THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Exhibit of Swell Spring Conceit s .....Ladies' Suits, Skirts, jackets, Capes and Waists.....- Never has the advent of spring brought to our door such elegant UILTEA FASHIIONABLEic Ladies Wearing Apparel, such EXQUISITE EXCLIUSIVENESS as We .are now showing in our cloak room. Every garment Iris that thorough TALLORFl) OT LiSINESS, that air of (SLACEFuL l)EBONAIR so omuen desired by effective, nubby, dressers. 3 EtraSample Lines Representing the latest ideas of three of New York's foremost drecss makers are now on sale ait ' ONE-THIJRD LESS than regular selling piices. See our Handeos Skirts, Capes and Jackets. (I)AOK &oo. New Silks and Cotton Waists Rleceived Today. --NE QATR)KINDERGARTEN, io2E Hn~tensSTEINS! FULLER & BERANEK, Dos you know that the Call and See Us, WAD AD~N.A whole window full. . ' 'TAILORS ) (.'UMNDLI leaning, Pressing and Repairing. ___________EPG____E Work called for asnd delivered it is constructed on thA same Telephione 0 . ANN AitlOl. those No, 21.4, New Stats. principal of aitgoad violitn? that it sells from $t2oriwarul A Ic shoot thea GRANGER'S ACADEMY. SCHOOL OF DANCING. 0. MY. ]MYARTIN, ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. FUNERAL DIRELCTOR. 20-27E. Washisgton St.Pr vae° NO 100atIUid SpcaltEN ~ . Ambulance night or day. - SResidence, 021Fifth Avenue. ANN AR4BOR MR. OR MRS ROSS GRANGER. BELL TELEPHONE 246.I CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS, Time Table, Sunday, Sept, J: ISi9.i__________________________________ Orders for all IFraternity pasrties,('Inb . I dancsetc. Leave orders at Ass A rbor TJIE TABLE:A h Tete Calendar. Mulsic Co. seat Rlesidence, 1710 Gt ddes see. Trains leave Ann Arbor hy Central Standard _______ p5S. -Wll tate pupilsn Piano and is Time. sight reading at shove sawed plares, sOuTH. SOUTH, A hurritcaneit loll operatio lIast- Saturday, April 5-salltish entertain- 8 :4a.m. n7t50 am lo ig winds, oavage lightning, surging etooliniVnivrsity 1lalh for benefi of A o ntn *115 a. i. 12 . im . wraves and 1os010g ships wou1ldhberron- S.IC.A._________ 4:46 p. m. 8:40p.wm.' , *RuL hetween Ann Arhor snd Toledo onlyf sidered prefty2'fLie equtipmoentsl '11 +OI-t SALEI CR15 z. U. of M.j Shaving Parlors and Bath''Rooms E. S. GILMORLE, Agent i melodrama ea in this exac tingage. Johnson's New Universal Cyclopedia, 32$ SOUTH STATE STREET. W. H BENNETT 0. PA. Toiedo 0. BthLincoln J. Carte has heetin --0 8vol. editio. >3 1,1Wosh-OLd fiens' riticalogin.Deswelcomestnew e1_______________________ 'ossihIeItilCi rdcn igo i i grelg.nes,1 J. R. TROJANOwsKi. i~Ts'T~n~n5~ .Under the Damne," wshicht conso to Ihe-- __________________ jMICHIGAN Ej~N IL Athens Thatoer text Monday, April NTiICE. F) TeN ia gara FaillsRoute." d4h. In addition to tse aoeefc.,, hsicatl exainationestwill be hlId L w e' Central knandard Time. rasvtes the liiillruminater ltu tdilyfrom it3t 5 tclock at the gs or- C ooae TRAINS AT ANN ARORt. Washington, three pretty Washigt oirintzz. tR. FITZGERA .)-0O TO- eASe ascenes, tire fetryhot trip frost Jersey U PTTTLE' 338s. v 1aiilylNwY sTlT aeshsa.hat iss Marshall has or. sale at Shee- 1. .W. !TL State at. Stal nd r~ f B, . , li . Y ai's evraldeig. ii r te ress ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. N. Y. Speeil-ass8 Staill .'____ sna1 wil' alaotundintg its reasatloir. i5 heaid *N. S Limited---_8 10 PalificEs . 