I THE uNIVL4RSIT'Y OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Keep the' I Feet Warm4, A hot water bottle is just6 the thing for cold feet and6 a sore relief for most aches6 and pains. 65c, $1.00, $1.215 9 and $2.00 are the prices. 6 y $1.00 gets a good cne that Y we can warrant not to leak. CAL.KINS' - PHARMACY, The Store- MEN'S FUIRNISIINiS. We have greatly enlarged this de- partment of The Store giving it a prominent and convenient section the first floor next to the entrance. This section now contains all kinds of furnishin s, such as you look for among first-class hiaberdashers. OUTFITS FOR GYMNASIUM WORK .. I SWEATERS SHIRTS (NO SLEEVES) SUPPORTERS LONG STOCKINGS SHOES MANSTREET. - - Brighter than Klondike Gold Our window is blazing with the brightest, richest, nobbiest things - _ in Neckwear ever shown, They are high values at Low Prices. Yon will see them nowhere else. Notice the-"Reds." PURNISHEORS. coa ws s 1253 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. Lamps Expressly 4o. Students' Use "The Rochester,' "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every student -should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure wielight, is odorless. and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered (in any part of the city in our cans at l0c per gallon. For sale only by I SILK UBEILLAS. Men's best Ottomenhior Carols Silk Umbrellas, Sterling Silver Mounted, 28 inch size, $1.10. Men's Gloria, Steel Rod, 28 inch Umbrellas here at S5c. MEN'S FINE; NECKWEAR. FISK, CL.ARK & OLAGGS. Complete line shown for the first tinie in this city. Correct Shapes and Style. EF. & W." COLLARS, Newest Shapes.' 4 Ply, All Linen Collars, best :Styles, selling at 2 for 25c. X~en's Fiaest Dress Shirts, open front and- back, the $1.50 kind, at $1.00. Men's Best Made Unlaundried Shirts, all linen front, continuous facings, reinforced at every point, Wamsotta Cotton, short and long front, at 50c. GO9LF liOSE* New Color Combinations, the medium price and the handsomest designs shown, at from 50c to $2.00. Golf Tops, All Colors, Wec. Men's Sweaters. A Superb Line--Rolling Collars, Turtle Neck, Small Collars, Plain and -Fancy 'Colors In Wool and Worsteds, $1.00 and op. IDEA N & COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. tcble -'lone iapprioaich1to0 the south 0oa iin, o- 1tle boile'r house is heili put1 in. ' (1188cassof 't}) will 101d thteir tinst sil prsit 1 (ringer's InettFrids, ('5 1151113' lie inte'rior 01fiti' 11ew'electrlic 110we1 -tation11received litslfrst c(001 0o 1)1111t,'s'-terii'1. , is' senior lase' class sill h1theiol electioni of claiss'offcs inextt 'Iilyi litouin 1111" 1th111' aw'lecelto 11011. It. (. 'le'irge '190itL1, iCracileinig ini Deitroit. Ito is in Levi ti Giffit-s offiee ii lhe'"I1'jestic Buiiliing. Thseire'ire now ahout 1.10 studeiits ill thi botany depairtment. This-'is ithe lairgest nunihs' thealt(lie slelartnieiint his evrer held. Onie Iliinb pressure sail six low pres0- sure boilersecosuming six toins o -oal daily, ire nceessiry now to beat the Univeroilt-. C'andidates liir lbsefeet. Mandolin land Guitar Clubs wvili lbe examinedi Friday at 4:21is the rooin next to his engineer's library. Mhr. and MIrs.