W. J. BoomePres. W. AROasD,ist Vice-pros J. V. SnEnnAN, 2cd Vice-Pres. Joun C. WALZ. Asst. Cashier. .nE UIMV ERSJTY OF MIC EIGAN DAILY. GRANGER'S ACADEMY. SCHOOL OF DANCING. The Store Private y A. Token MR. OR MRS. ROSS GRANGER. JOS* W.eOL~ 11N E. WASHINGTON ST. UP .STAlRS. of HO DRINKERS OF C( S pring! , Deaii & Co.'s leinded Coffee ist i in asting coffee, and prod ueps t ; .t t , ,k y ru . :;. f :: ' 3. 3.. , ± ,5:: ~ :e .eY ... + e, : ... .;.., .. fi r'' r,.. ' ;";tio. ' .... . Wit::: .'.G:' . _: .... can be had at aniy price. L...SSOflS st~ate ais-hnK Transacts a general Banking busi BELL, TELEPHONE 246. ness. Car. Massnsad huoseStreets. * Capital, $5e,0ei. Surplus, 555,005. Trassact a I I.. I pi. geeral 'banking buisiness. AnnA Arbor, Mob. THJE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS DANK Capital Steck , $50,000. Surplus, $150,000li. Resoures, $1,100l,000. Orgasloed sederthe OeersiliBankiegLaws of this State.- eceives deposits, buys sod t 9^ 1soils exchange on the principal cities of the E j .. JJ. ddUnited States. Drafts cashed uou proper )FFEEidentification. Safety deposit hoses to rent. Oirc ;Christian Mack Pres; W. D. the result of thiirty years experience Haria Vice-Preos.;-lies E. Hhcofh, sin tse cuip a beverage of golden ahe;Re.FizAssatCsir We sell this coffee at 25c per pound FIS NTOALBNof Ann Arbor FIRST NATIONALr BA re Kdorganisedcoife no ettr r mredelciosocofeeCapital, $100,i00. Surplus and Preofts, x14,00©1 Transacts -a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought andsolid. Furnish t letters of credit. CO M & CO MPANY. ED. KINNE, Pros. ISABIISON SOUSLE, S. W. CLARIKSON. Cashier A Letter from Gun. Alger. C. ff. MAJOR & C'O., lion. J. T. -Jacobs, otf this city. re- The Artistic deorntors ceived an autograph letter lissmsore- Have a complete line of lng freem General It. A. Alger, tieeretary Wall Paper,' Paints, Oils, Window of war. (leneral Alger write: Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. "I have yotur very hind letter sof the Specialty of fine interior decorating 24th instant, and, ssanceyou theat 'va painting, frescoing, tintingoand paper yout toy is mucshsiapprecialed. I hardi r.h anging.d Only the best of workmen emlyd Work guaranteed. he1 1,kotwhat to say in reras rI t or MAJ OR V request for adsisc as to wiatit ci c C. " " toIake tier procure pcrms.ionI se- The Artistic Decortor. eruit a regimnst, asotie lWst delai-si ineet is at psresent formulatinno sitastn. ~ foe any lager increase of theatrmy intsK L tier absence of at e eegessc ccvlii~h se lopse witi not asle." ILDIS AND GENTLEMEN'S DE l 214 South Main Street. Athleotic Notes. Ass inlescoilegiat attgn elus i i tob. formed with Yale, 11arard, Columobia Cornell, 131. if P. ;end l'rtn -rtoss for members. -W e have just received a Princetonso aseball teanm this scar is large shipment of WRIGHT; PETERS & CO, FOOWAR FOR SPRING. New. shapes in Vesting Tops, $3.0o, $4.00,9$6.00. -Ne0w 3 Strap Sandels $1.00, $1.60, $2.00. UO ir entire stock of1 winter shoes at ,a .R.DUOTiON! likecly ts be a goiod fielding onsc, with inly a fair genseral average of Catting sbility. Of last year's silne, K~afer, iBel- ly, Btutler,, Hilliebrand, iBarrettand Ai~ston are still isn-iollege. liiisesala has chellesnged Nebraskoa to a field. meet. Alt Cornell, list only candidates hoc Icaptains of the fisotball team ore thse whot hareiplaiyed in the threecmnset importasnt games of the seasons. Fiiotball cassdidates wvere oni far prac- tice -yesterday in increased numbsers. The usual wosrk ovas gone thronghs with. Claos baseball teams havecocan- menced active wrork. The Fresh laws practiced in Prettysn's commns yesterday. Track Team Train. The relay team canditdates fsr tse tile to Philadelphia are showing up in gr eat numbers. Active traissisig starts toaey at thecfield, -where a stove will be put isp under she grand stand ansd such consforts as possible 'wiii be at- firded the candidates.,. Thomspsosn, Hatch, . Teetcel, Thonsas, MlcLean, Forbes, Cotton and Mead arc amosng the candidates: at present. By next Saturday the sqad wili be reduced to a working force of ten, and Monday it is thought that a reguiar training tabie will be eslsbiisbed.. It is 'likely that seven men will be taken .on., H. H. Wheeler, .of KIankake e, Ill., formerly with the '40 L class, is in the Northwestern Itnivefkity law school. "University Bancd. fheruivlersity band praiseslto 13e- coisse a ptermanent feature aonig the 'University- organizations. They arc anxious ts get uniftirms. and are fully prepared .to fil any ansd all engagemsents writh gooid music. Whets the weather becomes wainser a, series of Steen air concers will be given otn the canspus. The inistrumsentstionssof the basnd is as followcs: W. B. Martin, crnet; ii. G. Sehock, i-rnect; B. De Punt, cornet_; lodes,, Sprnsg, Gillett, Coittoni, ormass, Wat- sots, clarionets; E. P. Dr Pont, piccoloi; C. H. Thompson, saxophone; B~aekes, H saxopthone; H. Otto, tuba; hi. H. Piter, baritotne; L..Otlii, Bird, Mani- fart, tromnbosses; G. W. Levin, slto; D. Zimniermsass, alto;, Sweet, aito; ii. De Pont, boss drans; W. Mteyers, snare; Ray Warren, conductor. Saturday,s Chicago Times-Herald contains a lengthy write-up sef Michi- gan's baseball and track athletes. Cuts of Captains Butler .and Ctoarh Clairke accompany the article. To stick Rubber use MAJOR'S R'UB- BER CEMENT.-;'BecBeare ? l s Dontt take a substitute. TAILOR' Latent Ifovelies in Winter and hSpring' Garmsents. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block wost of University. Central Lines T. v . C. Bty. K. &'W5. Ry. The Only Sloeping Car Line between. Toledo and Columbus. The Oiily Sleeping or Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo, Colum- bus, and Marletta. The Only Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo, Colunibus and Charleston, W. Va. Pullman Sleepers between Colum- bus and Chicago. The Only Line with 4 trains each way. daily between Toleda and Columbus. The Only.Line with 3 trains each way, on Sundays between Toledo and Columbus. The .Only Line with 5I trains each way daily between iToledo, Bowl- huig green and Findlay. The Only. Line. with 2 trains each was daily between 'Toledo and .Charleston, W. Vs. The Only Direct Line between Tole- do and the Virginias. 'The popular line between Toledo, Fostoria,- Bucyrus, Granville and Vewarke. Fail information relative to rates, thase of trains, etc., wil be cheerfully famnished iby any agent of the Ohio Central Lines. Moulton IHouk, G. P. 'A., Toledo, Ohio. For Forty Years GiODEN'SCEPTRE Ha een.'smoked by~oollege men and is to-day, a LEADEIR aa pur~e,, mild; sweet mixturei for the pipe.