the it-utasieeconsdiyeaor ltsero i ad2rn amns
Gyinnasitim proiperOtis bhen ssted, ottd thu gymnasiom. It ecciiied snr i.I
the excelleisce of Ike work by the tdif-e ech side scoring rite goal. The girls I COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
ferenstclonors as shownibyOthIe drill ys- I u-err very enthsthiastic tend iteqtient ly Oat block west of University.
terday wsas ci surpriasett every one. gave thteir clues andtOhter 0.- of M. yells.
ntegidmac Dihopndte tr.- Mosher expectt be able to ate-O I
In te gand arc whihoenedthenourisce another oenr seeling iio the""
program there u-err about 100 girls, letd near futetre whic h caistsrmocre 'ester- b issRlyan afrCti asal tedd entral Li e
foliowe -l et dumb-btii drill bsy a clots At Ike meeting of she Athlietic BotardlT. & 0. C. tty. K. & M5. S1y.
of 20; then cante Swedishi educaionial Tursday evening Carl M. Greet:n t TeOlySepigCraiebews
gytnasotics hy the entire number of elected manager of inter--schelastic ath- Toledo and Columbus.
girls. A frie ci caslees just lately les. Mr. Green is ott'99 literary stti The Only Sleeping or Drawing Room~
been organiezedl and att exhilsitiorwas dent and has done conisderable joursnal Car Line between Toledo, Columi-
seorts and will make an eficieestneon bus, and Marletta.
given by 12 girls. Thistecroted lies first for the place. :Inter--scholastic athletics 'Te Only Drawing Rhoom Car Line.
part of the peroerame. is one of the most important branches between Toledo, Colunmbus and
Part second was ct s sed by ae nietch, uf athltics in the Unitversity and a Charleston, W. Va.
commntutded by Mice Sny ee, instrucetor comnpetent man -is needed t pork this Pullman Sleepers between Coum-
to the front. Mr. Green, since lhe has bus and Chicago.
in the gymnasiune. The setaisy fine evu- shoewn hts ability in Ike past, wil 00- The Only Line with 4 trains each
lotions and the excelires t tne that wn doubtedly be a man worthy of the posni- way daily between: Toleda and
Iept catted fortth frequent hursts of ap- lion and advance the intereatsoif the Columbus.
plaune, and at the cenclesle n Miss Snsy- Untversity to a marked degree amongI The Only Line with 3 trains each
the various high schoolts of the state way on Sundays between Toledo
der was presented wsiths a large butich of Michstgan, and assiut the future an~d Columbus.
of American Bleauty roses. The Ama- teams of the Untverstty as0weit as the The Only Line with 5 trains each
zon series and pole drill vehichb followed nombers of our institution.- way daily between Toledo, Bowl-
____________________________________________ ing (reen and Findlay.
The Only Line with 2 trains eacia
LASTCALLway daily between Toledo and
Charleston, W. Va.
Befoe oenin ou sprng tocwe wll loseouttheThe Only Direct Line between Tole-
Befoe oenig ou sping; stck~e wll coseoutthe do and the Virginias.
following .fancy shirts at prices really uncalledl for. The popular line between Toledo.
- Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and
Full Percale Shirts, former price $2.0 Nwak
Percale Front,'white body 1.20 e J C a h Neak eaittorts ieu
Percale Front, white body 1.51c s c ulIfomto0rltv t ae, ieo
Percale Slirts, with Col. 'and cuff' 1lt00 tratas, etc., wilt be cheerfully furntshedd by
any agent of the Ohio Central Lines.
WAG~E~ & CO PANYMoultion Hlouk, G. P. A.,
.ss uth 11astn Street. - - - Funse. Toledo,,Ohio.

.eeesp fete line of


tm l1st floor.


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