THE UNIVERSITY 'OF MICHIGAN DAILl. Eastei rSaturday inou Cloak Department -- -LL OIJR bADIES' SUITS, SKIRTS, JACI(ETS AND GCAPES REDUCEDI~ In many cases to ONE-HALF actual value for that day. $40.00 x$28.00 $24.00 IA 'O T, 3.00 j FORUT's 2100 FOR 2TS 21.500FURTS 7.00 ORT 37.00 15 SITS 27.00 $1 FORSUT 2.0 '$10 SFIRS 17.00 V UR1 H 30.00 WORX~01TH 25.00 XVORTH 20.00 'WORTH 150 )ress Skirts worth- 2 .251$2.00 or $1. 75 A $2.89 -Dress Skirts worth-------$4.50, $4.25 or $4.00 )ress Skirts worth ---------- :) 25, 300 or 2 75 At $4 .89-Dress Skirts wot-------7.50, 7.00 or 6. 50 $18 s At $.39-Li At $1.89-liJ At $6.89-Dress Goods in Rich Silks, Satin., Cheviots, Creotns, Velours fend Worsteds, Corded atid Tucked in newest styles', worth Lip to $t-0.00. Baster Saturday only. MACK & COMPANY Saturday, this w, reek. E r s r .r s . KINDERGARTENIoE.urn t. STEINS! FULLER & BEI CutadSeU.These who said 'rats' to the CI s A whole window full.. TAILO0 Anns Arsor usi,-Co., 2C" 107e.t DENTSHERIJI 11TE PHOTOGR PHE R CleaningPi'es sag ansdR Washington stree tered lI EILI1 --Work called for snd that even rats were some ase l 1,EAINGtoiie tliS, STATE ST..over in tie World. In lisecase they ITeleph ore 0{} ANN A:iU: EELRIPhone No. 2i4. New State. bellied *,to buy 0' 'sos Gaita Oases at 9Kmcearls by ;just gaw 0. N 1 A lug a' few slightly.;lMasy atf (RANGER'S ACADEMY. SCHOOL OF DANCING. M R themisoolately perfect. 1o05 FUNERAL DIRECTOR, met price $2.10. Embalmingi a Spec I N' 0CI.2090F{ IUR IIA Priv te ...ess iisResidence, 302 Fifth Avenue. A N ARBOR MR. OR MRS ROSS GRANGJER. BELL TELEPHONE 246. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FMS Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 51,18097.1 Orders far all Fraternity ________________________________________________________ dances, etc. Leave orders a TIME TABLE: MuSisicCos. or as Residence, 1 Train leave Ana Arbor by Central Standard Rat the Faculty. Calendar. P.S. - Will tale pupils an . Time. ! siht readig at ahave n'amed 8:43a. m. *7:0 amO \ithlot discussing l the ia itof tiseI Friday, April 15 to Mtonday, Atoil 25- A."ITd Johnu *12:15a.os. 11:25 n. m. positionotaltenlby t'e lnisty fat'- Spritt~ vacaton e in ill departme'nts. _________________ 54.46p. m. 8:40 p. m.rfShvg ad 'Sun between Ann Arbor and Toledo only ally in Clat telegrao Givfen. Spaldin~g, 1U.of .Saig~alr n E.S. eILMOiE, Agent ;deprecatinogstar, the preoriety ofterI TeAnAbriraill actl 322 SOUTH STATE S7 W. H BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0 515CO.wltte ttIi l s. h tuttenltsIesentinig 'proper' cetrtifictesr. Ladles' artistic Hair Dressir action___may__well__bequestioned.____The Old friends rall again. We pit YVT"s - UCn11versity.dependsupoitet.altorst I r1 oundtriltsticket: tsoal pis in tohie ones. J. itWeTOJ ____________N__SE'NT]RA'I C h n}se Ceilenvliini otral Passeager Assoociatviton tritory r...ww. f h epe nodr ~ hiei () oust havethtr rofitirneof the people f tTadon-htleoltr a owney's Choc oftesaeOoriuc n entrali sanGard Time. sse Ce.~re he ikt il esl Arll 1 TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. efr 'aesoytoetstatCbi 1, 15tand 1Il6 and ate'giootdfor ltretun-G0TO- Mall anss 4 N YO i.Ol ympsathies of the peole. lutti e MailjadvEx.. sip3 s7tBisti Yisinl-diag1 bust ii 6 Ifya N.Y. Spnecil__-4 58 Maili.-------9115pessple re uttimousslyoin 10favor of 1i.8 l .OIbtl ALGEIi 'N S. Limited--_8 1S Parlfir Ex ---2S0I.SILOIli tF.A et Eatern Ex--a-. 947 P. a. drisiig S1p01n1fromlthe Wst ern hell 'iThe tiskt Teashers' Agen irs fill as A. M. Western ESt's__1238 ,aypstinsal tescm ined.4 DN. Express ----5 520 GtR. & KEx -- 55t'sphIere at oany'cost. If the faculty s issetiin 0 l ohe orpteer j i C ' 4 Atlantic Itx...7305 Chi. Nt. lEx------ s4stuch with picsleontimuttittsouolid Reitra one nth r i g of G. St. Eapressa--.1 1 05f'e, X3578 'abssh avenuia. A U. of 51. DISCOUNT ON A *North Share Limited is an extra fare train know' this . iiente, right ort wrong, the grasduate is msanager. 