THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Easter Saturday in our. Cloak Department -_..--LL OUR LADLES'STS[R , JACKETS AND CAO~PES REDUCED SISS RTIn many cases to ONE-HALF actual value for that day. 1 $4000 $ 28.00 12100 go FOR 3700 FO R}y 27.00 ~ 5r 7 FOR 22.50 FOR 174E ~ 0 SUIIYS 30.00 15 SUITS 26.60 $12,75 SUITS 21.00 l0jI SUITS 15.00 $18 WORTH 30.00 t WORTH 25.00 * WORTIH 20.00 Il OT 60 At $1.39--Dross Skirts worth -- -- -- -- -- - - -$2.25, $'2.00, or $1.75 A $2.89-Dress Skirts worth---------$.50, $4..25 or $4.00 At $.89-Dress Skirts worth -- -- -- - - - - - - - - 25, :3.00 or 2 75 At $4.89-D)ress Skirts wiorth _- - -- -- -- -- ---7.50, 7.00 or 6.50 At $6.89-Dress Goods in Rich Silks, S-itins, Cheviots, Crepons, Velours and Worsteds, Corded ar~d Tucked ini newest styles, 001111 tip to $1.00. Easter Saturday only. -- IMACK & COXPANY. Saturday, this week. i i _ . _ __. rKINDERGARTEN, izHun . STEINS! {FULLER & BEI Call and See Us,. ,.... Thosewhno sidt'" to the _________________ . A whole window full. .T ILO Ann Arboa Mustc Co ,.152057 E. Cleaning, Pressitng and R Washintgon street, ilearned RENTSCLER, liHl~O ii'Rl1Lll Work called for and thtateven rat. were tome ase... _--- &'~ d kADN ;~ 1t 12 S.ST1AI:ST.,over tn ttsewortlt. Inthtt catethey Telephonle ii. XNN ARBOtR Pi hone No. 2id, New State. helped: o hay Catnves Guiof C'aseat Weeach by justgnaw tng a' few slightly. tony of rM L.L them hbolutely perfect. totr-FUNERAL DIRECTOR, mer price 2.V. J/.~ Embalming a Spec A, ANO. 209 1FOUETH Ambilance night or tiny. Residence. N02EitthAvenue. AN'N T ARBFR SixModels tor '98 at hi)0. Models, while, they last at x:50. CANFUNSMSI4FIR Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1817. ,.4-\.t Broxi vn1's DLrug' Stcore, Cttre ets. Orders for alt Fraternity - dances, etc. Leave orders TIME TABLE: Ilto. - %® r Msic Co. neat tesideace, 177 Trainsteave Ann Arborhby Central Standard j At the Theatre. 'Calendar. P. S. -Witl take pupis onl Time. ______ sight rending at ahove named l' :4a.m. 70 a.m A nogniicent produtctioin, one of the Fridtay, Atoll 8-tHcn. J. i1. tBortottitt A. J . J oli 8:43 a. m. :3ma mst sitmpttosthoot New Yorto has SL .ctce nvriyhat ~ 1:45pa. m. 11:25. m. seen.sL. stcnyryears.e ondtythatidis8say- 4:6p , 8:0pR. seniut.yeradthti a- -hvn between AnnArhor anod Toedosonty intg a great deal, was else Japanese Friday, Aprit --Lecture by Prof. A. U . N-having Parlors and mustcal cotuedy.,"The Geisha'" which( SUHSAES E . QILIOttE, Agent einjoyed a tatetr of many msonths at i.Hart, of tisecard, lecture rootm Talt- 3SUTSATs W. H BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. iDaythheatler,as neil aso atneqiually pantial, S p in.Ladtes' artistic hair Dressh suctes stlcingaigement ofat te Savoy,.(Old friends caroi gsn. We T London.n"The Gxeisha is a diotitnctl Satturdy,Apritit-hcollrils'entertains- ones. J. H. TROA - 1 I .N AL sosvoly, hillianty composed, muically fsnesrtein tjttiversity 0Hllfot betnettt oi ~h NagraFal:Fot un0osur passedstnefol to a degree wthOR Th iaaa alsRut. catchy solos, delightful chorusisaos S. C. A. Tr~ro('~ Content Standard Time. scett us its peculiar oriental incuor and Saturday, April 9-Athletic Assoctia- Lo n , lIo TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. euantuiss Eastern costuming, combinsedi-00 TO- non ' ~with a alh of scenery saet acres- tion election,ooiminiC', U. Fl., 1:301 p. tn. Mall anod En. ._3 7 N. Y, Chii-- 121I town asse attracted is that aristoctratic NOW READY FOR I3ICSINE SS. ALLEO~iRETSiSye N.Y. Special_.4 5 Mail--5-----918 play-house great throisgs if the insst 'is PsraiiCaefs ot oenfu *N. S. Limited .--8 105 aifcEs.----12 s30tdiscriminatinig theater-gioers.TePotadCfisnwpnfo Eastern Ex..---9O 47 . . .Such an ;attraction is very seldom tbtsinesat the newstisnd, 120 E. Hlo J prA .WsenE---13 enotieo helretcte ste tet is orws ft esoo D.N. Express .5 50i G.5R..&.&. En .