I I UJESDAY, APRIL 12, 18981 PRICE--3 CENTS. VOL. VIII. No. 141. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, T1 f R_ At Wild's Sprng~ selections just arived from the East. Call and inspect our.. Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A ll egrett's Chocolates.... Fresh eveiy week Only ini packige- eec a pound Lowney's if you piefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SALE!T FOR THE NEXT WEEi. jut received a fresh supply of Allegreti, and Williams and Werners Chocolates. Larest line ir the city. Lunches at al hours. R. B..JOLLY & Co. 31o8 south State Street. WHAT'S NEW? L-A tolding Camera with plate holder aid carry- ing case for l$7.00. Takes a .4x5 picture. 2-A 4x5 Plate Camera for $5.00. Takes good pic- ture, too. CALKINS' PHARMACY. WAAHR'S 3300H5 T 011E. A good Base Ball and Bat is just the thing to develope your muscles. We have every vaity from 5c to $1.25 Sporting Goods of all kinds. Base Bali Suits made to order. Price are right. WARS BOOK STORE up town Down Town S. state o. oppolte ortaouoo Ann Arbor Main at. i TREASURER'S REPORTr. Senior Classi Memnrial. I A Tie on Games. AthetiIAliTe follcwi1g is the re prt of the By City tedlic higancin 10arne won AtltcAssociation Money Ac- Memilc Committee adotd by the un the peet series yeserdy yscr counted For. scnord class a1 its mneeting lst week: ing en eeoc to the 'Varsitys one. The _____This sholrsip is to be knewin as 'asity pt ip a1n inferior article of The follwilng is the report (oC the "The scholarship of the lpe of '9."1ba11 th most raggedlyete rsnted in treasurer of tse Ahetie Assoition ticitlseprpose being 1o0aidi needy students at Lelr did lie bex werk foelday April 1, '98: attendiinglihe Univerrsity of Mieligac City a1nd one lone hit w55ialltha could= FOOT BALtL. i thse future or thoe nwti have attendle mlade oil his-elivery Miller swas Expenses tRecipts -,aclws oecen t iep~tcye Salary for ceaches, traineesec n ws t5etr, nth ay ouhd iprahrivisly at firt ht and mtedcal atteodance..$803 net of theirtuitioin fee and other n- laer stadied tlown aid did effetive Tralding table.. - -...... 76 Q suarantees and advaitees- -220itS01) cecOsryexpenses, the mneycif scidIwokltuwheIewabinhths Printingf-- - -155.O Suppliesotfits, smgrs. per- rsholarship iiobe placed cwith the bad cc Idaescwere either making- errors tie snal acet l- - -..1430 0 Nitestohbn anid thicao Cfregents and Ici be lacnedct the di- sodiernadte ieslt wsd Isa easonticts...--_-__ $ 58i 0 retiocnicf acocmmitteec-mosof the'tros cewricic-cicvery ucistisfoc-- eson tichets-- - -s a161 I Micellieou --. . 1p reicent f the tUniversity- and thi Cry ti th ccacecoil aftr te gaene - ---0 Sicee~sofctthe literary and enineeriic0 all the crsicitsre icc c hcihc Tfohbalance-.-- _____1232 eprtmnits. Said s1hlcishiti Icc be hll heti". r's prh tiii ,0 1 7,h01.)1 esignecd primarily feeritie use dof.sen- The sccore- Baay AoSccEhe ALon - rs cf the literary- aiccienineerig ,Iynes - i6It 11 F Salrefr-oahs-ndu-$414y(0, - ,0 010r6 a Training...t.h..----$15000ry d epartmcent. and to be lacned to them licliii ..0 00 0 - 1 1 9 G4unanees -and -advances.... 06'i -0 asiacive previded.fit if at teic ei hatitr ies ichitian Mller atid Printing2.o1If Suppies outits, ogr. pieof lie sead week oict hisegtinng l:urnByCteia-ir-n ulitvai. soatlsacet - - -40i 51c Note tobhootand Ioleres..ic oieeyar5hrermiii.ici60i ccdt i i Gamnes.- - --- - - l6 09 n olg erteermisinsa lqa-la n lre Nite fromi batik-: itt.. 30 03:,