lie . a .de. AIL VOL. VIII. No. 135. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1898 PRICE-3 CENT. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our,..... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO, 108 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A Ilegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SALE!T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. lust received a fresh suply of Allegrtti, and Williams and Werners Chocolates. Largest line in the city. Lunches at all hours. R. E. JOLLiY & 0O. 308 South State Street. WilAT'S NEW? .-A folding Camera with plate holder and carry- ing case for $7.00. Takes a 4x5 picture. L.-A 4x5 Plate Camera for $5.00. Takes good pic- ture, too. CALKINS PHARMACY. BOOS.T O RLE. NEW AND SECON-HAND Text Books!I For every department in the Uni- vsty. Law and Medical Books a Xpecialty. We can supply all your needs for the Second Semesthr at lowest prices. Second-hand Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged.- Best Linen Writing Paper 1le and 2$c per pound. Th. A. A. Waterman Solid Gold Fountain P.naf'r $1.25. WAHR'S BOOK STORE Up Tow Dows Town S, St at.. OpposlbeOurtbous Ran Arbr! isS. t. FACULTY WISH PEACE. Lits Want Representation. At a mass meeting of the literary de- Telegrams Sent Approving Mc. partment yesterday afternoon in Room Ki C r. 9, called for the purpose of finding the i~nley'S Colurse. sentiment of the department in regard to the oratorical election tonight, the Owing to the growing war sentiment following resolution was passed: in the national house of representatives "Whereas, the Oratorical Association several prominent members of the lit- of the University of Michigan, for its erary faculty conceived the idea of ex- prosperity, upon the co-operation of pressing the sentiment existing among both the literary and law departments;, them by a telegram sent to Congress- man Spaulding and President McKin- ley. The following is the telegram sent: To Hon. George Spalding, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir:-We, the undersigned, mem- bers of the various faculties of the University of Michigan, feel that the country is now passing through hours that are weighted with the most sol- I ens issues to the Asmerican people. We Ibeg leave respectfully to represent with all earnestness that we most cor- dially approve of the course that ,the president is pursuing, in regard to these questions, with a view if possible of finding a peaceful solution of the diffi- culties that weigh down upon its and of saving the country and ishetworld the awful horrors of a war, if it can be 1 i I dune consistently with the national honor. We beg leave, also, to express the hope that you, as t representative of the people, will second to the utmost the efforts of the president in this di- rection. The telegram was signed by President Hutchins and ninety-two other mem- bers of the various faculties. The com- mittee were not able to see all the mem- bers of the different .faculties, so they would probably have .been able to se- cure more. There were only six profes- sors who refused to sign the telegram. Comedy Club Elect Officers. At a meeting of the Comedy Club yes- terday the following officers were elect- ed for the ensuing year: President, P. D. Wagar; vice-president, Miss Flor- ence Hall; secretary, Lafayette Young, Jr.; manager, Roy C. Woodworth. There was little contest over the of- tiees, the elections being practically unanimous. The club contemplates giving another production of "All the Comforts of Home" at the Athens Theatre during commencement week. The perform- ance will be for the benefit of the graduates, the visitors and the alumni who may. be here during that week. The management is already. consider- ing plans for the production, and an attempt will be made to make the per- formance the best ever given by an am- ateur company in Ann Arbor. Athletic association eection, Sat- urday, April 9, at 1:30 p.'in.,I Room C, U. H. and "Whereas, no system exists whereby just representation and rotation in the various offices of the Oratorical Boardt is secured to the law and literary de-, partments, "Be it resolved: That it is the sense of the literary department that a constitutional amendment should be passed embodying a rotation system whereby just representation of the oti- cers of the. associaltion be assigned to each department." In accordance with the above resolu- tion, it is supposed that the literary