-5 511nicF.... 0Ci.N.E;-_-ri4 xe sntailedit its iotranspoirtation Ihose5Ogla bar 3ierw4k G.tRaExtessn.1 10 Ci I s.--~ is's -seat atnd iafull compaeny of slag'Eeii orl$ lc ek 0. capetes Exrsd2 0rittedt to thseirworokt, ms also hase tirivate dining rooissi tii t DISCOUNT ON A *North Shore Limited isa naextra fore he'ai ecaret for secial idinnsers ansd partie'. and t: eeis a ritage of5 0 oNew Yurls 'rie ( lsa" somses toi AninArbor___-Y T 1 'nore ahan on-othe trainis. 'tonight. April 8th, wsith the original 'h rasTaies gsssli 5 0. W RunGtESs, It. W, llAvos I oo Iiludisng all the New Ysrko Ta- Fs eces Ae~e ila v.. .g. hce.At.AsAheoriltes and direct fromts its moist so- issassy iositions as all others ecobined. To close them To THE BUKEYE QUTE.ceouftil Chlcagos engagemeont. It i 5555n- Register at oi'ieois their Chicago otf- ~ 5P.AE THE__________ obtdyts toliatJes itteIIVI. 'rT . pp -BUCKsorEase ROUTEsi doubtedly the theatria vn fte re', 778 Wabash avenue. Ai U. of At, COLUMBUS, ROCKIG YALEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY t e asaily.nogdaubtsfillishnoanegtr. 119W. Washington Street. lath nny lne rom he oleo Ctos The advansie gale it seats fir 'The I Istationly loeColmshandTolnto beyond, tEishia" is lprogressng very ralot ils. TE:ACHERIS WANTED S'il ZNEXT cTHE tARSTiorow 5iofi1 t, S se ustng Union denot terminals at Colum- -________ ETME.Is 'HEtiWOULD. , bus and runs four fast expreem trains Physics and Chemistry (nats) for A. G SP [tINGl daily between the points named, ion of CIIRAN iPARADIC-S. Mlich. II. S:, $800. A .SADN themlinthe un-precedented time ofthree , There will he sisolhor supply of sip Three I13. S. Prinss., Otl, $1,200, "Te1am heOnr hours. Parloe earn on dny trains, setens 2a1 ,00 Teohmste par cenlts Puimrna sleepers on nifht traine. hot otgraphs. of the Cuban ptsrash- $2 000. Official Outfitterasn the Leading Students di siring unequaled facitlities esonii sale at Cauiss' toetay. H. S. Aassisant (wosussni Engtish, lettc Club and Salhent Tems are invited to aste lBceye Route and '. $600. Ee eust o nan obtain full particulars on application NTU Girls' Cull. Prep. Sehs., Latin arid FeYReusefr to local ticket agents. NOTIs.tGeek, $450 and honme. Athletic Spoirtsenod Pasti E. R. DAVIDSON, The persochis consolted with tie We have very maouythet' vacancies The Spalding Official Le Dist. P'ass. Agent, Toledo; orI law libhrarissn in relotion to blidisig and are getting them every days. Al- Adopted by National, Minos W. H. FISHIERtG. P. and T. A. t boso fur the library if a frate~rsoly beet &- Cark Teacisers' Agency, Poll- School Leagues Columbui, Ohito. wili please coil at she librarian's desk, moatn Bldg., Chicao. The sldest and Base Ball Uniforms, Irats, tow library. J. H. VANCE. largest in the Weot. Thirteenth year, Mite, Chest Protectors, ______________________________________________________ THE SPALING CHJAINLESS hICYCLES THE SPAIDINC BLUE RACER tEhain) ]BICYCLES * * a THESPLIGRAWE 1 BulttobrdrReare adU-n versity School -of J..anci.g Send foe lutatdCtl Athletic Shorts. Enameled, at 106 North 020T0 STREOPPvOIuT LoW BUtLDING, As 6. SPALD![NG Fourth Avenue. Programe Party, with Orchestra Music, every Saturday Evening. NwYr 'Wmn. J'.'Wenger. Private Lessons by appointment. - Office, 427> Thompson st. BUL MTL IE seOF a5BICYL UDIS ISTOCK. EOI IEELA LARGE AND FINE ASSQIQ _____N BROTHERS, ErIBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR- utrMnois (scesr oHne hpn; ICll Atteded Day or Night.e and Metronon NoOICtRI5 M 1. 161 'East Lity Street:iRRsdence, 553 at me per cest oit from our 9NFCUE OSchth iFourth Av. Phon0123. * S prices-thin month. The RANEKI RS lepairing. I delivered lialty. .AVENUE. parties, club a Ann Arbor 710 lsdd nare. Pia no anad is iston. Bath Rooms TRE".r ng- up stairs welome nanew -olates 41 wish. kLL )Ut. PhBOnS. ig oleg.sih Base Ball; times. angte l3.1 r, College and E, agEc MOIDLS. log a-of 3a BROS., Chicago ' usual low eseGuoWs e'll .