Keep the FeetWarm A hot water bottle is justt the thing for cold feet and a sure relief for most aches and pains. 65c, $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 are the prices. $1.00 gets a good cne that we can warrant not to leak. CALKINS' - PHARMACY. Y 4ooo o o e The Store. MEN'S FURNISliINiS We have greatly enlarged this de- partment of The Store giving it a prominent and convenient section the first floor next to the entrance. This section now contains all kinds of furnishings, such as you look for among first-class haberdashers. SILK UMBRELLAS. Men's best Ottomenhler Carola Silk Umbrellas, Sterling Silver Mounted, 28 inch size, $1.50. Men's Gloria, Steel Rod, 28 inch Umbrellas here at 85c. MEN'S FINE NECKWEAR. FISK, CLARK & FLAGGS. Complete line shown for the first time in this city. Correct Shapes and Style. "E. & W." COLLARS, Newest Shapes. 4 Ply, All Linen Collars, best Styles, selling at 2 for 25c. Men's Finest Dress Shirts, open front and back, the $1.50 kind, at $1.00. Men's Best Made Unlaundried Shirts, all linen front, continuous facings, reinforced at every point, Wamsutta Cotton, short and long front, at 50c. EOLF IIOSE. New Color Combinations, the medium price and the handsomest designs shown, at from 50c to $2.00. Golf Tops, All Colors, 50c. 1Men's Sweaters. K Superb Line-Rolling Collars, Turtle Neck, Small Collars, Plain and Fancy Colors in Wool and Worsteds, $1.00 and up. TfiE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W. W Wetmore, .06 S. M 3425. State St. UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. AS FU LL INES OF NOTE .BOOKS, and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine °Staple Station- ery and offer all the Lowest Prices.r For Forty Years GOLDEN SCEPTRE Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. W. J. Boa Pres. W. ANOLD,1st Vice-pres J. V. SonnnAos, 2d Vice-pres. JOHN . WALZ, Asst. Cashier. State - Savils - Balk. Transacts a generalBanking busi- THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Reources, $1,100,000. Organized uader the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and selis exchange on the princpai cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. Ormiens: Christian Mack Pres.; W. D. Harrisnan Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: 151. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL oBANKf AnnAgrior Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $40,000! Transacts a geseral banking business. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Furnish etters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE. Vice Pres S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. wihrm'oi&i1khanieP~ Lamps Expressly 4 Students' Use "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every stude nt should use Dean's "Red Star." . It gives a pure white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale only by DEAN & COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. DANtING LeSSONS. At Glangor's Acaden iuils will The membors of last year', baseball be received at any time, term starting teami have roeeivd their new M with first lesson. It is advisable, how- sweaters. ever, for intendmg pupils to start as An Indiana practice court vi bi early in the season as possible. Pupils organized in the law deipartment 3exit learn without emibarrassniet, as no Saturday. visitors are admitted to the adult The postoffice officials require writ- classes. Simple dress is preferable for ten instructions from students calling the class exercises. Light clothing is for mail other than their own. advisable with plenty of warm oe- 'Two of the new tennis courts were clioihing for t'e street. 'thin flexible dry enough yesterda to be played shoes with moderate heels are a great' upon and sre fouud to be in fine con- advantage. Information in regard to dition. elasses, etc., will be cheerfully given Drs. t'ttzgeralil and Ratohitagi or at the office, groundfloor, Grangur's Academy. Boginnoraclass for gentle kept busy every aftersoon now from Aeademy. Beginners class for gentle- 2 to . o'clock making physical exam- Oen tonighit. nations. CI-AJCRI1. Judge Mo arry, a recent addition to The members of my class in Chancer the faculty of the law department ad- will, for the present, provile thero- tresset the freshmen in thelaw lee- selves with Sweet's "Second Middle- ture room yesterday afternoon. English Priuser," Hemopl's "Chancer's The Unirersity Y. )I. C. A. will have Pronounciation." The lass meets their regular prayer meeting this even- 'Tuesdays oand Fridays at 5. in Room ing at 7 to 7:30. All IUniversity inca L. GEORGE HEMPL. are cordially inviteqi to be prr.nt. Tle Webster Society will hold an IhHETOIItC. CO'R2E 21. open meeting tonight. Special music The hours of Course 21, Develop- recitations and speeches liave been ar- ment of Rhetorical Theory, will be ranged for, and everyone is iuvited. Monday and Wednesday, at 11. F. N. SOOTT. The Choral Union sang from the Eli- jah 'Tuesday night, the books for the LOST - Pocket book containing Saint Paul not having arrived. 11r. money in bills, stamps and calling Louis Elbel, of the University Phii- cards. Return to M. R. Platt, jr. 708 harmonic Club, played the accompamni- Cliurch st. Reward. nents. LOST-A opair of gold-bowed spec- The board of control has decided tacles. Finder please leave it Daily that the wrangling which character- office and receive reward. 11 ized the game of last Saturday shall TO RENT-519 E. William st. One not he repeated onil''ve directed the large front suite of rooms, steam heat football manager to secure officials and light, $3.00. lii who are not connected with either M. J. Barry, instructor on mandolin Iielsigon or her opponent for all fn- and guitar. iSehaeberle's music store, tare games. 114 W. ;Liberty st. 15 Gunther's Chicago Candles! --- -IN BULK OR IN PACKAGES FROM Sc UP1 -AT- M u m r 's tore No. 1233R.Washington $t M L123.Y1erv Dru , ar ' or. Fourth ave. I Cor. Main and Huron Streets. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $30,000. Transact a ,eneral banking business. R. KnErr, Pres. C. E. GREENE, Vice-Pres FRED. H. BELSEn. Cashier. CALL AGHAN t 340 S. STATE STREET Law Books F. J. SOH LEBDE. 340 South State Street. Hook Binding- --........25 centsoand up Solid GidFounia Pens...... $and up. Waterman and XWirt Pens in stock and P'ens Repaired. Wholesale and Retail Paper. 34 lbs, of Lin- en Paper for50o. Just Received a Large and Elegant Line of Ne'w PipesI Hot and Cold Ltc hes at all hours. Agents for Hoyler 'sand Wiiams and Werners Co.'s Chocolate Bon Nons R. E. JOLLY & CO. 308S South State street. IANGST E R FER'S ICE CREAM SODA 316 s S. T Most Excellent T T B Chocolates A R T R Hot Soda. E B' . 5 - R Cr, FOURTH ad WASHINGTON STS T ATHENS THEATREI CORBETT- FITZSIMMONS VERISCOPE I Satrdayct1 During the past ten M E' years the Toledo Laundry Co. have kept their custom- ers goods insured against fire, a fact that is appreciated by their patrons. Best of work and Prompt Delivery. Branch Office 123 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich & CO. r~i yf v r v-.a.r .W. V vya a. vNa YY w W