the . a , t . a n. VOL. VIII. No. 143. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTs. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. 10. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A l l egretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowley's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY.. PIPE SALB FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, aend VsMl"s and Wereers Checolates. Largest line In the city. Lunches at all hours. R. B. JOLLY & CO. aos South state street. WHAT'S. NEW? 1.-A folding Camera with plate holder and carry- ing case for $7,00. Takes a 4x5 picture. 2.-A 4x5 Plate Camera for $5.00. Takes good pic- ture, too. CALKINS' PHA RMACY. 300EST ORZe. A good Base Ball and Bat is just the thing to develope your muscles. We have every varity from 5s t $1.25. Sporting Goods of all kinds. Base Bal Suits made to order. Prices are right. WAHR'S BOOK STORE Op Town Down Town tate at. Opposite 4ourtIeuse Anai Arbor man Vt. PRIZE WINNERS. Michiganensian Board Announ- ces the Results of the Competitions. Work on the '98 Michiganensian is progressing rapidly. The book will not be issued until after the spring vaca- tion, as the editors have decided to make an extensive addition of 50 pages to the book. This makes it necessary to postpone the issuing of the book un- ItI two weeke after the date advertised for its appearance. As near as can be judged at present, the book will be on sale Wednesday, April 27. The board has decided to make known the winners of the prize contests. All the competitions were thoroughly suc- cessful and brought out a large num- ber of excellent contributions. The closest competition was for the best short story. Over thirty stories were submitted. The board of Judges, of which Professor Wicnley was chairman, awarded the first prize of $2 to Miss Katherine H. Brown, for her story en- titled "Sister Mary." The following quotation is from Professor Wenley's report: "The two best stories are 6 and 8. The former is a most accomplished lit- erary performance and most creditable to the craft of its writer. The second ("Sister Mary") is the most original and dramatic story and most suitable for Michiganensian purposes. I found great difficulty in coming to a decision, but recommend that the prie be given to number S. Number 4 is also exceed- ingly good and would have fared well in a weaker competition." The Michiganentlan will pi nt all three of these stories. The judges on poetry, of whom Professor Scott was chairman, awarded the first prize of $10 to Mr. C. Fred Gauss, '98, for his poem, "A Serenade," Forty-two poems were submitted in this competition. Besides the prize poems and stories, this year's annual will contain many excellent and interesting features. Two of the best of these will be two sym- posiums. One of them is entitled "The College Graduate in Politics," and con- tains personal letters written for the Michiganensian by many of the most prominent and foremost public men of our country, including Cleveland, Ho- hart, Lodge, oosevelt, Dingley, Bailey, Pingree and many others. The other symposium is "Selection of a Location for Practicing Law," and will be of In- tense interest to te law students. The editors have secured a lette- from the chief justice of the supreme court of almost every state in the Union point- ing out the advantages which his state offers to the young practitioner of law. Both of these symposiums will be of great interest and value. The principal featpre of the book, however, will be the manner in which: the faculty list is given., There will be a small half-tone cut, one and one-half by two inches in size, of each profes- sor, and a brief sketch of the life, edu- cation and teaching appointments of each. Four of these will be run to a page, and will make the annual very valuable as a reference book as well as a most desirable souvenir. The frontispiece will be a full-page steel ergraving of Acting-President Hutchins, to whom the book will be dedicated. The engraving is being made by E. A. Wright & Co., of Philadelphia. The shape of the book will be similar to the '5 and '9 Pallatiums and C- talians, but much thicker. The cover will be of dark green cloth, with stamp- ing in gold leaf upon it. The design for the stamp will surpass that of any other annual ever issued here both in its beauty and originality, and. has been designed by a profesisonal artist of Chicago. The ink which:s being used on the book is of a greyish-blue tinge, and gives the half-tcnes a rich, artistic effect. It is the intention of the editors to issue a prospectus of the annual within a few days. Played a Tle Game, Bay City again tied the 'Varsity play- ers yesterday in a rather loosely played game. The strong wind which prevail- ed made good playing impossible, and several fly bals which would have been easy outs but for this were taken out of the fielders' reach. The 'Varsity in- field did well and played with spirit. Today's game will conclude the series and both teams will put forth every effort to win, as the outcome of the game determines the winner of the ser- les. A large crowd will be in attend- The score: g1 2 5 4 5 aR H F Bay City.............A- 1 2 0 0 7 4 7 Mihigan ...........---- 2 0 0 0 13 3 2 Batteries-Michigan, McGinnis, Saw- yer, Clarke and Thompson, McGee; Bay City, Clarke and Sullivan. Umpire- -Heard. Adelphl-Alpha Nu Debate. At a meeting of committees repre- senting the Adelphi and Alpha Nu soct- eties yesterday afternoon arrangements were partly concluded for a joint de- bate to be held some time after the Easter vacation. The question to be discussed is "Resolved, That the rail- road tax scheme proposed by Governor Pingree would have been for the best interests of the state." The Adelphi Society has already chos- en their team. The Alpha Nu will hold a preliminary debate on the first Sat- urday after vacation, at which time three men will be chosen to represent that society. Judges have not yet been chosen. The '99 L caucus yesterday rfternoon resulted in C. D. Landisbeing selected as their candidate for president of the S. L. A. A NOBLE RECORD. Many Michigan Students Took Part in the Civil War. The University of Michigan was well represented in the army during the civil war, The larger proportion of the classes '1, '62 and '3 enlisted imme- diately after graduation, and a large number from all the classes between '53 and '60. For a number of years before the outbreak of the war the University had a regularly organized and drilled mil- itary company. Prof. Trowbridge, a West Point graduate with first honors, had resigned his commissicn and ac- cepted a position to teach mathematics in the Universits. He organized a com- pany and drilled it for a number of years until he left in 1860. With the outbreak of the war came great enthusiasm in military organiza- tion. President Tappan was conducting services in one of the churches and had Just finished reading the announce- ments, when a messenger brought him a telegram with the news of the at- tack on Fort Sumter. President Tap- pan immediately turned to the congre- gation and said that the flag of the Union had been insulted and so there would be no services, but there would be a meeting on the campus in the af- ternoon. That afternoon a great dem- onstration was held on the campus, President Tappan and a number of cit- izens making stirring speeches. From this time on Tappan talked war in pub- lie and private, and interest was kept at a white heat at the University. Large numbers of the students enlist- ed at once, and thereafter at every call they responded in greater or fewer numbers. A number of companies formed at once, and began drilling daily after 4 o'clock. They had no arms nor uniforms, but went through th nmanual and became quite proficient in drill. Students constantly left to join the army, and nearly all who did so were thoroughly drilled on the ground. For a time no orgaized effort was made to organize in exelusive Univer- sity company, but individuals went out with nearly every Michigan regiment. In '62 active steps were takan for the formation of a University of Michigan company, when President Lincoln is- sued a call for "si hundred thousand more," the Thirty-Seventh .Michigan was one of the first regfnients to be formed, and the largest company of this regiment, Company E, numbering lU men, wbs composed of students of the University and the Normal. Prin- cipal Welch, of the Normal, afterwards U. S. senator, was very active in enlist- ing students. Prof. Gabriel Campbell, '65, now professor of mental and moral philosophy at partmouth University, was elected captain of Company E. On the 27th of August, 1162, the Sev- (Continued on Second page).