THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. PUBLIO OPINION Has put the stamp of approval upon our..... .. . . .. ... We have talked to you about our fine line of clothing made for us especially by Hammersiough Bros. and The Stein-Black Co. Now we take pleasure in talking to you about our FINE FURNISHING GOODS. Our Furnishing DepartIment is exhibiting a bewilderingly beautiful stock of Neckwear, Colored Shirts, Glovea, Underwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, and many accessories to man's wardrobe. But more especially we wish to mention our beautiful line of SWEATERZS Made of pore worsted yarns in exclusive patterns and styles, and all they cost yon is $2.10 and $3.00. They are the same as fine furnishers exhibit, minus their outrageous profits. No chestnuts in our line of sweaters. 221 SOTA RMAIN STRMEET, Lindenschmitt & Apfel. * ! PIANOS FOR RENT ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO., 0-207 E. Washington. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD, Time Table. Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. 8:43 a. m. *7:30am, *1:15 a. us. 11:25 a. us. 4:4 p.m. 8:40 p.nM. 19:15 t:055p. in, *Ruse between Ann Arbor and Toledo only, *Runs between Toledo and Howell. This train Sunday only. All ether trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GiLMO0RE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. F. A. Toledo 0. MIGHIGN E J, "The iagara Falls JRoute." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. /fall and Ei--.-3 47 B., N. Y., dCl---5 12 N. Y. Special--. 4 58 iMail.-------918 'N. S. Limited...-c6 d5 P. M. Eastern Ex...10 oW Western Es_.3 155 AiM. G. R. &K. Ex....5 5 0. NExpres---- 5 50 Chi. Nt. Exs.--5 940 Atlantic Es .. 7 30 Pacifac Es----- 153 G. R. Express ---i1 t0 'North Shore Limited lo an extra fare train to be a charge of 52.50 to New York than on other trains, U. W. RtUGGEnS, H. W. HAYES, G. F. & T. Agt., Chicago. Alit. Ann Arbor. U. of L Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE .STREET. Ladles' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs Old friend, call again. We welcome sex ones. J. it. TROJANOWSKI, RENTSCHLERIRE PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone'j0. ANN ARBOR ENOCH DIETERLE, ErIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended 'Day or Night. . No,16 East Liberty Street: Resideoce, 3 Soth Fourth Ave. Phone 129. Geo.. 8. Parker Foun- tain Pen. HILRSFOR A...-adf.0. M, MARTIN, .~~-JEWELRY STORE H O T LU N CHFUNERAL DIRECTOR. rr....._Embalming a Specialty. T GO i utosad.0 TO- r NO. :209 FOURTH AVENUE. Uis ".. 01II. ij TUTTLE'S. 48 5. State St. ROSS GRANGER, Teacher oi Dancing. THOSE considering the subject of dancing are requested to call at the office of Ross Granger for correct information in regard to classes, private lessons, terms, etc. OFFICE: Ground Floor. GRANGER'S ACADEMY, Maynard Street. Among the Colleges. Ciiccgo's score of 71 to 0 a:galinst L~ake Forest Saturday is tie largest so for tihis se1a011. The following figures show tile 3a c - T -es of the heaviest aggregalisils play- ey lby the western colleges at an1y one tinie this season: Chicago, licie 179.7, baccks 1359; Wiseensiu, lint 174.3, backs 14.4; Illinsois, line 182.3, bsacks :153; M1innesota, line 174, backs 112; Porldoc, une_ 172, sacIs -130.5; Michigaii, it 170, bsacks 155. MIUStIAXI. N OTI'CE. Beiginncing stuentlcs in vocalia1t, also those desiring frainingii oicral~e singing will finl in Mr. B~oris L. an- apcol, of 'Detro'it, an able a311:1 xtccr- dotced teacher. MNlr. ll 1.3i i gracisltealesld foruicer teacher in tile llcyal1 Conservalory of itussla at Kief, which gave the wocrld our Rtubeseinl. Tscliaikosvsky, (tlink~caicuindticlosff. Hourss for instrction in the Ann ,Ar- bcor clacss mnay lbe arranigedi with Jas. 1'.Armistronlg, 70)7 'Chitrchist. Sttudents intendsing to tle(Coturse 0 wNill please Oring note hooks to the lee-! lore on Thursday in Rosom 24, ulver- sity Htall. IIiiW VLtTERlAY1'iT.. An implotlant ecnge is iiade in Semitic Hlislory anid Hebcrew Literat- lore. The course ill Semitic Ilistsry will be givenicthcc.seond semester- lice course inelsresv Literature the firsit semlester, ill Tapcpan Hall, tRooim 2, Tuesdacy and Thursday cat 4. The object -of 'the course is 1o explain the lxslorecl coiiditions ucnder wichlthe Oldt Testanieent litersaturo grew, to ipoint out the parrllel records of hits- try containc'in the mlonum~lental rec- ords of Assyrial, aud to slioy the vital connuectionlbetsweenl Old test imiit Prophiecy anditi Asyrian anl(] Egytianl history., The first lecture u-ill tcbe givenl 'Tcueoday the 1211c, 'lappunc a ll T, 1R00a: 24 p. in. Stu~dents wholi hve alreccty (llrollt'd in Seiic Ii istsry c-acdvis:- cd to trancsfer Ito ilelcresy1Literalture as :111 ilitilleale connectisli exists be- tweenthi tIwo courses. NOTICE TO tIA:S'S FOOT)BALl. Manal~gers of class fosthicll, tennis iii- leldlilig'to compilete for thet'initesi"clhiss clilluliosllp, nmtst sig::ify their in. tfition 10ole ibefore Octohber 20. H. 1. ITEA LD; Assistant 1Matia, cr. Ambulance sight or day. Residence, 102 Fifth Avenue. ANTON TEUFEL, HEADQUAR1TERS FOx Trunks, Valises. ])ress Suit Cases. and Telescopes. Trusts and Valises repaired seatly and cheaply Ns. 307$S. Main Street. DETROIT, M'ICH. C. II. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic decorators" Have a complete line of Wail Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. II. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decorator. TANDJ2M'S! 'To Pent!!!1 The Larges Line of Bicycles, Sun- dries and Supplies at K.I STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Telephone No. 0. One door East of Ameri- cas House. The Nance the (,garantee. SPALDING'IS Foot Bail Supplies For '97 Every Requisite for the Game. Alanagers will do welto wrIte for samples asd special rates t before purchasing. The Spaldiing Official Foot Ball. ! RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR, KINDERGARTEN, . ro Gali and See- Us,r The Famous "Jsseph Bshmsan," and Washburn MANDOLINS ~GUITARS Ftor Sale at SCHAEBERLE'S M1usic Store 14 W. Liberty St.. Ann Arbor N. B. - We have practicing . rooms for music utudents., .®......a.. 25 CENTS @ @ @ tent so much frsa tooth brush that is warranted to he oil right. If the ' j bristlesucome out of one of our 25 cent bruhes it's our brush. PA~mERS 'PH RMACY 3061 SOUTH STATE STREET. -University School of Dancing, Terms Hteet., 14Y.s 0 cent