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April 12, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-04-12

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Easer 111cry3oore Raving Tour
'he erryman tujio
y c ..- f i ,,(; tn ~n"4 ie t F ! r

W. J. Boom. Pres. W. AROSOLD, 1st Vice-pires
J. V. SHnEERaN, 2d1 Vice-pros.
JOHN C. WALz.Asst. Cashier.
State - Saviuis Bank,
Transacts a general Banking buist

,.,.." ~ C.r. Al a anti Huron Sreet.
- ~ c ~I, Capital, $5,00. Srplus, 100,00. Transact a
112 est uronStret, An Aror.gneralosanking business.
4 , A . 12 WestHuro SteetAnn rbo. . ure, Prjes. 1 C. E1 . OneseVice-ress
JOS. W ~. j.tte urce 0,000, ,00.
" ~ rganted snder the Geerat'Banking Las,
of0 ths State. tRecetes deposts, buys and
"'ffF ysells exchange n the ptnctpa cties of the
Unted States. Drafts cashed upon propee
identtficaton. Safety depuit bues to rent.
_qQN0 ___1w"A 1L WR 1NC9 -AOrtents: Chititan 'Mack PresW D.
' ° - ~Cahier: M.0.1.trtte Assstant Cashier. aok
11 E. WASIINGTON eT. Ann Arbo Mich. . fAn ro
1__________________________ FIRST NATIONAL BAN KOrgaiedtitti
(*'g S IVCapital, 6100,te. Surplus and Prfits, 44,00'
LA .Sa$i SOWIG ( 4 OFCOF EETransacts a general banking business.
g tlttregn exche lsgh ndstt.Funs
N WET A cES{ lDean & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of tity years experience S. W. CLAtRSON. Cashier
In Hats, Flowers, Plumes, ini roasting coffee, antd produces inthte cup a beveage of golden
color atid tittorpssitig flavor. We sol thte coffee at 2c per pound C H. MAJOR & CO
Ribbons, Feathers, Orna- and vetuethiV ie stateimentothIat to better or more delicious coffee
metEtc, selected by our canl be hot at oty price. TeAtsi ertr
trimmer in New York, under Have a complete line of
whose direction hats and bon- DEBAN & CO MF'ANY. Wal Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
nets sold are trimmed. 214 _____South_____Main_______treet.____ Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
DO you want to see all the UnvriyNts1he oMOetr. Specialty of fine interior decorating
latest, correct ideas, of Spring, -----IfhnigOltebstowrk n
Miinry Vsi tisdear- 'fhe Adelisiti Soiety, held its pist I - "cli's. -ills' U. of4M s c ibiro' y. employed. Work guaratteed.
Milnrmi~le, 2dfloor, st it thsdweek.artn asoed oositm lasteiina-a s '!..tesl, 138, hs Jst apires ad 'C . 11. MAJOR & CO.,
is ond fcly eeiis cow is y,-tec-snolie. Ii sutssel-baoc1eiapsr ounG lThe Artistic ecortor.
- IV c oIn a K & healbook of !i e, t t p sges, j lintd 0and i
lbeirs hi lea ns defeat d he imuslrags-sin thIe style asos ell-nowsIiiKLI
Arbt) HgisSchou sl eteday in0 1 -iuic- the othseIstoplr dire es spusbisc IK L I
__________ ____tics ame by a sce f 2 to 1:1" Iy Si. Mills, and trni~s steiti i- AIS N
- 4stag ssscis, which-svey mats in U. ofciS.:ad-ot a d seit -ieeeof
! lsth I tosvers iy is invietsioii)alen, yill students' nes ,sndilcity sidileaes ~ ~ XI4
lbe esi t(reg e ln"xTurdy egt icdIrte iifimtofs'irs a, -[S E vnn.,igfrteifr L.Te borits Latet Novelties in Winter
EA T R Sl S oGamssreiselieilodf eer ry dacontissltlyreiablse lists sfrtlb and SprngGarments. SRET
IGiT'e± TERSC Q. Schood and vaious casseofsithte lass' M. aid Scool f Music, giisg cas, CGe.eWbLck sNDtuc YARerST EET
:ROCHiESTERAK and iteraryietartioiit. AAo aho50sme addicses of easch. is
to exaatinig forste ienrthiwal utA m s etailed nositis .wsill ibe gin o io.
the snewvlaw' bidig fbi- sall ositnusilather. ."O " r
-,tiller house has beess isncveed. Thin hemrec one stdies the plus ndr a Lines
boileehousewa- built ovsefoiry yeirs pereetin of the sork.l the ete
ago, and whess it ulied its useul- tleaed e is with i. All pe- T. & . U. 1y. K. & SiA. Sy.
sess that pt ahse ground wiis torn viaus student diretries have bees Is- The Only leeping Car Line between
duownoasd the rest filed 5n. sued slely tue advertising purposes Toledo and olumbus.
Prof. C'oosley advisedl the esiisc en- ansd fee cirulatiun. at. Mits' die- TeOly Seeping or DrwngRo
N' Otitg but the Latest 'ineeru yesteday mssosning tot it e Ieoy is the firt serious attempt ai a Cuad L inbetwetoldoolm
Gwythtssg but the Ordinary hasty tiienest in the Mihigaso Naal I bsisess-lie, practical reord of Ann bs adMrta
STe Only Drawing Room Car Line
Reerves, -because the olviosition Arosr's student population. Ttis tot between Toledo, Colunbus and
We are showing, the largest sadn i:owsesnis that o olpsasr I eibeadu-Odt.T ep Charleston, W. V.
mscopeeline, of st'iilpse eibl n pt-ae i eoPullman Sleepers between Cuminm-
motThlte'iere wil lie a meeting at the tEn- it 00oSMr. Mills has made re- bus and Chicago.
: - kineeringScieity Friday evening. April peated anvas ot the. entie ity The Only Line with 4 trains each
Ladi si, fr te pupe eosi electing officer asd will do so agaiso before way daily between Toleda and
tor the eaming year. the June isue, tr onacunitf the Columbus.
Spr n The last Vesper serice will be held students' migratoiy habits it is thought The Only Line with wa nSnasbtransToeach
Tuesday, April 12, at 4:1t0. A special advsable to isue the directory, crs- and Columbus.
Q.'Oot! " 'a prgramo has been prepred. Miss reted and revised, three times during Te Only Line with 5 trains each
BaieyortheSeoolof ise, ndMr.theroleg yar.We eleveths se-way daily between Tioledo, Bowl-
Baieyof heSchol f ".iican Mr th cllee yar Webelev ths yr- ing Green and Findlay.
EVER SHIOWN. Fred Danighrg, are the soloists. leo of directories is destined to became The Only Line with 2 trains eac
iss Bailey uill sisg "I Know My e- as Invaluabe as the- city dirctories way daily between Toledo and
SE OR$3 E00 SHOES IN 'BLACKdee ieh.uise b r ti.TeOnirct Line }between Tole-
do and the Virginia.
-0 TAXR° VESTIN4G TO©S. For Forty Years The popular line between Toledo,
___________________________Fostoria, Bucyrs, Granville anti
,oe departiusent, lst floor.
""O L D N S /,am'P R E /Fll Informan ati v e tonratessIme f
G"O LD EN SC E P trina,,ena., wilt be cheefully funsbn by
ay aet of the Ohio Central Lines.
M A K o Has been smoked by college men and is tody, a LE«AI)ER Mw~t~o, Hol, . P. .,
& CO as It pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. leoOi.

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