- 1I~d VErSIy OF MAICHWGAN DAILY. HECA BRDG W. J. Bo u. Pre.W. A isit Vice-Area fT D A1 r JOHNC. SYALZ A. st. Cashier. ___98Soe GOLF State Sai ns- Bailk, - - __----S8e 1.- ...C Z Transacts a general Banking busi .4..Hav yousee UTness. A Have you seenthose snappy new styles? They are up-to- 1 Fdrm~xrrr Qfitnw tl113ttnh date. Will certainly please you. ok e '+ LCar Sandanti $l30estreets. TOK® 11:S 1' Capital,$5,0.Srus (siTanctvaw lv genral banking business. E. K. HiEILWAY, i'lanager. 119 South Mlain Sret.I It. iteSrr. Pres. C.). Onneis, Vice-Frs aE. 11. ltscit Cashier. of JO . W.kO LLAUFIHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ca Rtl sta c e519.rls, $1,x00,k0 . of OS W KO IS UFOrsized unesr e eal RankinLaws of ti taeaeeie e ostbuys anti ss eca nte pr aac tie fthe -,T A IL NR INGL01k; S rinent i catin. Safety dpaut baes ta rent. id rriicatin.Christian lack iPres.; W D. arrm as ViePre,;Chas E. Ilsack, i INF. w SUI GTONST.Cashiers 5. .. Fritz Assistant Cahier. S(rng ! 55K tKTjNIT. Ann Arbor, Mich. FRTN~OA A AIS 110!l 10,]).SupusadRrfisI8f,00KERraS .® - OF COFFEE - - regnescbi e bo1uht and soia,.bFunish SE. 1. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SULF, Deail S. Co'a Blende.d Coffee is the result of thirty year s exeience .. KON Vice ree 1 ' , w.CLARSON.Cashier sn roasting coffee, and produces in the ctip a beverage of golden (- color' aid sunsurpassing flavor. We sell this Coffee at 25 ppr pon~d ( MJR &C i and venture the statement that no better or imore delicious coffee C. }(u"MJR&cf c ani be lad at any price. The Artistic deorators I Have a complete line of ______ D BAN .& Co MIA NY Wal Paper, Paints, Oils, Window 21 ot ai tet Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. We have just reCeiveda Athletic Notes. Specialty of fine interior decorating Nomoal News. painting, frescoing, tinting and paper large ship ment of -t'ctt sy -I hanging. Only the best of workmen ps .tsi541 Msl~atHottty at Normal C tlege. was0enipoyed. Work guaranteed. Th it,'13111o r nia eer Agmso th.int cte ton lisyt he as-eetleaa "noverory lay. "'In.Cff. MAJOR & C. WRIGNT, ETERS A 08 at Tack te'IsooA;thleict soAroFiela lit ill retoeeld teatronHn 1Mngv (Atsi one alaiofe thle Scsihoeeol orThe Arisic )ecror, WRGTiEER 10.l Vssit~stPtiteo' inf. Daniel utamead nhseoicb CELEBSRATED Thjprisraes ssstss te re is'estisu~ I lees h:rogsetahttitet sts t h vu ssne-nis'v'ls shrae nte nes' Ionswas givesn in lthe .,,ssmtun be LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S bUU E E~U Nicysecle traci. Regular 1I . I. teV.auaeclA.f.te A.hi 1 JJ Y I b 1\t iente, go", iceNrmal corge. 'Dusing lb seek I TAILOR FO O W LA mealswllbe ll e :nd rone, orttin thee iaeee% members or the atulyls a ldeltves ospeial leeture. Latest Novelties ia Winter FOR SPRING. Coachs Mlurpb'ystill oselu tilt n The and Spring Garments. fromtenslact, enitingt s otghtClubighyeNoryabl"MoThegtwoos2r-COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. or tn. en hiely hos , h,.,Irehigly njoable' Te gm. as eco- One blck west at University. wsihests prepar the r es--lav ra t edwt h lmi oos re n so ur.....in, 'sprii towll'stua3r() ssesg-ooo) . .. OHIO... Ne hpsi VsigTpThe finlseits the hatsball turna- sld casses. Nearly every cass hostc entral Lines o~wsae n etn o sen vr pac tarit, ossfenne ssr'more relreentarte2.. Short' ur31speeches were made by Dr. smihs es- T .C l. S.&11 y - $3.00, $4.00, $5.00. ens i Bshop winning.fTh. first match - - of lsedo 'sas eleesMea. od Di rincipal Sf1, Mfss Ruh Slppin, fr-o-The Only Sleeping Car Line between .__ ...____e r preceptre. , and Prof. owe'.ss~. Isp Toledo and Columbus. , -issandl Hotffmansandoshptfhesp.lhat- - Thnsg. e ly Sleeping or DaigRo music was a feature of the teve ThengrawigRo - ter bfng victorios in straight game Car ine between Toledo, Colum- ,hlzoOUX -min x5 -2 atd 1-12.T-lrheswintners tsr thin Ch airman J. W. Judsn the srlbs -bus, Fnd Maretta. - mttee n finance and approiriatiasn f The Only Drawing oom Car Line match then played Lut and Martfn, lbs Uisersity seate, wishes te coi- between Toledo. Colunbus and New 3 Strap Sandels who had drten a b-se, and againswn s- eta to "meet this aternoatt4 Charleston, W. V. cleinhing ti-e lUnivesity chamissship ociock is Adephi Hal. IPll man Sleepers between Colunm- $1. 0 D, $1.50, $ far0the-wbstanerChicers form e ig year. Thwrs were usad hcao awrdd wetesb te thetcTO TEACHERS. The Only Line wiih 4 trains each awrewaesb h tits S The Fisk Teaciers' A1ges 'pies fill as way daily between Toleda and -soefatfoss. - many positions as all others cmbined. Columbus.- Register at. oce in theft'Cisfag of= The Only Line with 3 trains each Our entire stock of Upright Pfsnorsor sale. 31 N. Stte flgee, 38 Wabash seentse. A U. of H. way on Sundays between Toledo at~. 134l graduate' is manager.- 141 and Columbus. winter shoes at a - ________________________________ The Only Line with 5 trains each way daily between Toledo, Bowl- FULLing Green and Findlay. RZ1 OWiOn WW FULL The Only Line with. 2 trains each ' r r 'way daily between Toledo and ______________ ul h Charleston, W. V. --(J*4~ The Only Direct Line between Tole- GLOVESdo and the Vizginias. _________________________Te-popular line between Toledo, Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and MACK Coily p Newark. IYI AC K &. CO1 l~hn v on take into Consideraton at you have never aid lest. ______________ thn$,0yuwill appreciate the valoe wa ireofering. Fll Informanin reatie to rces, timaP - _____________tans, etc, will be cheerfully funshsed ay Shoe epartent.any agent at the Ohio Cetral Lines. 8heDeatnet WAGNE.R & COMPANY, Moulton Houk, G. P. A. Rear lot Floor. 123 outh thusn Street. -. - Furnishers. Toledo, Ohio.