nEKUIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Tho StoreB~f " 51'EU.T THE'IWORK A Tolken Spring-! 'We have just_ received a large shipment of WRI6NTI PETERS &GO CELEBIRATED FOOT WEAR FOR SPRING. New shapes in Vesting Top, $3.00, $4.00, $.00. New 3 Strap SaIidels Our entire stock of winter shoes at' a MCK &Coo Shoe Department. Sfax 1 loo r. The Berryman Sui (Successor to Gibson & Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. JOS: W. KOLLjA-AUF ~~TA LORIN W. J. BOOTH.res. W. ARNOL1st Vice-prey J. V. SBEIxAl, 2d Vice-pres. JOHN C. WALl. Asst. Cashier. Transacts a general Banking busi ness. ahrr nrn ihrumu Car. Main anailHurun streets. Capital, $51,510. Surplus, $3,0t0. -Transact a general banking buslness. R. Keurn, Pres." C.eEGxtex, Vice-Fres FRED. It. McLSeanCashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Slack, 515,050. Surplus, $110,000. Rtesoarces, $1,100,000. Organined under the General Banking Lawa o this State. Receives deposits bay. and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. tDrafts cashed upon propser Identification. Safety deposit boxesti rent. Ovrtcus: Christian Macw Pree.; W. D. Harrimsan Vice-Fines..: Ohas E. Miscock, Cashier: iR. .J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. nSCc~nSU IIVof Ann Arhor FIRST NAIONAflL BN Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Frofits, $40,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought andeold. Furnish letters of credit. E. D). KINNEt, Pines. HIA tRISON SOULE, Vice Pres S. W. CLARKSONS.Cashier C. Uf. MAJOR & COa, The Artistic 4.soratprs Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Windlow Shsades, Room Molig,Etc. 118 E. WAShINGTON ST. UP ~tSTAtIRS. Ann Arbor, Mich. HO! DRINKERS- OF COFFEE Dean & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of thirty years experience in roastiing coffee, and produces in the cup a beverage of golden color and unsorpassing flavor. We sell this coffee at 25c per pound and venture the statement that no better or more delicious coffee can be had at any price."I DEAN & COUM PANY. 214 South Main Street. Athietic Notes. body, has refused iup cto this time, asP~atyfrofng, inting d paratn B.3.LwnyMchga' cac hotthey claim to he the tone American in- employed. Wo rk gurned stop of two years ago, is in the city;,ceoiCgat Ahlti AsAiaiOR i reality, however, this ass ociation is C5' asadvance guard of the Bay City team. rai opsda h olgso u b tie wvill assit in thercoaching srteEit n)vc e of the Wetr ceesan ery ewsesote s ternr 'Varsity infielders white here. Kolg:Cnirpeettvst hi The Uix ivraity of Wisconsin has ac- chamtionship mneetings. A victory by cepted the invitation of Cornetl, ('slum- the tUntversity of Michigan relay teansL lola an Pennsylvaii to enter the boat against their eastern rivals wouhi LADIES' AND U T 'M~ S races in June. Baoth 'varsity sit fresh- greatly affect tile claims uf the- woost. TAIL ian cewcs will be sent east. Debaters Will Practice. Latest Novetis in Wne Wisconsin's hasebail schetdtle has Nest Saterday night the debating and Spring Garments. been ,campletedi and contains 2t games. leam which Wiiilsmeet. Chicago; tiegins practice work witht the re.servs teams. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYN4ARD STREET. Cotmmencing tomosrrowv, 'Varsity vs. Work vicotnergtrysmi Oe block wet of Uivernsity. Bay City, champions if tntersate wveek before ttse tramn leaives lii' ('hi- League, at Regents F~ieldi. Admission OHI rags. Two ieserve tecsms have beeni to. entire series $1.00. Single game, itc n ra i esAN orgainized cho will alternately oppose Ce ta Li s cens.the regular team. All psossile tihases The Pennsylsanian of Tusday last osf the questions will be considleretd in T. A o. U. Rly. *K. Ok W. By. contains the followiing: order to make the repiresentatives fa-( The Only Sleeping Car Line between "The most important. dev'eloipmienit of miliar with the various argumenits Toledo and Colusmbsis. the past week in reference to the relay cwhich wviii be pat frward by Ltheir op- The Only Sleeping or Drawing Itoom sn pil 3th.isthedehit enrypsnnts Pof.Treblod ~it hiC Car Line between Toledo, Coluim- racesonArl3tithdeiieetypnnsPrfTrelo wilav bus, and Mlarletta. ofS the University of Michigan. They charge of the isracti'e.- Tb. Only Drawing Rloom Car Lins defeaited the University of Chicago in between Toledo, Columbus and their anneal dual games ilist year enid S. C. A Elect.Officers. Charleston, W. Va. are herfor a rpreenttiveweaeri Thefolowig ~Pullman Sleeper's between Colum- are herfor a eprsenatie wsten Te flloingofficers for the S. C. A.. buts and Chicago. university. and their presence in thThe Only Line with4trisec were elected last night: Presrictit, . wThe lbet 4enTranedach sue-mile championship will doubtless Ewayadailywobetweenc-pTosedntsand add.grenkln;.wtonthn'invies-presidenttColumbus. nildgretlyts he nteestin hatMiss Anna :Barniard; mens vice-presi- The*Only Line with 3 trains eaclh event, and will matte it ev~en mosre thsr-dn, 5 lif~rei'ig way on Sundays bsetweeu Toledo cetH..Guhi;rerdn er- adoughly a national intercsllegiate °event. traisM .Crat n Columbus. For the past two seasons the Western ________Tue Only Line with 5 trains each AthietkieacheAs Aeciationl as way dily between Toledo, Bow~l- aeInteresirdllegiate.Tela eahesAgnseAtllhlueticsan in ly hvdeietocompete con esoaion soitrmo nypslnsaalstrscmie trsmnpoiinasalohrcobnd nGreanFida:Register at once In their Chicago of- The Only Linre with 2 trains eati cith the Intercollegiate Athletic As-Re37Waahvnu.AUo way daily between 'Toledo saud ss-feiat.ionhavne AU f . halson .V. Te latter being the parent graduate is manager. 1435 hretoW a _________________________________________ The Only D~irect Line between Tole- do and the Virginias., F or Fo ry Years W The popular line between Toledo, ___________________________Fostoria, Bunyrus,,Granyille anid now Newark. Snii~lnformnaason relative to rate, tme or (i L E C Pany agent ofthe Ohio Central Lines. Has been -smoked by college men said ' i tO-dAy, a LEADER MtoDto otik, 6.1" a asa pure, maild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Toledo, Wke. I