Auk Ah FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. VOL. VIII. NO. 138. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, I RE OA FT EU FM1 'Varsity Defeated. A Warm Election. A t" E- W ild's RM VLO H .O Bay City won their first game of the The annual election of the Athletic SrigslcinjutaredAdvocated By tile Detroit T[rib- serien yesterdlay by a ntore of t0 to 5. Association will tahe place Saturday Sprig slectonsdustA~rivec streak of hatting and lock o their afternoon at 1:30. At this election men from the East. Call and, 11.pact 1usd some glaring errors oni the will he chases to hoiti the offices for the inspect our... cits nls sna' n part o the 'Varsity contributed to the ensuing year. The officers Is' be elect- Suitings, Trouserings, uehsti osyrltv ote'arsity's defeat. Miller started in to etd are as follows: President, v'ice-pr'es- 'Op-i~,'O~ti itch for the "Vcarsity, but after six ident, treasuirer, financial secretary and To -C at. eoxl f h Uivsatyt Dtrithits hatd been madts :ff Ihis delivery he reco:rding secretary. Besides. thesu ______________ Th artrtelsr~vestha recnt sgittiss Igave'cway to Loerusnthse second inning. thsere are sine directosrs tss be elected, NO.08E. ASINGONST.NER M rNlativet the remostvat of the two: mcst- Lohr finished oust tke inning and thcen which swith the officers and manages 1 eprtssnt er olyerera Coacsh lWatksins wenst is1. In Ike ala cosntitute the 'entire bosard.. svedges, as was at that tinse assserted: inntisgs he pths s otr 'snt Ac'sds ~ h ~sioiso h "hrissilaohretrrshiss saf(ely snly (ciatioss sny deisartment ssf the Usi- A leg et 'spossbls better than any, wvherseby the' Clarke, '00 M5, pitcedslthefirsat live' vrsityhsaving teansors ,sre mess whss city of Detsoit may' immsortatize itself. issnings fssrBasy City. Fosr the birat use members of the assosciastion is en- C hIocolates.... Thes nvsistlysf Michigan is bossedI thsree inninsgs soestisd well, but issthse titltesos a diretorshsiis. A new depari- perh aps is thse 1p0o5est lot sf lssildings tsssr thansi fittb I so vstoced stipsp ofoent apisieass fssr the firattlimse this Fresh every week. osf asny large university iss lbs world., liv ely that flisff wspu imn s. OSllivan year and asks for repsresentatiosss sss the Only in packages- Its camps is already ove rcrowdet.d.agsssssttasi siyed sitssabsad ThsstetenaI'lrmn. 6en a pound. gi agtadpae i sa or.Ti stedna eatet Lowne's ifyou Thse Univesity is iserennilally itpshil rs iso sui im'lu- ee Lorefer. i ssyo sssanteTishichipresstutheo vhasltiitshasanevej preer nous Ter isno te walh n Wsh The festssreassof the gamse' vere a lbeensrepelsentes inisg to the small s/p enaw 'sssssty lavishly ts endsswi. Iss ,sse-hasndsedcatshb ty Davies is middle snembership isnstIe asssseisstis ss P-ALMERS' PHARMACY. Inc prs'ent day the tendencsieassof the fieist, Gilbert's throswing Its irsi, ILow- Iss as much as thse mensberssssf the grea't ussiversities are toswards thse larete sey'sswork at shsort ansd thsesumirings .Atlicsoiaonrrenthec- ctis. Soonor or late the Unsiversity Thi ssosre: tsegse spir-it ssf thse Unsivereity, and also ~PP S S A ILO E'- Iof ichigan will isots'ampesredl by its SliB"I 01AN'.besassee there are alwasys quiste a ntsn- FOR THE NEXT WEED' lsscality in Assn .'rssr. AIi B. .11. 0. A. Es. herssf tgoosd mnssosresicns the tielsd Just recesved s, fresh stepls of Alegretti, and Nows, supposse as a bi-centesssial smorns- Cssssey, 2b..ta. i3 s 1.2 3frelcin'teAhltcAsoito 'Wiiamis and Werners Chocolates. Lamest line tIsssnsoss, lb..a41o4......retrlis,4le 0iseie ssse0tiss Ini hhe city. srissi Dotrcolt 'aises as fund ssf fivesil- Butler, sf..'..d4 t 052502 electiaos isslast years isave been very Lunches a+ all hours. iosssofst iollasssatoss ecure the rcsssssvssl Dver ."....3121 R 14 I ilbert, so".a t.. 2 1 22spitritesd and enthusiastic. The mom- R. B. .JO dL &COG . sit thse University Iss this eity'. With the Mlattesssn, If. 53 1 1 1 0 0 bership s)f the association sssiyers Wsolf, 3b. .....40 10 2 1 yari 308 South State Street. iffilistiois if sssr existinsg laws, msediscal Istee, c.:: . 5. . 3 0 0 7:3 0 lasger thars ever befssre ansi as usual _______________________ and aschossls, asdsttheir v~salsle ii- Stiller, t..... 0 5 0 1 500thraeagodynmroffe er Fehsr, p .....heereit0gsss0y stmbr0itfie es 'ararlieo ass collectiosss, and wits thel Watkins,p. 4 1 1 50I0 0 in thtefheld. ( + ] ~~ipetus which swould be gvri ya WHT'I\NElToals .....553 25 7Sd45359This yearith'essontesat will andsshtcd- ~ : lendid ~'p equipmein tfbuildings fssrsllyIylbemcmoeaitdthnnyn BAYCITY. s nhmsr'aiae hnayi purposes, Michigans Univerasiysesousd A B. It. 1It. ). A. E. the past. Thingsa sre pretty wvell under .