THE UNIVEIStTY OF MICH[GAN DAILY, Will Take an Extensive Trip. ALL TH E LATEST NOVELTIES IN The plan of the trip which is to be taken by the junior engineers during Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the spring racess has been definitely de- the College year, at F n o t e r UNIVERSITYe O Fle MarA N. tcided upon, arnd admissions to nearlye O~t WV. THE UNIVERSITY OF MlCHI6AN- all of the works to be visited Save thus Ornr c: Times building, 329 S. Main St. Telephone (New S ate) 180. far been granted. The party, consist- MANAGING EDITOR ing of Mr. J. R. Allen and about twenty J. F. THOMAS,1'00 L. students, will leave Ann Arbor April JIUSINESS MANAGER 15th for Niagara Falls, where they wilt ©. H HAM, '0 L.Son, v. H. HA15 '00 L. visit the Aluminum Works, Sioux Pa- J 0 T o J IoJ l EDITORS per Co., and the Niagara Power Co. H. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. E. L. GisuMsa,'1 L T. R. WooDauOw,'98 From Niagara they go to South Beth- G. D. HDNUTT, '00 B. S,. DANFORTH, '98 lehem, Pa., where the Bethlehem Iron SEE OUR WINDOW. 121 South Main Street. F. ENsaLUARD, '98. F. D. EAMAS, '00 Works are located, and then to Phila- P. W. JONEs, '99. C. H. LUND, '00 M. A.II. McDooGALL,' E. delplhia, where the places of interest will be the Cramp ship yards, Baldwin .....FINE T AILORING.... Locomotive Works, Lead Pipe Works The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and othermatter intended for publica- tion meet be handed in at the Daily officebe- faxe 8 p. in., omailed to tise editor before 3 p. in., of the day previous to that on which thes are expected to at pear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office,r eyer's sorStoiliet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Subribero will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this ofice ean failure of carriers to deliver paper At the Daily tioard meeting yester- day, the organization of '97-'90 was con- tinued for 93-'99. Understanding Reached. James A. Leroy, sporting editorof the Detroit Free Press, has the follow- ing to say of the recent misunderstand- ing regarding the training of the track tEam: There has been temporarily a little entanglement in the athletic affairs of the big institution of learning at Ann Arbor, the meaning of which has not been plain to alumni or mtost of the ,tu- dents. It concerned principally the training of the track team, whit: has been partly in charge of Dr. J. 1S. Fitz- gerald, the director of the gymnasium, but the question raised was as to the whole subject of athletic control at lh University of Michigan. The student athletic board ':ad been in the habit of acting snder the under- standing that it led full control of out- door athletics of all branches, so far as training, etc., were concerned, barring only the matter of eligibility of mem- bers of teams, a subject for the com- bined faculty and student board to pass upon. The entire difference between Dr. Fitzgerald and the track team man- agement therefore arose primarily from this misunderstanding, the gymnasium director understanding that his duties and powers comprised the control of ali athletics, outdoor as well as indoor. The matter 'has been aired to a cohsid- erable extent in the papers, and in a way that 'has done Dr. Fitzgerald a great deal of injustice. He has been a supporter and wel-wisher of all the teans at the University during the four yeas he has been there, and has done a good deal for them in the way of per- sonal services. For the good of the track team, particularly in view of the coming meeting at the University of Pennsylvania, in which a Michigan tean will compete, it is pleasing to an- nounce that a satisfactory understand- ing in the whole matter has now been. and the Edison Power station. On re- turning a stop will be made at Pitts- burg, Pa., where they will visit the Pennsylvania Tube Works, Westing- house Air Brake and Electrical Co., Pittsburg Plate Glass Woiks, Lucy furnaces, water works, Crescnt Steel Works, Edgar Tompson or Homestead and the bridge works, consisting of the Pittsburg Bridge Co., Sametz Bridge &. Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embracing all the swell- est and most exclusive novelties. Our garments wherever seen will be appreciated and pronounced by critics as strictly correct. We respectfully invite your inquiry. We do only a fine trade. We carry but one pattern of a novelty in stock. (Sarments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURCHFIELD, Iron Co.. Schiffer Bridge Co., and in the evening the Wirdow Glass Works. New Phtone 43. 106 Fast Huron Street Leaving Pittsburg they will arriveis Ann Arbor about April 23. The cost of @© MUSICAL! the entire trip will. be $50, and will noMe doub be he ines tht ha ben of lMel Gillespie, teacf er of Mlandolin, Banjo d sbt be the finest that has been cf- and Guitar. Instructor in the University fered for several years. t School of Music. 18 years experience as. a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music Co's. NOTICE. Store to arrange for hours. . . All persons having Michiganensian eubseription books are asked to hand them to the member of the Michigan- Fine Confections MONEY LOANED ensian board from whom they received Bon Bons and them. E. GEISMER, Bus. Man. On Watches, Diamonds, Wheels or other Per Chocolates. sonai lsrpeety. SNOTICE. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED, There will be a meeting of the ar- Office at residence, 031 E. Liberty St., Ann Ar rangements committee of the Senior, 20 A WASHIN TfN T T or-.ich. All:businesseonfidentia'l. ioues Lit, class in Room 9, U. H., Wednes- 2 EASTSTREET' Sto 11:30a. m.andlIsto 3:30 and 7 to :1p. m. day, April 6, at 7 p. m. Joseph C. Watts. J. W. F. BENNETT, Chairman. 3 6 SOUTH STATE STREET aaains in SeconJ-hand Watches and Dia- 1 ~moods LOST-A small bunch of keys at the Forty Club Friday night. Finder will INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME, be rewarded by leaving the samecat the Psi U House. COTREBLb & LEONARD. I U E472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. tF YOU WANT THE BEST takers of the CAPS and GOwNs, to Snivetsit y Of Michigan, - FRATE ITY STATINERYU. of Chicago,U.of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh, U of Penn- FRATERNITYS s i, arvard, ale, Princeton, Colum ban, Williams, BDESORPINWelsey.Bryn Mawr, etc. BADGS DRPINSClass contracts a specialty. Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237,239,241Woodard Ave..Detroit. C tu ba £M ,tst B e Free Designs andestima es furnis'hedonali rork of this kind.We regret ilut the delivery of the DAILY cannot be FREE-financial reasons prevent-of course you under- 1B 0 Y1 8 stand. But we beg leave here to announce our spring SPRING VACATION is coining offer with the positive statement that it will be the last of soon. Don't go home with a big the year. No niore special rates. We quote you the paper trunk, but buy your Dress Suit rase, for the BASE BALL SFASON-that is till endo of seniesier at Valise, Telescope or Travelling Bag. .mNE xnDOL.A. A atnoc L naitn t iy, Dl . - _AT- A. TEUFUL, 307 SOUTH MAIN STREE Fine Line of Goods and Low Prices. $Athens =Theatre$ COMING The Japanese Musical Operetic Comedy, FRIDAY, APRIL 8. PRICES: 25c, 50c,,75c, $z, VN L-K . eave name anct moneyavuyohe 329 South Main Street. Telephone, New State 189. HOLMES LIV RY, 515 East Liberty St. PhoneIO6 BEST SERVICE Ir MAKE MONEY By securing a county agency for of the Unixed States end the 'Worid. map published; six feet long; eleven beausiful colors. It isso attract itself. IT IS A.PJHOTOGRAPH OF TlE W One side shows a colored map of our great country, with railrx towns, etc. The other side shows an equally elegant Map of the countries at a giance by help of a marginal index. It also shows ocea N T"E CITY. te Sorosis til set ed tc