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April 08, 1898 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-04-08

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THE BE ST TAILORSWUW..l.-w. J. BOTH: PreW. N.DIs ce-pres
En iv ~JON 0 WAz. tCashier
I/IIxiirvGODSPEEID'S. State - Savin s - Ban.
SUIT ASESTransacts a general Banking bus
<12R,", ~~~~~~The right ind at the rght pice. s(,.1Y& 't~lf n
Y ..R OODESPIR+E D'1IS. - Cr. in a0iurn treets.
P &C pital, $5,00. S rpus, $30,. Transact a
(A t-'i general baking business.
It ir, Pres. C. F. aesar,; Vice-ree
~,.,/ \ ~ ~ OS.W. OLL UFFs.n.H. B.FnCshier.
/ -Capital Stock, $5000. Sundlus, $10,000.
~ ,Oranizd under the Cenerai~anking Laws
" I uf thin State. ieceiven doits, bys and
sells ecange n the principal ctien f the
United States. Drafts ased upon proper
",,10E.WAI/NGONST Identicaton. Safty deposit buss to rent.
Ct3F. WSNTAOST. Ann~ Arbor Mich. Orscmts: Christian dlek Pres.; W. D
y li U SARS Harriman, vice-es.: Chas H. Hicok,
I Cashier h. J. Frite Assistant Cashier.
IHO ! DRINKERS OF COFFEE Cptl 1000.SrlsNOgan W,00l$
- Transctsa geeral banking buines
DeanS; o.'sBleded offe isthe reult f tirtyyeas exerinceForeign texchange boght andoid. Furnish
LARGEST SHOWING Da o.s eiddCfeei e eutoftlryyear xerec etterso rdit.
in roasting coffee, antd proulce iii the cup a beverage of golden . I. KINNF, Pres. HARISON SOLE,
Vice Fes
N EWEST FANCIES I color and unsurpssing flavor. We sell this coffee at 25 per poundt s, w CLAtKSON. Cashier
and venture the statement that no better or more delicious coffee
In Hats, Flowers, Plumes, can be hatd at aiiy price.c.I. AJR&C,
Ribbons, Feathers, Orna- C " R "
menus, Etc., selected by our DEAN & CO IVIPANY).I The Artistic derators
trimmer in New York, under 214 South Main Street. Have a complete line of
'whose direction hats and bon-' tltcNts nvriyNts Wall Paper, Paints, oils, widw
Attieti Nots. nivrsit Noes.Shades, Room Mouldigs, Ec.
nets sold are trimmed,
Do you want to see all the Rtiik island win tlb.fortahlbgame ilsirnan Thad Knapp.of th'appciltygof fine interior ecoatingtn ae
from Ilinor;5 to 1 and ovrr comittee painting, oofrescoingrretinting, fanprpaperr
9 a(Ilnn:F nI adnn:::maiewil1.i Tiang ing. Only the best of wrkan
laetacretldafSrigdy Salnrd !.y. 'haneintending Ia eployed. Work guaranteed.
Millinery? Visit this depart- NrtbhIDiviin 11u1gh Sotf,111 a(tnge}t M JO
ment, 2d floor, this week. purchadese iapl anlidtgowi-rnare auited'toinb.n(.tlMAJaR:ycII &CCO.
ca~o deeatd Notnwst~r+ i iti irathir od nsasn a n::n a -ill
tinege S re ata ::l ::linlel. or dr aoget trec5nttiv u m-lt oThe Artistic Decortor,
(Nf Tb innehll ntin t Pittn'tt~t Satrdy it will aloaopoablyAftinecr~I
Leii :-lil:7ialnt ti era tn LADIES' AND GETMN'
(A((f c' n S 1 lo1 _ ___ _ !meti the naman' gymninnuainnti TAILOR
~ ~o n n t~ Reopio t t~ ovrnrOn ,The Ann Atna' Alumtae Ann i~wlt in: Latest Novetis in Winter
ione Ann Abttrt'Light in~antry ha ill meet tn Saurday at 0y in t' and Spring Garments.
matde a::akanamnisttnInginae::granti e anwnt's illinant 0.
ception nnd al lt (v ennandNeih .Tie quetiotn:foitathe v'; blt a-.inI: a-COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARO STREET.