-A uo'din Camera with 1'tEaonetihveyfrtisotsn ;XiSs.O .d cover, bsut there is goad reasonssftr be- plat holer ad cary- arsisng the unrioersills's of the" cosntry, Royice, lb.3 .. .. 2 1 #i5 1 ! loving that there are twa factions. "Weo save beess agiating atfilite the Coinklin,m,... d. 0 i p0 'Notlhing is at all definite, but there are lug" cas-1 for $7.00. encauragensent atfsmanufactis o in IHousholer, 2bs. d 0 0 2 1 1 rtumorsththedertfrsrnts Sullivan.c.. . . . .... . 51 23010 ththedfrntrariis T esa 4x5 picture. Detroit. Store is a manustactorsy of thse Warnes', Sb....5 1i0o2 o0 a are greatly divided among themselves, Tatshighest valise.fIt isever sbtuts dosnsor) Clarke, is.5""."" 0 0 0 1 0 adectmn srnighg.Bt Rtobbs, pans...r..m....s.runnng hig. Bot accou nt of over-prodiuctiosn. It disbursses - - -. - -- - factiosns base "endorsed the aoomcvrsh 2.Apx lt aeaf ropsbably tram two Iso three millioss Ttaa411) Sd1 wihl in all probsability take their places $5.00. Takes ,good pic- ture, too. CALKINS' PHARMACY.. NEW AND SECOND-HAND year to the place of its lsscatisn. Sinsply as a commercialsmatter it wvoulsd be as mast desirable acqisietion tso or tity. int in the world-wide prestige it wauldI give us it aluswould be inestimtable. Anid the advantage wousl be recipro- cal. Detrait would. add lostee ts the University' in its bossily at situations, its mnetropolitan advantages, its facil- isles for boatisig (as inportanit a cn sideratisn to Oxford and Cambridge as an- of their shisis of Greek or He- brew). and in the hint-Iy enthasiasis of a rich anid cultured pespie. Ansd D7e- trsit has as 'yet no state institutiosn at Michsiganis ... ....0 00 3 2040-0- 5 Bday City........3 50 0 00 02-10 Tn's-basselbits-Lsowney (2), Sullivan, lDavies. Stales bases-Csndosn, Blser, W~atins, Loney, RoyceflHoshsolder. by aeclama tiss,hot in regard to lbs disectors the sontcsime will be class an)l dousbtful, Tennis Prospects. T ext B ook I Ianykind fur her citizens to feel pride iand to cherish. "Let us nave the For every department in the Uni- Uiesiy"Coiir versity. Law and Medical Books a specialty. We can supply all your The Freshman Glee Club hop coesn needs for the Second Sentestedr at lowest prices. off this evening in Granger's academy. Secood-hand Books B3ought, Sold The members of the club have been and Exchanged. fursoetmprprnfrthsvn, Best Linen Wvriting. Paper 15e and soetmprainfrthsvn, TCe per pound. arid Manager Danforth reports that, it The A. A.' Waterman Solid Gold Fountain will undoubtedly be a great succeso.' Penn for Sias.. W AH 8 O K T R The Athletic Board will furnish- wa ARRboi al nt, oficial ballots at the 'election Sat- Up Town Down Town urday. No' others wiil be counted S. Slate St. 'Opposite'Oourtflennn by the tellers. Rase~sion nals-OntsWatains 0, off The tennis nmen are donce isore look- blacks 2. Hit, by pitched ball-By iso forward Is the sopening of the sea- Clarke, D~avies; by Robib, Coaley; by sass. Manager Herrick reports that the Lehr, Itaushulder. Strusck out-Hfa1511- new courts by the gymnaniuns are to be lee I, by Lehr 1, by Watksins 0, by immsediately prepared far use, This Clarkce 5, by RtofbS. Passed bals- seasons the tennis grssund is to be great- McGee S.. Wild pitches -- Watis, ly inmpioved. New cloy will be added Clarke. Time of game, 2:30. Umpire- n h out ilb s ie st Bonn. drins the water off quickly after heavy Writers on Currency Reform. rains. This was tine of the greatest drawbacks last toll. The April number of. the Quarterly M~ichigan will again undoubtedly Journal' of Economies wilt contain ansedrpsntivsothWsenI- article by Prof. F. M5. Taylor on thesedrpsntivsothWsenI- 'Objects. and Methods .of Currency Re- tercoltegiate Tennis Tournament. Plane form in the United Slates." Part ofl are on foot now between the Olifferent this article is concerned with four chief institutions represented in the, W. I. T. requisites in the reforns of the currency, Association to send the winner of thse which are,, first, the stability of stan - dard of value, second, security of bank meet at Chicago to the natiunal meet the money system, fourth, the provid. dual tennis meet with Chicago will ing of better currency facilities for take place. These have now become country districts. The major part of standard events w'ith Michigan and the article is concerned with expedi- enuts for securing these four requisities-, should be a great incentiv'e to all tennis of sound currency.' f candidates.x