11'30tsrhe serivell swritten and tsrc"ntain llterag'e tothe'es Eastern Eu.S--- 9d7lI" . ~aispefectly irogical card sontervihtrsigi- ;Prires reasrrnahle.,0 t A.ealntrnE ___ sle M Sit 50 per.c n 1555 pih ln orsl.33N tt . N. Expre5 50 .BR. & K. Esx':osoy-___ irih tan o Atlantic P.. 1 10 W Chi. Nt. Ex;-_- a4 t.13 G. R. Exprews Ii'-110 1Tire nusical eventl if lisaseassirs sti'llIDISCOUNT ON ALL *North Shore Limited in an extr' fare trainI ts'eplace swheni "The Geisha." roune.risheIFisk Teaches' A\gen a'. fliias stere thanaion other ca ftrains. :0 oNw oktorthe Athens Theater, Fridsay,..tAsil 6, sany positioss aall isthers lombined. SU ITS 0. W RUGGLES, 1Ii. v.HAYS, ad if all the rei~rts contcerning it :U k-Itegister at once in theirthiagoso- 7 G. P. & T.Agt, Chicago. Aut.. Ann Arhor trite a tmost enjoyable evening cast le rice. 3730Waahave nue. A1U17ofsrI 'soo close them out. expected. Tireicompany containasaScii gradutae is manager. 145 aS e1 lv0I Li THlE BUCKEYE ROUTE.artlistos aLinda IDaCosta. sthso sill 00- -z_ pear as Mosiie Seomore, Laora Milarti, TAC ISWNTD1_ 1 ~119 W. Washrington Streect.tProne COLUMBUS, OKING VALLEY AH TOILDO RAILWAY stirswill essay the role aof0oitlimossvI S1EPTEMILci ar taMt .~iO' )atrnr Is the only line from the Toledo Union San, Msark rilth as the mtrqsts an rd TELRETMNl'C R FAHEI Station to Columbus and points beyond, John Park as Lieutenantirl Fai fax. The, Physics arad Chemaistry (moo) fost ANDrBICYCLEs s*r'rr.rnS tAN NssesRrars using Unionr depzot terminals it Colum "minosr roles still he, takers ty eapalie .ltich. H-. S., $800. IN iesrrr~r h7. I H OD. u and runs four, gust express trins people and the scenerrind AesIras Thr'elit .S ' n. T0J $,0,HSADN R daily hetween the pointsnwmed, two of are the .sorte as tise sue ed ot Italy's eeth0. S. ihesun.,ec1.00ted$1,200,oA.tG.eSPAL$IN00& BROS hours. panloe cars on day trains, reats 23 h y swlla a ilb rt-TeNm'tr urne. cents; Pulman sleepers on nigiht trains. Bied bsy richness and sariety osf criso. LHI. S. Assitanrt (wonton) English, Official Outfitters tn the Leading CuhlegeAllh. Students dsring unequaied facilities 'rie laook rind musoic of "TireIGel!.iha _'10000. letic Club and School Teams of rhe U. S. are invited Io use tke Buckeye Bots and tre said tsr be folly rrp to the (lliari- I Girls' Coil. Preir. hick., Ltianl sd Every Requisite for +Bane Ball, san otain full particulars ou tipprication Stullivair standard Greeks, $850 and hoste. Atlaletic Sports and Pastimes. to local ticket agents. S We hase very sissy other vacancies E. R. DAVIDSON, LOST-Collegiate Sorosis pin aet with and are getting them every day. Al- The Spalding Official League Ball Dust Pas. AentToldo; z'heel & Clark Teachters' Agencey, Pall- Adopted try National, Moe, College and 2stIan.AetToeoordronsands Reward if returned Ira6008o.s lgCros Tesds n School Leagues. Madison 51 largest in the West. Thirteentht year. nusBalli Uifnlfe Bale, Gloves, Colunbe, h~o Il., Chest Irotetors, s' ~en, Etc. THE SPALDIING CIHAINLESS BICYCLES 111THE PALDIINC BLUE RACER (Chain) 18 5. BIYLE itie~iy School o f Danicin THE SPALIN ROAWEEL 11 MODLS BIC CLE U n ver ityrig Send for Illustrated Catalogat of 1l Built to order, Repaired and STAt STREETy,1OPPOS5ITLWsBrUILDING.Athletic Sports, Enameled, at lee North $4UNTIL MAY 1t ESNSPRW .A, 6. SPALDING (&% BOS,, Forogramnue New York - Chicago I rga arty every Saturday evening with orchestra music. ___________________ WinM. J. Wenger. OFFICE:r:427 Thomupson it. FULLN FBCCL UDISI TCK NC ITRE A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTiITENT ©F4 A 'L aie o nrccr~ sunsi'a rabc. ~OCI DIEERL, 5' 9Guitars, Mandolins, Ban o5 CHAPIN BROTHiERS$ ElIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 9 adMtooe ____ calls Attended DayeorNight.._adMto me (successors tn Buster &Chrapidn.; Nu$61 East Liberty Streets 'Besidne, '5'3 r e atan0 per tent uff from ou susulil,- M ts c snS ,South Sourh Ave. P hne 19. pt prices-this month. hese ios Eental Instrumnentus ad Fine I'lachlnery-, . !Sar al U IC TORE -pe1at attention given t BicycleRearn RANDAL, TEPOTG9NR~ DN 114 Weut Llberly st., Ann Arbor. BICYCLE LIVERY--Prices Reasonable. L0.5' Only 3 doors west of Mainst. Nos, 110 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor. .WASHINGTON BLOCK .A#N ARBOR E s+"+ r a