THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. PIUJBDIO OPINION - Has put the stamp of approval upon our.... .. .. .. .. .. .. AUTUMN E XHIBT' We have talked to you about our fine line of clothing made for us especially by Hlammerslough Bros. and The Stein=Black Co. Now we take pleasure in talking to you about our FINE FURNISH1NG GOODS. Our Furinishing DepartIment is exhibiting a bewilderingly beautiful stock of Neckwear, Colored Shirts, Gloves, Underwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, and many accessories to man's wardrobe. But more especially we wish to mention our beautiful line of fSade of pore worsted yarns in exclusive patterns and styles, and all they cost you is $2.50 anti $3.00. They are the same as fine ftirnishers exhibit, minus their outrageous profits. No chestnuts in our line of sweaters. 221 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Lindenschmitt & Apf ci. i Geo. S._ ~Parker -- _ _ _ _ _ PIANOS FOR RENT I tad~m ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO, Pen. 205-207 E. Washingtou. .~JEWELRY STOREI ANN ARBORU. of MX Buttons and RAILROAD. (BRO WN',S D] Timse Table. Sunday, Sent. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: CORINER MAiIN ANe Trains leave Ann Arbor m by Central Standard is1te pace to Reo ister. This Re NRT. SOUTH. Messengers-It 8:43 am. *7:3 a., *12,15 a. ms. 11:25 a. m. 4:40p. m. 8:40 p. m. Ipoeeti ru e 19:10 a. m. 18:05 P.M. Ipoe ntiPrcc. nRun betwoeen Ace Arbor sod Toledo only T he *va rsity liliedllll agaiinst lie Nc(r- -0Huns between Toledo aod Howell. This 11-al scirbool vtesterdaiy itteciloob train Sunday only. All other teases daily except Sued:ay. marildidi tie lieat iiltsise iworkc yit W. B BENNETT . P. GA.Ioe Agent jShown.Tile: iltere terce i s as iiic M11H l AN iuchIlAL net-lintaul ci v ltick.' 11Uet "The iagara Falls Route." itf11:1y tie 'vairsti's wsikals.i s I Cnal Standard Time. rie1aildtii boy-. rii o sisilni cl° etTRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. id.isle iriehatiteii'ivais iit riel 511: P.Mr . M. a. tiii. N:opl-swee's t teinpiei. Mialand Ex_.-3 47 B.N. Y., Chi ..8 12 N. Y. Specil1.-..4 558SMalt.-------5918 tCiliy ilssiilati'giirltiiniltoigethiir *N. S. Limited..-06d4'p. M.with Stiows an ieir didi she besi workl kastern E.----10 u5 Western Ex.--1 55 A. M. G. H. & It. Ex. sit5 othe lin t:: tiial hiiilelittieniCaps- D.O. NExpress.... S 5i Chi. at. Ex----9 40 AtlanticEx--.7 30 Pacific :Ex------- 2 301a1Huh ggtii nd ii I ii.. ii viAti1st1iii t: 0. R. Express __11 10 the: bist ialcsni - *North Shore Limited is on ex tea fare train ieeeding this ;;.ise the i/csttilis to be a charge 01 $2.50 to New Yori shan on othertrains. t-cmndls(artb-s trlel i-el tfout: tealtis U. W. EcoocES, B. W.HAB t 1itmysil well, ill:first tesiti i itimtiig 0. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Ag1.i AnnoArbor. tithsin tgle toiiuchdonitltde by U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooniis l lsodtmmii w ~-hoeoti,;it tie ciailsii tie 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. kirk-of.i li ii a lso Inaide at ia- Laxdies' artisieHol essing oeup stal irs llit fo.i.i beldl -oat iinf.slitcbyonly Olid Colends call agaio. We welcome ne ones. