THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHfIGAN DA1L*. Exhibit of Swell Spring Conceits ------INw .,....tadies' Suits, Skirts, Jackets, Capes and Waists.....F, Never has the advent of spring brought to our dosr such elegant UL TRA F'SIiIONAB E aL:.dies rx - Wearing Apparel. suchl EXQUISITE EXCLUSIVENESS as we are u owc showiug in our cloak toom. Every garment his that thorough TAILORED STYLISIINESS, that air of GRlAIFUL DEBNR o~aSO 7 t munco dcosircd by effective, nobby, dressers. 3 Extra lh ample Lines Rep retenting the lahtest de s of three, of IN corks forenmot dre makerIs are now ott sale at r ' ONE-THIRD LESS than regular sellutngiprices. See our Hanclsome Skirts, Capes and Jackets. (DlACK &o0o. New Silks and Cotton Waists Received Todsy. - -- ,9W W'W1W i nrR R NA -,&&(NEW QUARTER0 ,Do ou now hattheCall and She Us, WALD MANOLINA whole witndow full. idctebettn i DasyANDOLN RNSUE THE PHOTOGRAPHER dlis madst?1Do you know that Telephoe '40. AN A. LtCitJEWELE it is cosstructed oe the same li)btt',( N '~ll(tWti it selfms[2n upeacd Ak ahout them at ../ ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO1. 20320 E Wshngtn t.O iModels tar 'its at 8(10. 'V Models, while they tezst t *>0. ANN ARBOR AF rwnsDu Soe o tet A 9CorMuli tid Hiroti Time Tesile, Sunlay, Sept. 1'i. 1897T. ro s D -ug M e; See. TIMEE TA BLE: "Calendar. °°° p Traiss leave Ans Arborhby Central Standard. At the Theatre, (Caedr NORTH. SOUTH. "Other Peotpe Money" is an int'- Friday, ApilSt .-itoe.- J. It. iurio, 8:43 a. m. 57;s30a. o ass nS .A ore *12:it a. to., 11l,5 antm. estiog suhject evee for a ptay aod thatofanaiS.LA.t'ire *Rut, between Ass Arbor and isTteledo inoavorof lvees A erof' "'etc 1.1' hsbeeninstuctorI B NETE. S.OtILNLOEE, Agent Leroyte and hit:Ostcteesfltciomedy, iIn YaletUniversity for t25 years, attd ie WHBNNT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. wttich'loot1l be produtede Wedniesday IC, yearl'tt, nay apply ttt((totuti- T , T EA"g er.evening, Marcht 30, 01tthe Athens Thea- veloity fttr tateltsittn andtre..ett'i half (Y'IKTOTET ter The comedy as sptoken of asit ngtSpity forttrhle reat of his life. The Niaara Fails Route.t' ait etilittol ay that give protofthat-- -- - Cettat btanaard Ttne. llaughter stay'time fraom eit,, clrean '1O0TEACHERS. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. I humtor and naturally ridieutlosittia- Thte IFisk Teachers' Age es f ilt as EAST. titant.a0n11at lilaesasestime reveat a anytootrtsitiolne 00 althers eoumted. Matt and Es. - 7 a , N. Y , Ci__-A plot (tat ie the fitondation of an itetrt- Register at orce in thlirl Chicago of- N. Y. Speeial__-4 55 Mail----- 15--- aceting little stitry. This beitng the case, fire,_ 378 Wabash avesue. A U. of M. NS.Lited...8 iS Iscfiic Eu P--- 234 Easters Ex x- 5t47 r . it is a welcoime relief frono the bungle- grtadnate is manager. 14" .N etr x--- 8oe mosbe ac oeyta s D). N. Express .5 510, GIt. & K~.EF 5 5, I Upright Pliano fitr sale. 313 N. State Atlantic Es..... 7 30 hl. Ni.L:-__-_7 7 oily a velticle titntroducte "horse 0. Ri. Eaprest --.11 10 plaiy." I t. 13l tNorth Shore Lttmited Is an eetra fair trtatn(l I tis bMarshall lhas "osale at Stay-j to te achaorfu$34tO t New York thau on 'Tle advantce sale of "Other tPeopele's at oeo vitsi otchas other trains.illaissvrlds< nEse edoy" topetied at the a uat plareo this 0. W. itunuiso, IL.bW. IIAYES, .wioih tee a11 toe rage in the est. e. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt.. Ann Arbor rtornieg. ____P___trices reasottale. TilE BUCKEYE ROUTE. A ntooveet fotr the eretion tof d,1' -- 't7EACVIEFRS WANTED ICot NEXT COLUMBUS, ROCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY mtitories hits lbeen started at Corelt. SEPTEERI. Isithesmnly line fran the Toledo Unioni Prinetone 'as tnade overtuores tt Physics and Chemistry (mati) foot Station to Clumbus and points beyond, tetnyvsafrasrsofaebtilic.HS.