THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Palo 1Pr milljoprvi, THE BEST TAILORSWS... GOODSPFRET)S. uu L1J1 IUIIIILIUIJ- - SUIT CASESWW -' The nislt kind at the right pri j~1 71GOOIDSP / ///118 E WASITINGTON ST. UP STAIRIS. -.AL-- -IR--.A rl-I a lee. Ann Arbor, Mich. W. J. BOOTH. Pres. W. ARNOLlat Vice-pres J. V. SHcEEsAN, 2d Vice-pres. JOHN C. OVALZ. Asst. Cashier. State - Savius - Baflk, Transacts a general Banking basi ness. Car.AMain and llaoa Streets. Capital, $10,000. Surplus, 530,000. Transact a general bastking husiness. j R. KEPFr, Free. C. E. GReENE, Vice-Pres FaE. ii. hictcaCashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stack, 550,000. Sarplas, 5150,000. Resoarces, $1,100,000. Organired under the General Banking haws of this State. Receives deposits, bays and sells exchange an the principai cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper Identification. Safety deposit bases to rest. OrFIcERS: Christian Mlach Fees.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pren.; Chan E. Hiscock, Cashier: P1. .0. Fritz Assitast Cashier. ff I AARGEST SHOWING 1. NEWEST FANCIES In Hats, Flowers, .Plumes, Ribbons, Feathers, Orna- ment s, Etc, selected by our trimmer in New York, under whose direction hats and bon- nets gold are trimmed. Do you want to see all the latest, correct ideas, of Spring Millinery? Visit this depart- ment, 2d floor, this week, lYACK & CO.- WR1GHT'1ETERS CO- RO0CHESTER ,NY, othing but the L.atest 4 Everything but the Ordinsary We arc sihowing the largest and most coaiplete line of La dies' Totw ,r EVER SHOWN. SEA OQl5 $3.00 SlIES IN BLACK WI TAK4 VESTING 1TOPS, :Shoe department, 1st floor. MM~K &COLN j FIST ATINALBA NKaf Ass Arbor E H DR NKE S O CO FEECapitai, $100,100. Surpiss asd Profi ts, 14,000 Transacts a geserai basking business, D~eais & Co.'s Bllended Coffee is the resnit of thirty years experience Foreign exchasge hosghtasd sold. Furnish in roasting coffee, sod produces in the cup a beverage of golden E. D. KINNE, Prens. ISAIt RISON SOULE, ooilnd nsurpassing flavor. We sell this coffee at 25ic per S.poCundKSN Vice Prens colorW.poARiSON.Cashier (j and venture the statemeint tbat no better or more delicious coffee cciilie ad t it~ prce.C. II. MAJOR & CO., DEBAN & COMPANY. The Artistic deorators 214 oothMai Stret.Have a complete lin of y Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Athietic Notes. thliv srersity if (Chi.-gin~ the P(-an Shades , Roomt Mouldings, Etc. iilsssls~i~iy ieeal Nsrt~se..ernsyva 1 liitis sc silsSpecialty of fine interior decorating [llnoi eail deeatd Nrt Nv;;trnwill lie lui te isine lins viilsPenn~- painting, frescoing, tintingand paper 1 Saturdcay in the ipenineg gatins ite yirsissic, iHarvasrdl, hiisgelssvn ani hanging. Only thn best of workmen islerieiliiegiant:lsissliiLesgiue. The islcigass. Viii seamistoi iehiesesil lii- employed. Work guaranteed. fina isscortelassle0 oisilNlnis ead- iagii hesnoiiiyet been ciosinabisliiieiy . I.MAJOR & CO., Ii1 it ofte. Sclneris il Nortwest White Fsir aildPstter.ssin willlbe shree C r1r 'ecr cvn f h he ic-r:, rThe Artistic Decortor, s a es e n ti~ e d isy Ci lri i i g i i . : ' EI 1 vsis sssi il ceerltaisl seidsit ' \ar Other esllege scor5e msaie Ssatiurday sity cselsvest.i toi seslisle ig ;;s (ori L I tiilise: (hicaga 10,,Illliniiis CyelingClotsI sell, Coliaiis andiilPesnssylvassiaI issly AN GNTE NS 2 rawns iilostisi Cilig 32; ieiin- lLtADIESesAND GsENTLEsMsENi'li Sylvania 3, Vsss slrlsll 3; Vieginsa Gist .feha rwm lob Vale 3; Tusfts 7,.Iiias3. s 1 e .T * * '%ThOetrit Atisleitilb is maintug Latest Novelties in Winter The reelay ts-asoteiasw ee rneSi as- ais effiseltois ecre Keene Fitzpateick end Spring Garments. urda afernon t Ieaets iel. Te iMichiganis foslrmC essrzissee, toi k aftier lose asade by the if lferenst ,ioiliiaies itsathleites Ihis sume. _ CUR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. wae noiiincussussed..i.-n*c*.OOesblock west af University. -i X{. Hi. Barsscrd, the famussPrince- The katting sverages sif Ike basebaii'tr afakwl oc othvsensQ I cassdidates tos dais ari as fosliows: .9fslaltesicx ess e ta i e Caooly.........213 9 .429 Daisp............:t1 .5 .300 en r l i e Thomtpsinsi ....... 7 32 .3setitle Cii a5luttle novel by J. Esilie lix, McGissnis..........i in wchick a sciti reseach b issade The Only Sleeping Car Line between Mattesoin. ..2!"r 6 .240 Toledo and Columbus. Glihert........17 4 .351 li a number sir pramintcessiose f to- The Only bleeping or Drawing Rooi Loben .......:.3 7 22slay andsi thraugh a procesasiof theiraowea Car Line between Toledo, Colum- bane. . . .11 3 .182 they discaver the elixir of life, by which buadMalta Butler. . . .. 5 .1733 The Only Drawing Room Car Line wof. . . . 2 .133 Ike kuman family live firever. between Toledo, Colunibus and Of the remaining candidates ciii any Local interest in Ike work will he is- Charleston, WV. Va. one Isas mside a hit. In fielding iCondon, tennified by tihe introiduction or several Pullman Sleepers between Colum- Mattesso, Fehr, Hicksanod France have of Ike irofessorsnin the ILiiveraily in bus and Chicago. cler resedeTheerissdshav ken ts etals Anan Chme eetiaedThe Only Line with 4 trains eack cler rcods.Th grund hve ee it deais. mog tosemetioed way daily between Toleda and ini vey por onitin ad tis c-are Prof'. W.0. Pettee, Dr. Victor C. Columbus. cnefar nmany of tke errors smade by Vaughan, tDr. A. 1. Prescott, P~rof. I Thn Only Line with 3 trains each Warren P. Lomubard and others'e . way on Sudys between Toledo the others. and Columbus. : Zt Cs published by Ike Wesiern News The Only 'Line with 5 trains eack The relay tearnswise-killvi repreen~t Co., Chilcaga.-Courler. way daily between Toledo, Bowl- i --- ~ We Are -Laying , For Your EASTER NECKWEAGR..! A most brilliant line of neckwear of every dcescrip- tion is awaiting your selection. Keep in line with our furnishings. _____t_________ WAGNER &COMPANY, 123 euth HinleStreet. - - - Fornishers. The Only Line with 2 trains each was' daily between Toledo and Charleston, W Va. [he Only Direct Line between Tole- do and the Virginias. [he popular line between Toledo, Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and Newark. Full Infornatisn relative to' rates, time of trains, ste., will be chseerfully garished by any agent of Rho Ohio Central Lines. Moulton Houik, G~. P. A., Toledo, QOhio. A i