THE UNIVERI[TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, f f 2 ~ +3,t of Music. The Choral Union also ren- + dered a selection from Mendellsohn's St. Paul Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during 'After the program in University Hall the College year, at was finished, an adjournment was made THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, to the gymnasium, where the faculty Oyriz: Times building, 329 S. Main St. tendered a reception to th visiting Telephone(IN w atei180. teachers. The drill room of the Bar- MANAGING EDITOR bour gymnasium, 'in which the recep- J. F. THOMAS, 't0 L. -- tion was held, was prettily decorated . BUSINESS MANAGER 0. i. sANs, '00 L. with the college colors. EDITORS The reception party consisted of Pres. H. B. SKILLIAN, '98 L., Athletics. and Mrs. Hutchins, Prof. and Mrs. E. L..GEIsMER,'98 L. E. S. DANFORTH,'98 D'Ooge, Prof. Prescott, Mrs. Prof. BUTIa LAMB, '00. T. R. WooDRow, '98 I. &. CAMPBELL, '00. Allan CAMPBELL, '98 Spaulding, Regent Dean, Mrs. Milner, F. ENGELsARD,'98. F.D. EAAN,'00 of Grand Rapids, and various members P. W. JONES, '99. of the faculty. The guests enjoyed an hour or so of social diversion, after which light refreshments were served The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 in the parlors. The attendance was for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- large, many Ann Arbor people eing tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Dailyofficebe- pr(esent i addition to Ihe faculty ar foe 8 p. m.,6r mailed to the editor before 3isi p. m., of the day previous to that on which visitars. they are expected to a pear. Subscriptions may toleft at The Daily New Gun Club. Office. Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or with BusinessaManager. Suberibers will co - fer a favor by reporting promptly at this The Fac ulty Gun Club have offered office any failure of carriers to deliver paper SOCIAL___________ the use of their shooting park and traps SOCIAL ORGANISM. to the members of the Athletic Associa- tion. In order 'to start .the ball rolling (Continued from first page)- a meeting of all students interested in (lose than in a biological organism. 4. gunning has been called under the aus- The human individual is manifold in pices of the Athletic Association. This sciety. That is, man is not merely a meeting will take place today at 2 p. m. pant of the sustaining, or circulating, at 'the shooting park, a short distance distributing system ofi society, but a beyond the athletic field. The purpose part of several systems at the same of the meeting will be to formally or- tine. ganize the interested parties into a club The animal has a nervous system cen- by the election of a captain and other tered in the brain. Btu there is noth- officers. No extra charge will be asked ing in the psychological human organ- those already belonging to the associa- ism to correspond to this. The mani- tion, and it is hoped that a large num- ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN Fine Footwear. J. T. Jacobs & Son, SEE OUR WINDOW. 121 South Main Street. .....FINE TAILORING..... Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embracing all the swell-. est and most exclusive novelties. Our garments wherever seen will be appreciated and pronounced by critics as strictly correct. We respectfully invite your inquiry. We do only a fine trade. We carry but one patterr of a novelty in stock. Garments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURCHFIELD, New Phone 43. 106 East Huron Street 1,i 0 MUSICAL.! 0 Mel Gillespie, teacher of Mandolin, Banpo and Guitar. Instructor in the University School of Music. 18 years experience as a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music Co's. Store to arrange for hours. Fine Confections MONEY LOANED Eon Bons andOn Watches, Din onds, Wheels or other Per Chocolates. sonal PEoperty. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. festations of the nervous systems of society, such as post offices, telegraphs, etc., might be destroyed and society would still remain. The social brain center cannot be found, because it does not exist, sae in metaphor. Society is a psychological organism and must be interpreted in terms of emotion and will and not locomotion. It is organic but rnt an organism. Schoolmasters' Club Enjoys Greek Music. At the sesison of the Schoolmasters' Club held in University Hall last night, the program was opened by a lecture on Greek music by Gr. Charles Will- iar Seidenadel, of Chicago. The speaker sad that all the Greek music we have is post-classical.. There are no traces left of the older war hymns, the melos or the paean. Greek music consists of scales arranged in rodes. Modern music employs but two modes, the major and the ionor. The Greeks had twelve modes and used seven. . Survivals of these modes are found in Scandinavian, Slavonian, Nor- man, Oriental and Modern Greek church music. A few traces of thern also appear in modern music. Several attempts have been made at reproduction of Greek music, but all combine an unduly lage amount of modern elements with the Greek. , We -wii undoubtedly remain in the dark on the subject of Greek music, and the best efforts will be more valuable for their suggestivenessthen for 'their real interpretation. At the close of Prof. Seidenadel's ad- dress a program of Greek music was rendered by the faculty of the School ber will turn out and start the club. Word has cone to the EngineeringJ Department that Joseph Ripley, a grad- uate of the class of '76 in civil engineer- ing, has been appointed to the superin- tendency of the locks at the Soo to suc- eeed E. V. Wheeler, of '67, who is now chief engineer of the Nicaragua cana. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs and estimates furnished on all work of this kind, 1BOYS! SPRING VACATION is coming soon. Don't go homs with a big trunk, but buy your Dress Suit Case, Valise, Telescope or Travelling Bag. - A. TEUFUL, 307SOtUTE M AIN STREE Fine Line of Goods and Low Prices. SAthens = Theatre$ .COM ING $ . LINCOLN J. CARTER'S NAVAL COMEDY-DRAIA UNDER "THE..DO0ME. MONDAYAPRIL 4. t wr "rr r~'' " 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET, Office at residence, 331 E. Liberty St., Ann Ar- bor. Micer. All husiness confidential. Hours, 8tollr3a.m.and1to 3:lland 7to .m. Joseph C. Watts. Barfains in Second-hand Watches and Dia- mends. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME, COTRELL8& LEONARD. 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the eAPs and oow s, to Universty of Michigan, U.of Chicago, U. of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh,U.of Penn- svlvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams, Wvellesley, Hryen51'asr, etc. Class'cotracts a specialty. Cuba Must Be Free We regret that the delivery of the DAILY ennot be FREE-financial reasons prevent-of course you under- stand. But we beg leave here to announce our spring offer with the positive statement that it will be the last of the year. No more special rates. We quote you the paper for the BASE BALL SFASON-that is till end of semestera ONE DOLLAR. Leave name and money at ,Daily office,. 329 SOuth Main Street. Telephone, New State 189. HOLMES' LIVERY , 515 East Liberty St. Phone 106 BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. MAK~E MONEY Bysecuring a county agency for our Reversible Wall Map of the United States and the world. The largest one-sheet ap published; six feet long; eleven beautiful colors. It isso attractive that it almost sells itse. O IS A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE WORLD One sideshows a colored map of our great country, with railroads, counties, rivers,. towns, etc. The other side shows an equali ele ant Map . of the World, locating all countries at a glance by help of a marginal in ex. It also shows ocean currents, routes. of discoverers, and accurately located hescenes of all current events, such as boundary disputes, Cuban-battles,Armenian massacres, polar expeditions, etc. On receipt of $1.25 we will send a sample copy byprepaid express, and will Inform you how to obtain a-trial agency. Our men clear from 515 to 515weekly after a month's work. RAND MeNALLY & CO., 10-174 Adams.$t.. Chicago, Ill. ' 'We also need agents for our fine line of Subscription Books, Atlases, Encyclopedias. etc.