$80 usnlgU(ilesdesot terminals at Coun'~ns'vnafrasre o aealMc.H . 80 hun and runse fonurtat express trains gae"btPnslaibeoeme- TreH S.rn.,$,0, 1,2, daily hetween the points named, two of giehu$20sy00abe.ettet he H .Pie. 100 12 them in Else un-preeedemted time of three lee ito farmer rival agaitn wilt asik fto$r00 hours. Parlor ears as day trains, ets 23 11H. 5._Assistitot (wotnt) English, cents; t'tutmsn-seepersnun night trains, a no'sveoere'agree'entt for soeetinsob600. Students di siring unequaled facilities are invited to use the Bucheye Rats and is all branehee of sport. Girls' Coll. Prap.Sch. Latin and use attain fell particuiars n a ipilcation I to loal tichet agents. --(Iteek, $45 atd home. E. R. DAVODSON, FOE SALE CHEAP. We htave ve-ry many other vacancie Diet. Pass., AgreEt, Taleda' or Ithesot's Ness' Univereai Cyrlp ha, and are getting them every day. At- .11I. FISHIHG. 1'. ad T. A. vo.eitto aist' te .W i-hrt & Clark Teachers' Agency, Pail- Colonis,(Otile. mantI Bldg., Chicags. The nldest and __________________ington St. in eveeting. (It Iargest in 'the West. Thirteenth year. FULLER & BERANEK, .- TAILORS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing, Work called for and delivered 31 2 S. STATE ST.. aver ]losey'lei. Phone No. 211, New state. 1' FUN4ERAL DIRECTOR. Embaliniiog a Specialty. No. 209 FrOUjrTH AVENULE. Anmbulane eight or day. Residence. s4t Fifth Avenue. CAN FU NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for alt Fraternity partie.s, lut dancesetc. Leave ordere, at Ann Actor Monte Co. oruatitesidenee, 1710 Gteddes ace. t'. S.- 0(111 take pupils on tianoad in, sight reading at ahove named Places. A. J . Johnston. lU. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms ;aa SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladles' artistie Ilair tDressing tip stairs Old friends tall again. We weeltome new ones. J. it. TROJANOWSKI. Lowney's Chocolates ALLEGIRETIS, if you wish. NT ONr cent CY SITS To close them out. MV. S TA BBLER 119 W0. OWahingten Street. Phone S. THE LAGStAitiO LNFiACTURERtS Oi'ATHLtTlIi. ANDBOICSYCLEeUPPIS eAND PSIF0tIm A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The Name the Guaratee.", rOicial Outfitters Is the Leading Csiiege, Ash- leic Ciubtend Schesl Teams of the U. S. Every Requisite for Base Ball, Athletic. Sports and Pastimes.- The Spalding Official League Bsll Adopted by National, iinor, College and School Leagues Bane Bail Uniforms, Bale, Giovrr, Mlite, Chest Protectoreo, Shoes, Etc. THE SPALDING CHAINLESS BICYCLES 19 THE SPALDINC BLUJE RACER (Chaini 'ODLS THlE SPALDING ROAIIWiEEL MOE' a Send for Illustrated Catalogue of alt Athletic Shtorts. As 6. SPALDING & BRO., New York - Chicago $ tesa har#uuiversiiy Scli Athens Theatr SAn TeSET, t3iP' S $4 UNTIL MAY Ist, 2 p- - To~ NG $ Program party every Saturday evening ill) $HIENNESSY LEROYLE 0 ENOiCl DIE'TERLE, INT EnBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR . Calls Attended Dayor NighL, a1 lilt Fast Liberty Street: ttesidesci' 53; $htPole oe South Fourth Ave. Phase 129. $WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20.$RAALTEHTOAHR f .. . . .:.. . . , +.WASHINGTON BLOCK ANN ARBO°I tool, of Dancing 'OStE AWt'BUILD.nt LESSONS PER WEEK. h rchestra music. _Oil'ICE: 407 'homupsen '3t. ,,. _. I -RW-W-WA I I - mmmwpwmm . I r A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTIIENT 010F tGuitars, Mandolins, Banjos 4 and Metronomes 4 prcs-ti month. Theme {coads 4 are all guarantered. SCIIAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE 4 114 West Liberty st. Ann Arbor. 4 fOnly 3mdors esto ain styt.