('rainger hi~ave iiivited the ladles of the University to enjoy a short programn of dances at t(licad- coy Saturday afternooii The S. L. X- piospectus Caineot y'esterdaylsnd Is theidsiniest and best for years. Copies may be obtained at the bx office in the main hail. Thieis will be- a nmeetin of candi- dates foo tbi. yeai's U. fM.bandlat 7 oa'ciwk- oni ht.It will be :held on lbs third floo. over 'Cilkins' drug store 'and 'illsvhio deshre's' tils esist iss' there, is 5thi'eisis - infuyChioice'will Sea til" of i)-.l usisl-. Iis isbs Iultisisastlihelis'aimlinit' is osle -sup 11511111 d 1t:iof gis'n'555'1 helslO"n 4il liw' is' the si itsei'ssi'nle aslda mee'5tilng s''sst1 5' il te~liiseniiti (11'r- tai'z1ed tsii' the yeii. It is their'isi- tei"?isii to gus- a1sties 0 olls'u donsil's thsis w'itein xi 111gi -' teasenly°. Miss'Mibilss . 1 obill.)(oriell'8, wistostheii'He'st oser Ssniiia7' of hiei icousin.itls. WOill 1'stiller Ihe is oii liii way shismie fromni "ilidison NOWis. s% lure shiialensdesdthse lecent IKappa AlisaiTtti.aconvsenition is atdelegate firom the soroity itUCoirnell. Shs' sipest yesterday ssills the Iloa i chptei ot t.i. -'iisslt). 1hs first isieting of tie - svanced Class at (lie 1TUiversiv y chiool of Dano- aung will 'be Wiednesdaty evening, Gel 13, it S o'clock. In coninection with (Isis cliss are given the S.aturday even- ing progirampartlies. The terms are !fo to' semoeserof (hremonthis, wic piirsice entitles pupilst boils Wiedinesday and Saturday evenings. AsImissisia for a single evening is 5 cents a couple. MUSIC. 'Course. 1 andi' i will be given in Room 12, 'Tappan Hall, at hours an- nounced. Courses is, aa .ndl111awill be given in Room C. Course aIn i Room 0, on M onday and Wed nesday -at 4 p. m. A. A& STANLEY. W. J. BOnOHres. W. ANOLit Vice-pres J. V. SEnEsAs,22Vicepres JOHN . WAMt, Ast. Cashier. State - Savinls - Ballk, Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK Capital Stck, 55,0. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, $1,00,00, Organized under the General Banking Laws oif this State. Receives deoits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the I United States. Drafts cashed pse proper Idetification. Safety deposit baes to rent. OrFICES:s Christian NMak res-s W. D. Harrimna, Vice-res.; Chas E Iiscock, Cashier: . J. Friti Assstant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BA NK Ann Arbor Capital, $10,000. Surplus and Prfts, $4,001 Transacts a general bankng business. Foreign exchange bought andold Furish letters of credit. E. D. KINNE, res. HARRISON SOULE, Vice res S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. 'OC mm&rhrnr5fut Cor.MaiHand Huron Streete. Capital, $50,00. Surplus, $0,0000. Transact a geerai basking business. R. K oEr, res. C. E. CoRNoE, Vice-Pres .PFED. Ai. ISEo Cashier. CALLAGHAN f 340 S. STATE STREET F 1_WXM§ Law Books F. J. SCHLBEDB.. 340 South State Street. Biook Binldig................:5cens sd up Solid Gold Fountain tent... $01.00 and up. Wiaterman and WiNrt lens is stool and Pens epaired. Whoesale and Retail Paper.1'% bs. of Lin- en 0'aper for 50c. Just Received a Large and Elegant Lin.e of Nqew Pipes Y not and Cold Lunches at all hour. Agents for Hluylers and 'sislliams ad Werners Co.'s Chocolate non icons R. E.JOLLY & CO. 508 Sout State Sreet. Music Stutdio PIANO AND COMPOSITION. R. H. KEXIPF, From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 22 SOUTH DIVISION STREET. COBETT- FITRSIMMONS YERISCOPE Saturday,Oct.16 F RE t Duingthe past ten $$Iyas the Toledo Laundry Co. have kept their custom- ers goods insured against fire, a fact that is appreciated by their patrons. Bet of wotk and Prompt Delivery. Branch, Office 123 Sout Man St., Ann Arbor,'Mich MACK & CO. Gunther's Chicago Cand ies! - ."IN BULK OR IN PACKAGES FROM 5c UP --AT- Mumnxmery's . Dr1'ug Store No ormFourt aSi