rsi: UNVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D lAILY. The Store sPring Shoe, THE CAMBRIDGE BROADWAY S' 8GOLF '98 CU J. V. SazEssAN, 2c1 Vicg-pres. JOHNa C. WALZ. Asst. Cashier. State - SavmiIIN - Bask. Transacts a general Banking busi ness. A Token Have you seen those snappy new styles? They are up-to- of W'e have just received a large shipment of WRIGHT, PETERS & C01 (FI.iElIATE D FOR SPRING. New shapes in Vesting Tops, $3.00, $4.00,1$5.00. New 3 'Strap Sandels I $.0O0, $1.50, $2.00. Our entire stock of winter shoes at a R.ZDUCTION'! MACK' & CO Shoe...Department. - -Bear lst Floor. Cr.Blain ant il((ras Strest. Caitl,$5,00.Sapis,5(,05.Tranact a G ~ O ~ ~general banking bsiess. E. K I'~iLAYflasage. 15 Stit Mai S InEMP, Pre. C. E.GOcanr, Vice-Pres E. K HEIWAYManger.119 out Mai Stret. FazenI. i. PersonCashlier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK JOS. W (OCLTT All T Capital Stch, $50000. urpls, 150,50. J. C XV* FReurces, 1,100,00. IOrganized under the General Banking Law. of this State. Reteies depsits, bys and sell exchange n the principal cities of the MLE United State. tDrafts cashed upon prper """""A L O R IN U Identiicatin. Safety depsit bans in rent OFICERS Chritian flac Pes.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-ies.; (Chas i. Hiscc, Cashier;5M. .. Frit Asitant Cashier. 1 E 1' 1P SAS.ITO T. Ann Arhor, Mich. FRTNTOA A AnAbo FIRT NTIOAL ANKr.anizedlSS6i Capital, $100,000. Prplex and Prefits, $40,000 1 Tranacts a general banking business. JHOu ! DRINKERS OF COFFEE iForigsnchange boght andeld. Furnish letter of credit. E.,ID. KNNE, irs. HAR.ISON SOI, f iDeaii & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the esult of thirty yearn experience V.W LRKO.Cs ie Pn in roasting cofee, aiid produces in ihe cup a beverage of golden color and unsurpassing flavor. We sell this coffee at 25 per potnd lCll.~f MAJ1111?&CO, and venture tile statement that no better or more delicious coffee V (calbYhdatayprc.The tisicderaor Have a complete line of D BAN & COMPANY Wall Paper, Paits, Oils, Window 214 South Alain Street. Shdes, Room Moldings, Etc. 1Specialty of fine intrior decorating Athletic Noted. About the Campus. painting, fresCoing, tintig, nd paper i ---hanging. Only tle best of workmen Spaldinlrg' ocalib aall iwide'ty A A fl7h slilT~~'o (remeiployd. 'Work guaranteed. 10S0 homasbe rIoo,'vd.I corntas alIM JR O. (lvi((00(1 roor'r. baide asnaroro I tcsully co(ncr0 annouroed for Ohhat U CG . 1{. MJ OR&1O. ii p'fcoiril al 'll~' o.;u. wrill be posto olnellrintil Aprill14th. The Artistic Decortor, of pofe sinal.Inl colege tams A aesoA. Leroy, sport' ingediotror of the 1l lire gr00010 (00&((he 4 of ~i n'sr lol7 Det roil re,' Prs, wsar rroort.}N laa(c~ rog h r'.rmro 'e0ooa' lK L E IN Siosript(onl lias have bren olrterl p n GETEE' 1. J. Alrefs,:sill rrun o n teoge- by tie Ann\rrrbor liycl(lilo10r'e-jLAIES ANDOn eaOLNTLEMENepiaAri'Sih hebccl rckt Phtor - . lake. TAILOR ChcaoUn noaU on n ersarr Snapr ho001 photlogrplhro t lorit~- ('edngesdayi'er'ityLatet Novelties in Winter troom the rrstin (Hga lSool i roie tay' r .r (.i o 1(01a and Spring Garments. (rttime ot. lir eas0,o a ooorre of (Calirs'. _a___ 21 to 4. Other college ganmes resuled 'rievcap( and gorar reonin00 ill.'. hasI COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. as tllws: Yale 0, hloly l'ros4; cwardorl he oar r.( foravaca ad(One bochwstatof Unierity. Pi'incohi16i, For'oh~nr S. giwns it(orE. . Thromon rO Sonrs,.Phila-IJ +ndrlpiar rThad J.1. Kra 1010 ililbeiJJ(i( .'OHIO... oh nua ulor(ark meetlbetwaeen [roomoi 9 every aterioosn net aert C entral Lines Caioi ndProu llrvbte heldola.), i fro, r> 1too ae inestrr eit. ? CC at Champaign. Satrday eveninig at. 7:30 liv. (reoote, T. a . 1C. y ,it . lR.iy. Stanrord Univ'ersity ia too are a vs'new etr ialrhoiotilI Toizs'he Only Seeping Car Line between traiinghoue fo it trck tamwh 011o "The Ities oft ala A rmyr Srrgeoni." Toledo and Columbus. The sw'orhothe arioy rg'eon oi.tgeher The Oily Sleeping or Drawing Room wil(1 eost albout 10)._ Car Lrine between Toledo, Colum-" - s'- ith he eaiinaiorrs to t o" i'acto' ___11bti, and Maleta. NOW REoADY FOt BUSINESS. fore admisirr, will he i oiauie. The Only Drawing Boom Car Line Tire Portlanid Cate in cow rpen for0 The en(110(aw1cnsterf(or he selee- between Toledo. Colnffibus and lboiness at(ie iew sndr, 10 E. Huron tisa of cass dlayiortor will le held Charleston, W\. Va. Sreet.fieal draorest oth(Ie Coot Pullman Sleepers between Colunm- April 11. The entres ory he cotest bus and Chicago. Houise. Regular laard 0.00 per swe; are iMers. Totui, Knne, Lay, The Only Line wills 4 trains each also have privaetr duing rooms up Wever, Meais, Barlett, Hffn, iKing- way daily betwnii"Toled and stairs fors peial dinners .ed parties, iey, Hland, Engeihardl and Milli. Cutmbus. t The Oily Line witho 3 trains each Upright Piano for sale. 31 N. State Penrs tor be submnitted in the esntest I way on Sundays between Toledo I nL 134 tr clasa pet must be ianded histday. and Columbus., _____________________________________________________The Only Line with 5 trains each ______________ way daily between Toledo, Bowl- FU LL ing Green and Findlay. The Only Line with 2 trains each ~ way daily between ' Toledo and PIQUE1 Charleston, W. Va. The Only Direct Line between Tole- GLOVESI-. d and the Virginias. ~ I~ V ~ ________________________The popular line between Toledo, Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and Newark. When you take into consideration that you have' iever paid less than $1.50 you will appreciate the Vald'e we are offering. ull inforation relatie to rates, ime ef trains, et., will be cheerfully furnished b.'y any agent of thn Ohio Central Lines. WAGNER & COMPANY, Moulton ° ouk, G. P. A., 123 outh 'lain Street. ": . Furnisers. . toledo, Ohio. I