TIE UMTIIESITY OF MLCIGI-AN DAILY. W. J. Pence. PePes. W. Asuvoto, lit vice-pres Mor* sJ. V. ShseneAN, 2d1 Vice-pros. . R neoND ii."irJons C. WAa~e Asst. Cashier. Men I1N PSCT 1TH1,'NV () State geeral,, a 'Transacts e neral anking busi (S'-ccessor to Gibson & Clarks Cor.,idatn steel lres Sree. ~ - (Successor Ctspitsl,$50,bSO. g ern u,~OtO.Tast eral basking business. '.~\~~sj5It. I s's, POS. C. E. G ntEV , Vice-Po b 112West Huron Street, Ann .Arbor. ]"neD.I1i Ps.;i iCs tier. - i <- THE ASN ARBOR SAY!NGS BANK ~~Capital Stes Oc,85,0SS urples, 1550,0. Bnrgani[zed under the General e ising; Laws _ I oCashisaer;. ceivedepsAt itsCbe san 1 7CUitedSte, 15 ISrfts csed po pro pe r 55 Id ent a on aet bapoitiboeIossn, LA' LST OFFICERS: p COFFEE .!lacktPrei.; r.dit NE l _ "S Harriman ViePe. hs E icoPro Cahir WM.J.CLtzAistntCahier. Ri th-_rahes ra cel1' ant i ttsr~ei vr eselilecfe aOrgerhud MAO a nie 16 monits Etc seleced by our so veititre Ito stttotettClapililtbetter0i,0nece turplusis atfeePTh fArtisic8derator whs drcio asTnren allsap erlaingOilsindow, Forigioxcg.Oiye b etd od.wo~rmen laet or da, o Srig -lttersofcedt m¢n, d fooPtiswee.' ssetbt- l!lsDR I.I.EiR.SitOi, t'.FFEEt it]E.ic1itt mt. i IttPros . IIMA! R CO OUE a Vice. TePIei ibhos, eatcrs ttiitjtclorandilt'rpait-hilvor Weell tiscoteia 2 b e tsoupring mews Wi :.,selttetbtur tndte nt e, t he ltc; Isitt stm n htn~t at e i tilt're 0deli iuscofeItTeurisicc-aa WRIGHT'iETERSACQ. Nothings but the Latest Everything but rise Ordinary 'WV aie shossinthie largest andl most cooplete line of Ladies' Footwear EVER SHOWN. SEE OUR $3.00 SHOES IN BLACK OR TAN, VESTING TOPS. 'Shoe deportment, 1st floor.' FMtACK&Co ttjt 7 ttt 6.ttourtc 5'thtlt1lttt. ICUR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. itProf.iDeatn C. ATWroit'e t.c sis tidltiver Onte blockbwse ttfiUeiersiy. Senior Class Meeting Friday, il- i.tt'' i t.b 111h~tit Thteewiltl be a teecting o f the seior Hl~tli tttril . 'OHIO1.L.L'J icyrryilass itsin omCF idtayAptil ! ThetiuIeusliftte thli'salt'tmt i Centr Ll..i tieS b, at 4:15 in tetafterntootn.. 1 timetfe i nteHmoahcdprmn if important matters will lebroug t fte-i itctresity caefr m itte ci'. J. N.T. & 0. C. 1ty. K. &-AtM.. MY. 1.1 ftrccostidlera~itinttctmog wihb Libel, of SailFt'atsco.t'i *Eelm' thett1rite Only Sleeping Car Line between wiull lie the touestionsif it 'lassce mmo- stuis ethenaettonsethelallelesiof'the Toledo and Columbus. ritti. Tis at texs is lcitotid ,at cn-spitenstt.iPr. Rckel is livinogitnSets The Only Sleeping or Drawing Lenin cidtabe eitlisst th lat las metFranciscot and is always detetly inttr- Car Line between Toledo, Colum- * chefitt t~ i'trleeebustiledictarlteita. lng but not ticision wsacht ell. It is essentlial thai aselarge t nttmber of the senios as itisbiltle he liresent. Tite classta will alsot te discusseid and an iinportn aceticectnent mlade with referesee Is tse cape and gowns. The English departmsent of Vale Uni- versity has presensted Beaument and Fletcher's "Knight itt the Bdurning Pestite." This is pt'obably the fieat presetation of this old drama in Anier- lea. To stick Lubber use MAJOR'S RUO- MER CEMENT. Beware !I! ? omit take a substitute. TEPUJNTING CONTELS. The punting contest wii ltke plae at Regents Field Friday, April thli, at o:15a Fniries 'ntuet be handed is tot eihetrttf theondersigned bforte Tus- dty evetitng, April 26th. H. T. HEALS), Mgr. J. W. F. BENNETT, CapS.I FOOTBALL NOTICE. This ise-the last week itf spring feet- bail practice, and it is very desirarble that every eandidate sould come out every daty this week at 4do'elock. J. W. F'. BENNETT, Capti. H. T. HEALD, Mgr. The Only Drawing Room Car Lin between Toledo, Colnuibus and Charleston, WV. Va. Pullman Sleepers between Colum- bus and Chicago. The Only Line with 4 trains each way daily betweenls Toledo and Columibus. Thu Only Line with 3 trains each way on Sundays between Toledo and Columubus. The Only Line with 5 trains each way doily between Toledo, Bowl- ing Green and Findlay. The Only Line 'with 2 trains each way daily between Toledo and Charleston, W. Va. The Only Direct Line between Tole- (10 and the Virginias:. The popular line betwoen Toledo, Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and Newark. LfiuIS Infeormation relative so ratss tinme of trains, eke., will be cheerfully furnished Sy any agent of the Ohio Central Lines, Moulton Hlouk, G. P. A., Toledo, Ohio. For Forty Years GOLDEN SCEPTRE H~as been smoked by college men '-and is to-day, a LEADER asF pureo, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe.