THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D.ALL t 4t=A SWELL DISPLAY OF MEN'S WEAR--- We certainly have a very fine and carefully, selected line of Furnishings for M~en. Cn- vince yourselves that we are THE BEST. Largest line of Fancy Hose in the city. Complete Department of Men's Underwear. The Best and (Cheapest in Neckwear. Don't miss our $1.50 Gloves.,A perfect guarantee in every pair. The- swellest New York styles.______________________ ___ MA K & COMPIANY, KINDERGARTE NoEQUARTERS) KIDI~AIUI oEluron St. ST INS! FULLER & BERAREK, Calt and See Us, Those w ho sid "rats" ti the A whole window full. '~* TAILORS Asn ArbosrMost(. Co., 20-5o207 nI? E.n R POORAHRCleanting, Pressing and lRepairing. Washington street, leatied RflTSfl1bLE THE l, ,RNEI LADING Work called for and n einvered that even ats were some se ssl E W'~t 12S SAE.SU. vr owje inSelol.ntits case tey Teehoe .* ANN AOW '1EOPhone S. 28TNew Rt. ee ~u~ helped :to bay Coovas Goltar_________________ Cases at 9ic each by just gnaw-Visa ingag few slightly. Rosen of GRANGER'S ACADEMY. SCHOOL OF DANCING, 0 i M R I, themabhootutety perfect. For-FUNERAL DIRECTOR. me price t2/.r.L s ol Embalming a Specialt'V P rivate L s o s Amabuance atght or dad. Restdeacs,32 ithlaAvenue. ANN ARBOR ' MR. OR MRS. ROSS GRANGER. BELL TELEPHONE 246. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-HASS, _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____Fraternity pries, eu Time Table, Sunday, Septt. 5,180?. __________________________d____ _ i'arcea, etc. Leave orders as SAua Arbo TIME TABLE:St heCteda.Musc Co. or atResidence 1i S asae. Tran leave Ann Arbor hy Central Stadard Atth Theatre. alnr.P , .- Wilt tate papis on Pino o at in Time. - sight retading at above named fint NORTH. SOUTH. All of the slack rarcitcat situtoso Friday, Aptilt 15 is Monday, Atrit 25- A. aT T.Johnston. 8:43 a. m. *7:30 an m snown to the stage hosing bein ulit Sting tvacati on in all departments.A. e *1:5a4 1:1ia4.8 ftfAA Saigpm: f 8.45pM. into a theatrical Ialeidoscope by Mi. April 291juti:1stcontettfor Cti- uofMSaigarradat s *Eon between Ann Arbor and 'Toledo only C. T. Dazey, hr ha~s given it a totn and row cupt at Regents tfield.ugPalranEtses E. S. GILMORE, Agent l o? ther is a new coambintion calledt----3 5 SOUTH STATE STEET. W. BH BENNETT B. P. A. Toledo 0. I TeTarrytowns Widow." There is 'she Annl Arbio'railroad will vell Ld fiens'asiaair.Desig p tairsne "'sthsld iens arit~allaine reg p arn __scarcely a scene if rompliration in ti tdnt rsnigjrprcrtfct:(ones. 2 t 5OAS~I MMU GANrINTIAI force that has not beinsised in other rsunti tltlickects to ol laint~s in the: Th.No .. a o." li, .... lays, anidlyet it is in the best ornse Ceintral Passenger Associationtietrritor'y F'0R . original. At oil events it i' amusing. fsr onse aon ie-thiird reguilar:inc wiy Lowney'S Chocolates, Central Santard Time, Although p~layed in fsoir arts it is a role. Thea tickeets will bc sold April,__ TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. force pu:re and simple, hot te isthor 14, 15 atid 16 anti 're good tot ieturn GO TO- BAST'c has orranged fresh complicotiotis frrpassage ip to antI including Apiil 26.T T LES S P. .A. i cacti act so that the interest doses not N .GLOE gn. W. .W" Mail and Esx.2-- 47 Bi , N. Y, Cll-.3Si12flat eve n when the denouement:st' ALLEORETIS, if yeunas'is :. N. Y. Speciol-----4.5855Mal-------------.9iS8knon.The story concerns the scapes OleiihTalcr'Ae st~ s *N S Lmited---_8 10 Pacinec Es ---120TeTskTahrs gnis'ila Eastern Es. 47 in ito ss'hich Mr. lBenjamin BascotofSets A. At. Western Esx.__. '1'31 illiis efforts to renew his yosuthfoul many positions as all others combitned. I). N. Express ----5 to G It. & it. Es .5,aasflirtatioiso during th e oboe. 'e o1his Register at ohcin hir sChicago of- Atlantic Ex.....1305 Chi. Nt. 