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, a "div feet.iBakcer and 1 SIart:- iii tiV RENTSCHLEB, JTHE PHOTOGRAPHER hat~hlf-bckmad lt rnfor-10,cads Teephone r43. ANN ARBOR Htirin~g tl it S eimestir t tF 3 l. ENOCIi DIETERLE, Prof. Taylor swill imeiti oilnifo ErIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. r'nla~iii t:01)ii12 o'cloc k in lRooiii 11; Calls Attended Day oreNight. 'raj 1)tmi IIall.I"Tusday d 1 '1miiiIili :51y Ne. 116 East Liberty Street: Besidence. 35 117 lld t e IEasit:Sei:lsiiai-Ro12o111o01 Sooth Foorth Ave. Phone 129. lonladlit W I fn: day 111111'rid y. FOR A~ 0. M.T MARTIN, HOT LUNCH FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalilg a Specialty. C)TO- , NO. .-09 FOURTH AVENUE. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. IAsmbuance night or dxy. Re 1111: 02FithAvenue. RUG S'TOR.E. ANTODN TEUFEL, I HUbRON STREETSHEtADQURToEROR0 Trsns, Valises. D~ress Suit (noses, and. ;istor 1s always consulted first by the Teleseopes. L's FRE Trunks and Valises repaired neatly and= cheaply. No. 307S. Main Street.. tle detisi-illotraii I flin per t c g'radllit: andl lorner lit-tier in itie Itoyal Cons-ervatory of RIsia tiiel',e whlti-is: lie hstvrldl oir lltoete(_n Hlours lfiirivtiirtsii iliihe nnAt- C. A.rmistrong, 7:07 Ctureti vt. NOTICE 1iiis. siwill be a metilimf sitea c roin.),0 111551 -it v Hall. A1 1 sh- Miien andsiiiisiiitieiofclazss te'al::-.are ill 1:1111requeitedto beitiere. lies- iden~t Isli( 11: ls. 5.kitistn is II P~tie Coac:Iih 1\'11i15 Ala ili'r Klxim sns (Lonce and las.ovO inewve.olidtes ii everyscay posssile. 5tIiiaei of clsiotbaill is :iniv iin- (si~itiio sIlilmstigiy lerin teiollsto is: iii( lisOctober:t's10. II111IIIA11) Ostatiit Miu:i o: DETROIT, M~CH. C. II. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic decorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc, Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and poper hanging. Only the best of worknaen employed. Work guairanteed. C. IIo MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decorator, T ANDIEMS! ThToi]Rent!!! TeLargest Line nC Bicycles, Sun- dries and Supplies at M. STABLER'S -CYCLE EMPORIUM, Telephone No. 8. One door East of Ameri- can Bouse. The Same the tGuarantee.' " SPALDING'S Foot Bell Supplies For 197' EveryvReqs: ite for the Oame. Mlanagers will do well to write, Cor samples xed special rates af before puechaoing.. The Spalding Official Foot Ball. I RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON .BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. KINDERGARTEN, .2. uont Call and See Us, The IFamous "Joseph SBman,"'and Washburn MANDOLINS ~GUITARS For Sale at SCHAEBERLE S .u.St.........:. [14 W. Liberty 5t., Ann Arbor .jiNs. $a. -_We have practicing roams forsmusic students. 25 CENTS 0 0 0 Iso't so much foesa toth brush that ix warranted to soetail right. If the bristleo~come out of one of our IS cent brushes it's our brush:. PAILM B1ER 'S -P H 1A iR.I'vM .A .CV '. Adopeed by Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, B arvard, Cornell, and all other lendin-. uni- 3106 SOUTHi STATE STREET. versities. Each ball tooted and pached, and sealed in seperate box with broo inflator. Price, $5.00. Spaidlng's Official Fees Ball Guide, -U nver ity Sc ool of ancng for 'S9T Edited by WALTER CsAP. Post- e paid,ia cents. State Street., opposite Law Building Catalogue of Fail and Tinter Sports, FREa.. Terms $5 .00 a semester - - Single evenlings 50 cents. A, 0 SPALDING & BO' Ofie4 hmsnStreet... iNew -York Philadelphia: