THE UNIVERIStTY OF tHItIAN DAILY.. Ai SWEL DISPLAY OF, MEN'S WEAR - We certainly have a very fine and carefully selected line of Furnishings for lien.. Con- vince yourselves that .we are THE BEST. Largest. line of Fancy Hose in the city. Complete Department of men's Unaderwear. The Best and Cheapest in Neckwear. Don't miss our $1.50 Gloves. .A perfect guarantee in every pair. The swellest New York styles.______________________ ___ A A; Y. ._... .s _ . . .. ,_..,.... ,.__.......,_.., i K~INDERGARTEN, (NW EQUALTOI S E N Call and See Us, Those who said '°rats" Is the A r1vhole window full. Ass Argor hlisje Co., 210 20E. E N D ICUIO THE PHOTOGRAPHERi washington scc eet, learsed llIU1LI, 1 5tA)It that eves rit were some use y = & OJl. aewer~ru hepdto ba uoyvsGtss i Cases at Oj each by just gnaw- there abslotely perfec.tFor- mer price $2/.10 FULLER &BERANEK, ww""TAILORS Cieaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for and delivered li2 S. STiATE 8ST.. over 1ae ,s. Pbone No. lidNow State 0. IM. IVARIIN, FUNE RAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. ,00 1 OURLI-1 AVENUE. 1 P .. 1 C C r 1 r a1.iiv u L c i c . i J1Ambulance sight or day. iResidence, 3012 I51th Avenue. .ANN ARBOR. MR.OR MRS ROSS GRANGER. BELL TELEPHONE 246. CAN FURNISH MSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders fer all Fraternity parties, club Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 5, 15:0?, _________________________________ dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor TIMiE TA BLE: Mutisic Co. er as Residence, l7ith Gddes ave. leavs sse Ann Arbor by Central Standare At the Theatre,.Cluendar. P. - Wiii tale pupils on Pian and in Time. -- sight reading at abv e d Ilaces. sonvaH. I ieanva. Fleece 's quite a loiter io society J Friday,April 13 to Mondcay, April 25-.JJhntn 0:430an m. *i :30a. m circles ever the expected arsisal in the I rin g cocatleioial. depasrtmns.s *12:5 . m. 11:25 a. me. courseeef a few da ys of Mrs. Constane 4:46 p. m. 840p. m. Raymosnd, a rich, yousng, pretty widowcj.\;r i 29-1."eeiieg contest fin <5 ,-' *Run betweeen Ann Arbor and TJoledo only teem Tarrytowne. N. Y. Our eligiblecI row:c e:(:at legen:to F+ield. U" of N. SliavingParlors and Bathi Rooms E. S.OILMtORE, Agent !young bachlsr who have received thc - - --- 322 SOUTH STATE STRtEET. W. HE BENNETT Oi.P..A. 'Toledo O. tip ace tsaidi to be gr::eming themlevs 'The As:Asr oaliroadsi lii sell Ladies' artistic iHair Dressing: up stairs r______________________ sgreal eerie tforthe co:minsg con:queet. Old friends salsa;a. Nte weleorse new Ms. c.Raymond xiii he cery gene :'c::sl sietudenste preseninisesiroper certificaese1tones. 2. It. TEOJANOWS i 1TTJf ; Ent~I1 etined while here. Amoneg :ther #coound trip tickets t1::llinits isn the U.1161 N - k J T affairs already arne is a big thene- tsrl Passeinger Asocialion tes iit::s FtR .M° ,r I e aty foi- next Tesday nisghtss-liid eglat:newa The igguru Fulls Route. flioneanAthenhirdTheater.on 11 Iowney s Chlocolates Central Stn ard Time. if - rat______e.The's ticksetsodriilhe Sold Aili:-0 O TRAINS AT AN'N ARBOR. Bicycle L:ot-Taken trees general li- 14, 1,oand 10 and tyre good for eetien T G~T ; iind ~ f1,NCs ,sbrasy rack April 12 'Netween7 and 10 lpassage 01:pltoand icludingAri6 W.i W. TUT 1iTLE'S .8 P.M . a es p .Vitr1ar3o19321werIE .MORE, Aen. ALLEGORETIS, if you w1i. N. Y, Spe I.l--4 5 l. . .-i---- 18No. 708 S. State st. 144 'ieiekTahre ge'i'li 'N- S.Limit ..,:8$P10 PactiteExs.-- 12300TeFs ecer'Aece ila Eastern 'Ex_-.S9 d7l-r a. TRACK TEAM NOT[CR. I mainy polsiss as all others csomhbiie. A. Ms. 'Weeteran'E__-"__138lReitra ocei th rC iag of 0. N. Express ---50.. 0 i. & t. Exu-_. 5 5 1'fhe houle track 5csisad is called ::ut Rgiec'atoc iiisc hcg Atlantic Ex..7 30 Ciii. Nt. Ex!---'. 7 fe,7 absdvnetA .o l..T ET G!. ]REeprean .__1 10. ft.r regul~i ar wrk W c~lnsciasy, A:::1a13, :c,31Whs iese f5T ET *North Shore Limited is a extra fire trshe at the .Athletic Field. Mradeale ho massager. 14 a and there Ia a cbarge: of 2 50 to New York: NtTI