VfWRIGT PETERSUO. iiiaa odiOnetlina blockI bsInaia: nhlein"Ienofel,_University.____________
,ROCI'ESTERY Arnany neat Mo:nday evening. Ten I ninal~
inen i b n alaylie n a.btitd t'inagarldilO I
InFanty and martito' th tin hae in the chtie .f the coitt laiiattl :sdniut'
bEen invited. offii inpetiitn will itative ngflisaof tAnerianaitie." Central L.ines5
" luke plae at 7:41 oclotck in he anmnry. The deae wil take ina Ma a ny . I
Thin'will be tflowned by the reepio pr. J. . Red will delier a:nild- T 55o0..CSy. ItC,- ..Sy.
:nd ball. A band nia.nanrhesta. will 'darenslto the membeansiif the Engineer- The Only Sleeping Car Lie betwee
t nia the micafort 'naig. ig Sncity onn feimhlions Dinien- Toledo and Columbus.
* Dr MaMnrich, or the Mediai de' sin Theiy" Satrday April 10,at The Only Sleeping or Drawing Roon
Car Line between Toledo, Coum-
n,.Othinig but the rttest parloent is preparing nanatie on an p., i. in the phyial letur -rnom. bus, and Maretta.
Evesyhting but the Ordisnary unuunal00(1 ineresing anmaly, whih Prof. Al. ,. (oley in in Detit a- This Only Drawing oomCar Line
wns recntiliy tound in Ie ainamia itim: ema for the naval reeve between Toledo, Colunbus and
are telretsig Charest-n, W. V.
ereshowing telretadlbrtory. Teatila wiiil pper The biyl pth t Whilmore Hake PlmnSepr ewe ous
mostma complete lint of in the July inubi-aoftahie Jura~l ofcould soon be put in trder if every Stu- buan Chicago.
-bsadAntony nd Phyilogy, Lond-n. dent who ridan a wheel would aotnI- The Only Line with 4 trains each
!---ula a small amount. Every ontri- way daily between Toeda and
Ladies FOOTBALL NOTICE. butor would certainly be repaid for his Columbus.
This is -the last week of pring foot- aontribution by having a good pails toI The Only Line with 3 trains each
bral pretice, and it is very deorabe ride on to Whitmore Lake. Money may way on Sundays -betweens Toled
that every candidate should come out be el with: MisoM,.Goodrich in the and Columbus.
every day this week at 4 oclok.
p* iii WT'.F. BENNETT, Capt. President's office or with the committee The Only Line with 6 trains each
_oW we ix.T. HtEAL D, Mgr. at 527 Churh st. way daily between Toledo, Bowl-
ing Green and Findlay.
EVER SHOWN. ~ A e y The Only Line with 2 trains ac
We e Laying-- way daily between Toledo and
Layi Caleston, W. V.
SEE UR 3. D SHES N "k6KThe Only Direct Line between Tole-
~E~R 300SIDS11 LAKFor Your EASTER NECK WEAR h iriis
O~R TAIL, YSTIRJ3 T -. 'Th popular line between Toledo,
' ] Y~tFostora, Bucyrus, -Granvile and
Amost brilliint lineof neckwear of every decrp N'ewark.
Os lieo(earient, 1st floor.- tion is awaiting your selection. Keep in line. with our 1015eaineitv nrts ieo
furnshins. .als, a . wil he cteerfshhY furnisedby
r WA NER W V J=L~SY~l iy agnt of the Oho Cental Lines.
&1w 3 .2outh Rain Street. - - Furnshrs. Toledo, Ohio.

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