14-a and there is a charge of 50t to Ntei YorksCit fth sesosa lpatls 3NOIE 0.ino h poesr sa lpah NOTCE thnonet .W UG~Ls, It. WI. HAY '.. ostilueny ewhose favor they shoslI Alllpe'rson Cs ainlg M1 htir srasia a G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt.. Ann A rr1# o close thornoo _______________________________ cu tiatle atsd adseatnother Iss tit;lon~g ssbsripstsibosri aed to C hatnd SH UKY OT.list of instanceOsvwher'eii the facitity themr tos Cbs mernaber oif thte Michig'a- I'I S'rIki EE n 'sians boartd fr'om sshom they receishivto COLUMBUS, HOCKING YALLEY AND TOLEOSRAILWYhage isfdhssly CogitavUtiestyatlseebantol I 4V.Masgontreset. Is the only line from the Toledol Union igo otlt oteUi'~'iywihTE :AfETMrtFCir7R Station teoolumbus and points beyond, is oitly too easily iaflamaed.- )eosrat. 'lTEACiHERS WANTED FORl. NEXT A' hDiiiOYfI. SoUPPLiIES A a using Union depot terminals at Clum- - - _______. I SEPTEMBSER. i INTEs esWOL.. bus and runs four cast express trains tidChmsty(c ) a daily between the NpoC.inticead named, ma) ort.wa PADofN them In the un-precedensted time of three ''here Nvill he a 'eetngofPheGle ysicH.S.A. .$80L0. husPalrcrondytanseais C25-' Three It.. S. Printi.,.$1000,. $1.200, "The Name the Onarar rents; Pulman sieepersuon night trains. laian ndloCu s ens $2000. Official Outfitters to the Leading Students d siring ""snequaled facilities day seanig at C p. its. H.. S. Assistanst (wvoman) English, leice Club and Schonl Teams are invited to use mie Rucheye Route and can obtain fall particulars on appilcation WI. 0. ROYNTON, Pic}. $000. Every Requisite for to local tichet agents. Girls' Call. Prep. Srb., Latin and Athletic Sports and Pasta All bicycle men, canldidates fior te Greek, $450 and hosme.ThS E. R0. DAVIDSOX, We have very many other vacancies Th pallng Official Le Dial. Pass. Agent, Toledio;tor track te, ore r'leveet re'ps rt at and are getting them every dlay. Al- Adopted by National, Mino: 'IT. H. FlSIIEE, G. P'.ande T. A. Rtegentes Fitld every afterno: n friom bert & Clark Tohr Agency, Pol-B all'UScool eBatura Columpn, Ohilo. man Bldg., Chicago. The oldest and IaeBi fisrs as mewanrHg.eASHsranr. C in the West. Thirteenth year. Mi. , Client lrotectors, _____________________________amgetTHE SPALDING CHIAINL.ESS BICYCLES THE SPALDINC BLU1E RACER (Chain) BICYCLES . p " of ,t IRTE SPALDING ROADWHEEL : Built Co order, Repaired and U iv rsAythi~ af~ lg do lertsiapots. I~aeeat 30.6 North.o a_ ~ ~At o. SPALDiNG f& Fourth Avenue.. Programe Party,. with Orchestra Music, e'Iery Saturday Evening. New York - Wnm. J. Wenger. Private Lessons by appointment.- Office, 427 Thompson St. 'A LARGE AND FINE ASS~fl A G iCo ~vt uomnsros.EOI ITRE uitars, Mandoiins, CHJAP IN BROTHERS, EMIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR a:.Mtrno (succesnors to Buter & - calsAtenedDn.)lgt sanwt'~ES~No. 16t East Liber y Streett:Stesidesnre, 533at an per cent sf1'from ens MAUArRR F .. : y"prices-this month. Time Seuth Fourth Ave. Phone 129. are all gnarantesk Dental Instruments and Fine Macehinery. s Specli attention giren to Bicycle RepairELEnSNU BICYLE IVEY--'rles easnabe. RNDAL, HE HOTGRAHE114r West Llberly st., Asy BYILYRY-resR onbs ADLL H HTGA PIIE. ' Only 3 doers West of MainI N.113 E. Libeirty S. Ann Arbo WASHINGTON BLOCK ANt!N ADRBOR IR a ' d delivered ,. nmey'as. [IN, .A VEN UE. ST-CLASS. parties, Club as Anin Arbor iston. dBat Rooms inn nis stairs wriconme new rtates LL.. rTS nO.- &BROS. Banse Bali, vague Bail Gloves. Shoses. Et. sgnsstal ;,ROS nauSTORA sineam 7