,~n f
In Hats, Flowers, Pun
Ribbons, Feathers, O
ments, Etc, selected by
trimmer in New York, u
whose direction hats and I
nets Rold are trimmed.
Do you want to see all
latest, correct ideas, of Spr
Millinery? Visit this dep
ment, 2d floor, this week
lvotbing but the L"test
Eesytbig but the Ordinary
We are showing the largest
most complete line of
Soe department, 1st floor.
W. J. BooTH, Pres. W. Au OLD, 1st Vice-pres
q J. V. SaEER , 2dVice-epres,
I e or ~n Y u Joux C. WALZ.Ast. Cashier.
Photo's Taken iNSEC . ATW...ORK State- avius Nonk!
Transacts a general Banking busi
The Berry man Studio. 1
(Successor to Gibson & Clark) Oor. Main and nuron Streets.
Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $30,000. Transact a
general banking business.
R. KixrF, Pres. C. E. CEnshe, Vice-Pres
112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. Fse. H. iELuEa Cashier.
Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000.
!l j W j j~ ( '(J'(FResources, 5105.000.
tJ s. " W . K L ,AUFOr anized under theGeneral1Banking Laws
of this State. Receivesdeposits, buys and
sells exchange on the princ cities of the
United States. Drafts cashd upon proper
identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent.
OsFrnesss: ckristian 00 k Fres W. D.
Harriman, Vice-Pres. Chas E. Aiscock,
Cashier: M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier.
U.E STAIRST Ann l Arbor, Mich. FIRST NATIONAL BANK0anize 863
ICapital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $40,000,
Transacts a general banking business.
Foreign exchange bought and sod. Furnish
HO D INK RS O CO FEEletters of credit.
E. l). RINSE, Pros. flARItlSON SOULS,
CIES Vice Pres
Dean & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of thirty years experience
aes, in roasting coffee, and produces in the cup a beverage of golden
rna- color and unsurpassing fiavor. We sell this coffee at 25c per pound eCoeA.,
our and venture the statement that no better or more delicious coffee The Artistic deorators
ider can be had at any price. Have a complete line of
bon- Wai Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
214 South Main Street."DCAN Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
the Specialty of fine interior decorating
Athletic Notes. f University Notes. painting, frescoing, tinting and paper
ing Arhanging. Only the best of workmen
art- - employed. Work guaranteed.
The scheduled game of the so-caled A aiedonian entertain ntill e MAJOR CO,
Western College League will be played held inUniversity Hall tonight under C. if.
this afternoon between Illinois and the auspices of the S. C. A. The enter- The Artistic Decortor,
O Northwestern, at Champaign. There tainment will consist of bag-piping and
seems to be little doubt as to the re- Scotch dancing. rof. Stanley will play
sult of the game. From all reports medleys of Scotch airs on the Colum-
Illinois is doing better practice than luau organ and short addreoses will be ADIES AND NTEEN'
ever in her history, while Northawest_mle. The admission will be 25 cents
ern's work is very poor. In the last and the proceeds will go to the current
week they have been handily defeated expenses of the S. C. A.
by two Chicago high school tearms. Itarry 11. Cole, a student rooming at Latest Novelties in Winter
232 S. Ingalls street, had a dangerous and Spring Garments.
At the meeting of the Athletic Board fall Sunday afternton on the road
last evening a roung rote of thanks between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. COR, WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
wvas extended to the Comedy Clu for While riding at full speed his bicycle One block west of University.
lhe montey turused tree by that club struck some obstruction and broke the ODI
to the treasurer of the association. The front fork, throwing Cole to the ground . ** *."*
money received by the sale of tickets with great force. le was badly C
isos he ossed cubwasdiide b-iC entralL i e
romth cmed eubwa diidd~e-bruised, especially ahout Isis head and
rtween the fruit and flower mission and face, one ear being almost entirely torn T. & C. Iy. K. & M. Ry.
the Athletic Association. The amount off. Dr. Lynds is attending him. The Only Sleeping Car Line between
turned over wav $222, exceeding that Detroit Journal: Prof. Richard tud- Toledo and Columbus.
son, dean of the literary faculty of the The Only Sleeping or Drawing Room
of loot year Car Line between Toledo, Colum-
This is the last week of spring foot-
halt practice, and it is very desirable
that every candidate should come out
every day this week at 4 o'clock.
J. W° F. BENNETT, Capt.
H. T. HEALD; ,Mgr.
Candidates for mile and half mile
run please report fcW practice at Re-
gents Field Monday, April 11, 3:30 to
5 p. m., for spring practice.
J. M. THOMAS, Capt.
University of Michigan, presented to the
Unity Club last week an array of
facts concerning the history of recent
eastern affairs, particularly rel'sive to
the Russian-Chinese question. He said
that it was but a question of time
when Russia would have secured that
for which she had been striving in the
great trade of the east, and that tRus-I
sian domination of China would be for
the latter's good.
LOST-A small bunch of keys at the
Forty Club Friday night. Finder will
be rewarded by leaving the same at
the Psi U House.
bus, and Marletta.
The Only Drawing Room Car Line
between Toledo, Columbus and
Charleston, W. Va.
Pullman Sleepers between Coluni-
bus and Chicago.
The Only Line with 4 trains each
way daily between Toleda and
The Only Line with 3 trains each
way on Sundays between Toledo
and Columbus.
The Only Line with 5 trains each
way daily between Toledo, Bowl-
ing Green and Findlay.
The Only Line with 2 trains each
way daily between Toledo and
Charleston, W. Va.
The Only Direct Line between Tole-
do and the Virginias.
The poular line between Toledg,
Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville anti
Full information relative to rates, time of
trains, etc., w111 be cheerfully furnished by
any agent of the Ohio Oentral Lines.
Moulton Hook, G. P. A.,
Toledo, Ohio.
For Forty Years
Has been smnoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER.
as o. pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe.