THE UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Exhibit of Swell Spring Conceits .....Ladies' Suits, Skirts, Jackets, Capes and Waists..... Never has the advent of spring brought to our door such elegant ULTRA 1 tSRIONAII a Ldies Wearing Apparel. such EXQUISITEi EXCLUSIVENESS its we are nlow showing in our cloak room. Every garment has that thorough TAILORED tiTY:LISLNE SS, that air of GRACEFU L DEBONAIR SO m nuen desired by .effective, nobby, dlressers. 3 Extra Sample Lines Recpresenting the latest ide."s of three of New York's foremost dress makers are now on sale at ONE-THIRD LESS than regular selling prices. See our H-sndsoinn Skirts, Capes and Jackets. SDACK &o- New Silks and Cotton Waists Received Today. KINDERGARTENt. STEINS!. FULLER & BERANEK, Do you know that lbs Call and See Us, ~~A L R WALDO MANDOLINAwioewnwfl.. Cleaning, Pressing aiid Repairing. Ilas thenet tone of an ratan RENTSGHLE, TH LEADINGPHERI NWrk called fot : addeliv rted dolls madce? TDo you know ltha - hoe' AN lU:W ... &ri.od e~t Blj:3 i S. STAll SIT. over ltloeesya it is ronstructed on the sanse T1ehss ANAE b.Pone No. 2 , New State. principal of a good violin? that ftosnlls fram $i2 upward? Ash0 D.lA TN about themi at GRANGJER'S ACADEMY. SCHOOL OF DANCING. 0,M MA TN ANN ARBOR MUSIC COS. FUNERIAL DIRECTOR. 10,-07 E. Washington St. Pri ate L es on .,( s ons ~~~~~Ambulance sightor day. EU: i Residence. 101 Fifth Avene. ANN ARBOR $ MR. OR MRS ROSS GRANGER, BELL TELEPHONE 246. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS, TimeTabe, Snda, Set. , 183?.Ordero for all Fraternity partiescerob TIME TAiiLE: dacs t.Laeodesa n ro t-h har. WoeSog o w olgs Music Co. or ar Residence, 1710 Gi ddes ave. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard 1_1_.__iltaepplso lnoadI Time. othtnvrsit ight reading at above named Piaes, NORTH. SOUTH. 'T'se ocene in-t'isder the lionie," in in tels nm f t he j eril .Tohnston. 8:43la.m. n7:3S a. m which th" PUllted States warship, of Cliifoirnias wan a short oketch of the______________________ *1l:15 a. mn. 11:15 a.-m. ton, after a mighty struggle withclls idonbeA 4:41 p. m. 8:45 p. m. 'life if Prof. (CharleosiM. (Gayley 10(1 Ihe U. Sha alor n ahR *Ruan between Ass Arhor and Toledo only, n ae ial strw ihuo E. S. BILSIORE, Agent i he beach, is one wvhich can never fail honeoro recentiy conferred on him tby 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. W. H BENNETT G.P.A. Toledo 0. to :accuse Ihe latest patriotinin in cc en ii Oxford University. It wciii be intern.sI- Ladies' nrtistic fHair Dressing op Stairs tiie mont libelgmale' .Aierican citizen. flig to Michign s tudents to knsow that Oid friends nail again. We viomSKa S onw ons. staIt. T~cOJAOYL, MU G T l~ Tiis tcenn is historically correct, ac- Prof. clayiny wrote Califor.nia'a coiiege +r 5wcoding 1o the testimony of many who! sonig, "The G~olden biear," whieh hoidsnPO 'Te igaa ulsRot. hIas'eseen the ploy andsvho c hemthe nme piace at ihat oniversity ow o'sCaslae Central btanaard Time. jselves were sharers in the :error of the "Yeliow ansd Blue" does ItSiichi- O 2eTsC ooae TRAINS AT ANN. ARBOR. that awful night aiid day in bhe isrrhcr gan. It wciii be rememerned that Priif. -00 TO- EAST AMat Aida. Tihnmet of the Trentoii ((le (G ayiey was zinc use comseofes ouirnW ' TUTTL.iE 8.33$ 5. Maili and Es._3 47i-01 , N. Y , ChI. 8 12 anmd all displayeid unexampsldliravery. Ylellow assiluie."ALERTS yowih . .Special.-4018 Mail. ..------- R istory isot irecord asnore idivinely NOTICE.GETSi yuwih Esatern Ex......9547 51. unhlis actioni than that of these todji, A.1M.Western Ex '1 8 hii, totesig helplesslysin the nilghty Physical examination' will be held WD.NExrs 550-GR.&.Ex-551waexpcigntngbtpeddilfom3o5o'okatheyr- er e t Atani E. a...7 301 hi, Nt. Lx------ 7 47 de'ath, saw the Calliope sliosvly'bust ios. RpIZGR. Expreon .71 15 surely gainghegliiopeso sea ansd coi -__________ 5Nortb Sbsre ILimied Is an extra fair train usparative safely. and tint after it a ill 'DSONTO L to beaechargenof 42t0iito New York than on mighty 'beer (of esesrage ment. AganeIlc siMarshiall ha' on saIle'it Shee- DSONTO L other trains svwhensall hope bad been abandoned. mid 'lion's :several udesigns iiI sasershads, 0. W ReUGES, i1 1. . HArm. the men patienmtly awaited the fatal sewhichsasee oil the rage inthse east. C:Y4 h ei. P. & T. Agt ,Chicago. AgIt.. Ann Arbor mossaiit, the band a ssembalei lricl Prices reasossable. T ls hmot and the ringing notes of CBkc "Star To__closethem__out. THlE BUCKEYE ROUTE. Spnasgled Ransner" bid defiance to the TEA ES TATE FO NXT, x p iiirm "tinder the Dom" Is o hbie IA lOC R ATE O ETLUMBUSt I RK VS ALLEY AND IAI1fflO-RAILWAY tise attractionm at thse Athens Tiieater SEFPTRMBER. 1109xv. Washingtoni Street. Phone '1. Is the only' line from the Toledo Usion Monday night. April 4th. Physii's(sod Chemistry (man) for_________________ Station to Columbus and'poluts beyond, Micb. 01. F., $100. vTELARtGESMAUFCREOAfvlti rzlisoiritC using Union depot terminals at Colum-" To stick Rubber ucie MAJOR'S RUE- The YI .Pisost.1.0, Ah5fC. un~n xstaroi bun and mn four fast express trainso he I .Pis,$,0,$,0, ADBCCESPLE N riort daily. between the pointsnamed, two of1 PER CEMENT. Bewcares'.'. .1.Doni't 1000.NTviE WnOiL. them in the un-precedented time of three taeasbttt.ii. . Asoan oia)Egiss .G.aSPAI.DIN& & BR~On baeasbttt._iR .AssatEgih oms. _Parlor care on day trainso, seals 2 I(omn septa;- Pui~man sleepers on nigbt 'trains. $600. 'The Name the Guarantee." Students dfssring unequaled facilitims FOR SALE CtE AP. ,0 'sCl. rp.Fb. atnan iiealOutfitters In che Leading College,Al- are invited to use the lBnckeye Route andirlsCel.Prp.uclun a nddebsLeamsingeUth. nan obtain dull particulars on apipilcatios AJohsnsaNew' Universal Cyclopeiaecia. Greek. $450 and baone.Eeryc RquidSihoTefoamss Ball, S to local ;ticket agents. 0 vol editissn. Eniquire at 523 . 4ash.- aevr as te aae E veAthleticiSpots and Base. ll E. E. AVIDSO, I igton s. issevenin. l~tand are getting them every day. Al- ThSplngOflsLeueBi 3141t. Pass. Agent, Toledol or TheSpldigffcia__eagea_ 11 IHR .P. anadT. A. bert & Clark Teacers' Agenicy. Poll- Adopted by National, Misor, College an d 10 FSItI n0 isigitFinst3'1ol.013N.Fltens'sslRdg.,Chicagoi The, oldest and Schooil eagues. CotSb, ho t. 134 largeot in the WestI Thirteenth year'. Base Ball Uniforms, Bass, Gloves, _________________________________________________Miss, Chess Prbeceters, Shoes, Etm. "'Ar' 1 r' ^ ~"rr"ArmT SPALIJINOCHIAINLESS BICYCLES t89 " * ~~~TE SPAL#DINS BUE AERChin, 4 Unliversity School of D a cinig Tlit SPAU[S5*iCSLIJEALi 4isI MODE . . Athe~s * Send for Illutrated Catalogue of all ST~iST*REE, OPOSIE LN! BILDNG.Athletic Sports, $4 UNTIL MAY 1st, 2 LESSONS PER WEEK. As 6. SPALDING & BROS.I O M IN G.~ ~~ Program party-every Slaturday evening with orchestra music. e ok hcg C U.OlilICEl 427 Thompson it. IN LICL .CARTER'S IINOCJI DIETERLI, ALREADFN SOTETO * NAVAL COMEDY-DRAII1A, IEIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRIICTOR GutrMnois a Calls Attended Day or ight!* atnd Metronomes UNDR'H O E iS181 Eess Liberty Street: Mesidence, "33a' eat off from our usuallo uvivi No!I are all guaran d.ed. MONDAY, APRIL 4,: anu u UAffDDE SIAEBEHLE'S MUSIC STORE* -RNA LL, THE PsluusuuunEnu.. .. B 114 West Llberly st.,Ann Arbor, A , .,. " .,, .. ; tASINGTN BOCK NN ABOROnly 3Idoors Wests(f Main Et. 1 ~ WASINGTO BLOK ANNARBO r t k1. 1 .:. t1 Y