'x;------ 7 47 jetaos wife at as summer resrI. tr iSW He snie.' . f'S ORN *North Shore tfel nxtaaersaeventulnly ma'rries lhis son, while he to graduate 15_nanagrr.,S 14T5LE' ~(L MPRU and her is chrge f 5 to ew orkforced tnto as engagetnent with an old, TEL iSTU Efl M I more than on other trains.,emaid, is discovered by hits wife and NOTICE. ii. W PtUOGtES, if. W. HAYES, escapes by turning the maiden lady All persons hasving TMIclig.:tension One door east of Am'sericani 1eose. . P.A& TAgE., Chicago. Ast.. Ann A rhrr over to a fortune-hunting French eount subscription bookosicreaskead to h~and Both Phones, No. 8. abs has been pursuing the widows.I them ts the muem~iber of the Michigan- THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. That is enough of the story to indicateeninbadfowhmtyrcivd R2 c N% the innumerable complicatio:ns that Ieoaibcr rmshmte'rcie COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND JOLED0 RAILWAY arise. The company is very ciesei in them.i . '. tISOMEPR, Bus. Moan. their respective pirts and pltay with asiE iARETo'MAse rrtocyUnent~ ,. s-er AILET10 ts the only line from tae ToledoUnionsa adash and finish, soine('essary ins u"- TEACHtES WANTED7t)FORlNEXT OAND BICYCEtsSTIC tti : ,tea^x srcirsa3 Station to Columbas andpoints yond, re,,Prfaceconey.iSE P3IE. INaTEwN",Isnt.n.. aing 07n1on depot terminals at Coam - A hsand runslose fast express trainsNOI. Physii'o and Chemistry (mtnt) for A.G.SP DNG & R S dolly betwesn the points named, twro of MO7.lich. H~. S., $800.: ty e_"IINJ & IU~ them in the an-preedetnted tlion of three 'hbre will lie a meeting of tie tGler, Three it. S. Prins., $1004, $1,200, "The Name the OuaranteC houra. Parlor carton day trains, neati adtt lu 2''8.501Ofca5utltr nOtoLa~g ~ Ah centn; Plma n leepers on night t rains. Banjo a nilMndlioC 0bs n iedes- $.0. 1Ofca uftest h edn o r Aa ' Stdnodslring anequaled facilities lay, evening at 7 p. ni. H5. S. Asssist Issiwnan} English, ltcCa n oalTa. lb aS are invited to use the Baceye Rots and $600. Every Requisite for Base Bai , cann obtain fall particularn on appactisa W. C. BOYNTON, Pre,. Girls' Coll. Prep. Seli., Latin and Athletic Sports and Pastimnes. to logal tichet agents,. Greets, $505 and home. E. At.iDA VIDSOBN, All bicycle men, candidates for the We have vei'y mniy other voaacies ' h Pallgfka egeB tra em r e~etdt eotatndaeglhgte vr a.A-Adopted by National,. ainor, toting. raa4 Dial. Pass. Ageni, Teledo; or taktaaerqetdt eotatadaegtigte vr a.A-School ILeagues W. II. FISHIiELG. P. and T. A. B egents' Field every sfternocn frion beit & ClaInch eachers' Age-icy, Pull- Hs alPtni~ ae Sos (otuinbuo.0O11o..iiow on. to, B. MARSHI, Trainer. nman Bldg., Chii'ago. The oldest and IMlls, Chst Proteetors, stamena, ,sts,. THRE SPAIINC BLUE E RACER iCbalaj *s BICYCLESilESADNROWIEL Built to order, Repaired ad s S ho l andcing Send for i AWBUIDIG. tiAtltiedcaeorts, e Etnanmeled, at OA106nay oenaNoIArntLhIO. 'A. 6. SPALDING 8&BROL,1 Fourth Avenue. Prograrne Party, with Orchestra Music, every Saturday Evening. New York -" Chit ago Wes. aT. 'Wenger. Private Lessons by appointment. - Office, 427 Thompson at. -a x. , A LRGE NDPINE ASSORTMP4T A CULL LINK O IYLE SeNDRESnIN S 5 . ENOClI DJETERLE, - 9Guitars, Mandolins, BantEia 4 CHAPIN BROTHERS, EfIlALMER °AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 9 and Metronomes 4 _____ ______- Calls Attended Day or NighLt. tsuccessors to Uonter & Chopin;I y at an jer cent nfl from ,or una_'am* No. 151EasattLitherty Street:',Besidence, 53ai rseotismnth.Tee tomaA MANUF ACTERSnO.... . 'Soth Fourth Ave. Phone 1I. p ar leall guaranteed Dental Instruntents and Fine Ilachinery. 9 SCHAEBERLE'sMOurSITORE& =pecdal attention givea tsairycIne Reparing Ds * TUe~lEOADL a 9 54WntLbey~ AaA~r BICYCLE LIVERY--Pricea Reasonable. RANDA~fLL, TlH E PHOTOGRAtPHlER, 5 *Only' d3oooestWes otMAnnmor Ne, 113lE. Lt y St. Ann Arbor.I WASHINGTON STREET ANN ARBOR 0 1 I I