THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Easier Millner 77 1\ tp. / , yK r\7r r THE BEST TAILORS.,W...._- G.OODSPEED'S. SUIT OASES"" The righitkind at the righet price. GOOIDSPEIED'S. JOS. W. KOLLAUF 118 E. WASHINGON ST. Ann Arbor, Micb. HO! DRINKERS OF COFFEE LARGEST SHOWING D)ean & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of thirty yeiars experience in roasting coffee, and produces in the cup a beverage of golden NEWEST FANCI ES! color and unsurpassing flavor. We sell this coffee at 25c per pound and venture the statement that no better or more delicious coffee In Hats, Flowers, Plumes,, caii be had at any~ price. Ribb Gaxs, Feathers, Orna- ments, Etc , selected by our 2DEAN & COMPANY.eet trimmer in N'ew York, under 24SuhMi tet whose direction hats and boa- University Notes. In il of American ctiets. lcitest it - nets sold are trimmed. ndaeyatrviii~) Mo you wrant to see all the C. A. irobee, '0l E, of hci ig, TeWto fl e ontu o latest, correct ideas, of Spring !vas called bon eterdaono ace ant Miiner? Visit"this depart- ofthIe illness of his father. Tooa tnn.fs lbdcddt en,2 :Rothis we. rf.Mebgiwlve)toLnsn t- abl tbanquet in mathe near future, putah- mnt, ~ o, w e ct ebe ciln1 ~OikI' ably atPrlyta's. A committee con- (lay Co attntd 0atmeeting tof the ilibhi- rioing it fMessrs. Danor'th, Jttneo tandl (a~ii lia' ealiin~t~l~liboad. lamed wao atpcinted to tmake the ACK CO Thesenor ~iworaorkal ontst ornecescary arrattgemntt.'Theevaii- he strio ttttsclasday tratott sillt ' iego lay furnished somne -urprines. beheld tonitght inth ~e law lecttre ronm. ____ _________________Mandetbauns eatd Smith rnadle the high- ]'he commtteretof tite American S~est stcre Notrth attd South, plus C, and Hisotrical Assottiationithe tteacinoetg ocf history itn secondtary schottlsnmet in pluu lb. S Is Atnn Arborlactstweele antidiscuissed cttllegertttratncerreqttirenslits his- 'The Wtttman's Leageinittnds giting EAS [R SF 0 S! toc;e cmmtte tfA.P a ilay immediately after tesrn a WRIGiT~TERScO.Atiao (if ('allure,"by Annie Elliott Trum- Bl.Inoitations are tt be isnued in ROCl1ESTER N.Y.' Johns o lpkitts; Lucy Al. Salmon, of, °< Vassar; Cleo. L. Fox, of Yale; C. B. (hr tear futre. Thr performattte will Harkeins, of Wisonsin; H. AMorse Steph- be given in the Baurbour gynmnasiunm, ens, of Ctrnell; A. ('. McLautghlint, f probably on May 6th. After the pre- Michigan, nentatiotn a reception and dante will be The followitig substcripotiotsto ltit hi- hteld from CC to 12ocltick. The person- cycle fund base beent received: Br.. nel ttf the runt hasnontt yrt beetntie- BE ;Walker, $1; Mt. etnd tAre. Finey, $1.25: nouattend. Alfret inney, 255; Edward C. Taylor. The Detroit Comedy Cletb will pre- 1ictq but the L~atest ;25;Po.'icei$1Sndalsb et $wery'.tbtng but the Ordiinary t2r Po.MenIt ed l u - ntAugustus Thomas' Aletbamta"at " scrriptions to IIlts 2M. Gaodrieh. presi-, the Ypsilanti opera bonsertomorrttw Wee ire showing, the larget and, dents oftice, Utniversity Ball. night. There are foureld Michigan most complete lino of All members of the debti r Society men in the east, Karl F. Etarrinman, m owho intend ttt eiter the preliminary '96, Phi Kappa "Pni; Edwin Denky, '96, !cenetest to ehoose representatires in the Phi Delta Phi; John W. Anderson:,'9t debate woiCh the Jeffes iact Society- L, Chi Psi; Chan. T. A lexander, '90, Psi should prepare tn support the negative Upsilon. Quite a 'delegatian frotm Ann 8prin " of the question: Resolved, That party Arbor will be present at tbe perform- lines should be disregarded in the choice sne. The U.. of M. Comedy Club will F o tw a of the council and admsinistrative of- oceupy several boxes. t, l r _ W. J. aBOOH. Pres. W. Anotust Vie-prs J. V. SnEoA, 2 Viceprs JOHN C. Wal. Ast. Cashier State - SavillS- Banlk. Transacts a general Banking bust ness. Cor. Main and Hron Streets. Capital, $50,00. Srplus, $0,00. Transact a general banking business. I. It SMPF, Pes. C. E. GasNus Vice-Prs SREDn . . snn RCaker. THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS DANK Capital Stock, $30,000. Srpus, 1115,0. Resources, $1,10,. fOrganised under the General Banking Laws ufthis State. Receives deposits, buys and sells echangen the principal cities of the Ueted States. Drafts cashed pn proper Identiicaton. Safety deposit oes to rent. Orconot Crstan Mack Pree W D Harriman, Vce-Pres: Chas E. hscock CashiertM.. Frito Assistant CashIer. FIRST NATIONAL BN of Ann Arbor3 Capital, 11100,00. Surplu and Proits, $4,00 Transacts a general banking business. Foregn exchange boght and sold. Furnish letters of credit. . 13. KINNE, Pres. HAtRISON SOLE. VicePrs s. W. CLARKSON. Cashier C. f. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wail Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating painting, frescoing, tinting and aper banging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. H. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decortor, KLEIN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR, Latest Novelties in Winter end Spring Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block west of University. PIPE SAL1E T FOR THE NEXT WEEKf. Just received a fresh supply of Alegretti, ad Williams and Werers Chocolates. Largest lins in the city.- - Lunches at all hours.- R. B. JOLLY & CO. 108 South Stat Street. EOOHST 0IR. A good Base Ball and Bat is just the thing to develope your muscles. We have every varity from 5c to $1.25. Sporting Goods of all kinds. Basea Ball Suits made to order. Prices are right. WAHR'S BOOK STOE Pp Town - Down Town S. Stoes. Oppsstsount~ouaeo Ason Arbor Main oh. EVER SHOWN. We Are Laying SEE ER $3.00 SHOES IN BLACK'FrYuEATRNCW R! !R TAN, VESTING TOPS. FrYu ATRNC ER a aipartment, 1s floor. ACK & CO. A most brillibant line of neckwear of every descrip- tion is awaiting your selection. Keep 'in line with our furnmishings. ________________ 123 ouch flain Street. Furnishers. I