department will offer some rotation scheme at the meeting tonight. Several laws have expressed their approval of the idea, and an attempt will be made Ao prevent any such proceedings as took place at the elections the past two years. The Lits do not mean to de- nand any oftices,- but merely intend to insist upon some fair systenm of repre- sentation. No definite ticket has been nominated by the Lits, but they have chosen two representatives, Mr. Rhein- frank and Mr. Hurrey, who will be put forward if any definite agreement can be reached. As the matter stands, the Lits claim, by the implied rotation, the right to president and secretary. The sentiment seems to prevail that some compromise will be reached., Subscriptions for Bicycle Path. The Bicycle Club is making an effort to put the path to Whitmore Lake in first-class condition, and has appointed a committee to solicit subscriptions. It is estimated that the path can be made better than ever for $100. Sub- scriptions may be left with any mem- ber of the' committee, Messrs. H. G. Prettyman and Miss M. S. Brown, or left with Miss Goodrich, in the Presi- dent's office. A list of the subscribers will be print- ed in the Daily from day to day. The following is the list up to date: H. J. Brown... . .. t......$1 00 Dr. Carrow .............. . . S100 Otis C. Johnston............. 1 00 P. C. Freer .................... 1 06 Asaph Hall. ..... 100 Louis C. Strauss. . . .C00 Jacob E. eighard... 1 00 Victor Francois '.... 75 S. C. Worcester .. . 1 0U James Glover .................... 0t Total ... . . ..........T$t. . 9 70 Prof. A. B. Hart, of Hartford, the noted historical. student and writer, will give an address Friday evening in the lecture room of Tappan Hall, on some subject of interest to the students of history. 'Varsity Makes it Three Straight. With colder weather than that of Fri- day or Saturday, and the usual snow storm as an accompaniment, the 'Var- sity made it three straight from ay City yesterday. The score waS 2 to 1. Scott, of the 'Varsity team of".96, scent into the box and did excellent work. In the five innings played only two hits were made off his delivery. McGee caught atnd did well. Wolf made -the only fielding error and it was excue- able. Both Matteson anid Davies in the outfield played in good form, accepting every chance. Clarke and Sullivan, both Fresh Med- ics, did Bay City's battery work. In both the first and second innings Bay City went out in order. In the third, after two were put out, Clarke reached first on McGee's missing the third strike. Lowney's two-bagger to left put 'him on third. McKevitt hit sharply to Wolf, and while Lowney was beiing run own between second and third Clarke scored. In the fourth Royce singled and Pangburn got his base on balls. Conklin reached first on a fielder's choice, Royce being put out at 'third. A wild pitch advanced Pang- burn and Conklin to third and second respectively. Then Housholder went to first on called balls. With only one out a !score seemed certain, but a neat double play in which Scott, McGee and Condon took part, held the visitors safe. Michigan scored i efirst on two hits and a stolen boWthe third a hit, an error and two bases on balls scored another. The summary follows: MICHIGAN. A B. R. H. 0. A. E. Cooley, 2b.......... 2 1 1 1 1 0 Condon, 1b........... 2 1 0 4 0 0 Butler, rf............ 2 0 1 0 0 0 Davies, m.......2 Cv1 3 500 Matteson, If...... 1 0 10 W olf, 3b............. 1 0 0 2 0 1 McGee -............. 2 0 0 2 2 0 Blishop, ss........... 2 0 1 1 1' 0 Scott,p -.............. 2 0 0 1 2 0 Totals -............16 2 BAY CITY. A B. H. Lowney, ss.........3B . McKevitt, rf........ 3 0 Boyce, "lb- 2 0 Pangburn, If..... 0 Conklin, 2b -.... 2 0 Housholder, m... 0 Sullivan, c - 2 Warner, 3b...-,..2 0 Clarke, p....-..2 1 4 15 . O. 1 1 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 A. 11. 20 1 0 0 0 2S0 1 t. ITotals -..........1 1 2 12 58 2 Innings- 1 23 4CR Michigan................. 1 0 1 0 *-2 Bay City .............. 0 0 1 0 0-1 Two-base hit-Lowney. Stolen bases -Cooley. Bases on balls-Off Scott 2, off Clarke 4. Struck out-By Scott 2, by Clarke 3. Passed' ball-McGee 1. Wild pitch-Ccott. Time of game, 1:15. Um- pires-Watkins and Clarke. At the last meeting of the Sumner, the new literary society of the law de- partment, the following were elected as officers: President, R. A. Lambie; vice-president, C. V. Landes; secretary, E. R. Stewart; treasurer, F. R. Dean; critic, J. R. Barnes.