THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. A The Berryman Studio0 Token.(Successor to Gibson & Clark) Token 1 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. of JOS. W. KOLLAUF Spring ! S11FE.WASMNOTON ST. t , -- HO! DRINKERS OF COFFEE Dean & Co.'s Blended Coffee Is the result of in roasting coffee, and produces in the cu color and ensurpassing flavor. We sell thi: * and ventnre the statement hat no better ,_ can be had at any price. T-) 'N21T X ? Ann Arbor, Mich. tthirty years experience up a beverage of goldens scoffeeat 25c per pound or more delicious coffee 00ColPANY. 1. -- - -1 I-OP =V lf-v Ix (3t I-- . 214 South M~an Street. We have just received a large shipment of WURIGHT, PETERS & CD. CELEBRATED FOOTWEAR" FOR SPRING. New shapes in Vesting Tops, $3.00,1 $4.00, ;$5.00. Also Cu . New 3 Strap Saxndels $1.07$1.50, $2.00. Oiur entire stock of winter shoes at a MACK &CoI' Rear1sttFlor, I' _.. _ Athletic Notes. is to hi-amndsued to red'o osrations Comlspetition for the 1Dr. Cl:rlsw cusp sused180 sl. Chitago wxiil send a relay team is the is growing exceedingly we si. Every e' vvai etApi 0h afternoon troms twenty-live to. fifth-ni me are praeticing on the campeus, sod some (Illinois usmmsenced a series osf six ot the new ieee are showing remassrks- games yesterday wills the Rock Island aisle form. Iti5i sate is say thaitnst te-ais. alt the iprizes, wiisgotssthesoid tees, Mhanasgec ieth lismreceivsed a con- sand it is expected thasosme ssr the sew- sig rueent sof bear-skin unifssrmls asn seoes xiii makse siclose scssiest fusr first so place. Among the sew meuses o sset hosfrtebealtam e usual wseather prevailing, theyxwiiil be promising are Buery, One, Best, iBain, usoed today. Smts and lDye. Thse date osf the cos-____ test has heeln set for" Friday , Apri 20. Honors for Young Alumnus. Biecause ofsthuercoldneOsst the weath- iDels F. Wilccis, 14, is secretary of the Munteipal Aseocisatise of Cieveland, ec Saturday the preliminsary 0t51alss tweed sut the tquaeter-milers were nt Ohio, an orgstiiiatioe which has for its eels. They will ise held this wveeh. sn h eetgsoso s eat steists of municipal governs-lst and the The traininig istle fosr'the track ilen education of the public along the lins weas started Saturday at Prettyman's. of city aisd county affairs. Althoutgh Besides Manager Campbell and Trainer btit 25 years of age he isi.I recosgnized Coxs, the rollswing~ have heels laken to authority on tee questions of mulnicipal it: Thomas, Teetzel, Mcteanli and reforma. He haspubhisehed tim iiport-I W. J. BOOTH. re. W. ANOL,1st Vice-prs J. V. SEERAN, 2i Vice-pren. OHNe C. WAL. Ast. Cashier. Stae Savivl~ - Bailk Transacts a general Banking busi ness. Cr. Sats anti Hres Streste Capital, W3, W. Surpus, 531,. Transact a genera asing uiness R. i~mp, P, ret. C. E. On.Es n Vie-Pes Fan. IH. BeSuxa Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK Caiatck, s4000. Surplus, $15i,000. CptlResurce, 51,100,00. Organized under the Generalanking Laws fof thin State. Receives depsit, hys and sells exchange n the principal cities uf the United States. tDraft Cashed upn prper Ientification. Safety depsit bues to rent. OricExs: Christian Mach Pres; W. D. HarrimasiVice-re. Chas 5E. iscue, Cahiers B . J. Fries Assistant Cashier. FIRS NATONALBAN 11W e nnArbr FIRS NATONAL III Orgnize8me Capital, $10000. Surplus anti rets, 690.000IS Transacts a general basing business. Foreign xchange bought antslt. Frnish letters f erdit. E.. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOUL, Vice Pm! S. W. CLARKSON. asher C. ff. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deoratrs Have a complete line of Wal Pper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating painting, frescoing, tinting and paper bianging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. If. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Lecortor. K LEIN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S S TAILOR- Latet Novelties ina Winter and Spring Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block wet of University. .OHIO... Central 'Lines 1.& . C By. KX. & W. y. The Only leeping Car Line between Toledo and Columbus. The Only Sleeping or Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo, Colum- bus, and Marietta. The Only Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo. Columbus and Charleston, W. Va. Pullman Sleepers between Colum- bus and Chicago. The Only ine wilh 4 trains each way daily between Toleda and Columbus. The Only Line with 3 trains each way on Sundays between Toed and Columbus. w The- Only Line with b trains each way daily between Toledo, Bowl- ing Green and Findlay. The Only Line with 2 trains ack way daily between Toledo ad~ Charleston, W. V. The Only Direct Line between Tole- do and the Virginas. The popular line between Toled, Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville ad Newark. Full information relative in rates, time of traitg0, tt. will e Cheerfully furnslhe by any aget el the Ohm COetra Lines. Mouton Hotak, 6.:P5 A., Toledo, Ohio. Thomsne. All ir r andidatysfsor the Pennsylvania reloy tesin. Others will he added' this weet. College games Saturday resulted as follows: Chicago 1t, Hyde Park *3; No~thwestern it, Rush Medics 4; Har- vard 4, Phillips-Aisdover I; Vale it, Wesleyan 4. At a meeting of the Oratorical Beard held :Saturday night, the board voted to submit the following amncdment is the members at the electiosn next Tuesday night. The sectionl reading "no orations are ts exceed 24000 wards" sMunicipal Government in Michligan ond Ohio," and "The Sttudy of City Covernment." THE PUNTING CONTE-'. The' punting contest will take place at Regentn Field Friday, April 29th. at 4:s15. Enlries niust be handed in' to either of the undersigned before Thee- day evening. April 26th.I H. T. HEALD, Mgr. J. W. F. BENNETT, Capt. FOOTBALL NOTICE. This in the last week of spring Seal- ball' practice, and it is very desirable that every- sen4ddate should come hut every day thin week at 4 oclack. J. fi. F.. BIKNNETT. Capt. H. T._ HEARD. Mgr. For Forty Years OOLDEN SCE PTRE Has been smoked by colege men and is to-day, a LE~ADER as apure, mild, sweet mixture for. tote pipe.