THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundlays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Oricn Times building, 129 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, '00 L. BUSINESS MANAGER 0.11,. HANS, 'IS L. EDITORS il, 13. SnILLMAN, '98 IL., Athletics. E. IL. GEISMEss, '913 L. - Molnday BuncoE L~nn, 'O, - - Tuesday G. D. liuNUTT, 'IS, . - Wednesday T. R. Wosloow, '5, - - Thursday A. CAMPEsea, '119,- - - -Friday T. A. CAuProni, 'O, - - - Saturday The subscription price of the Daily is $2.10 fr the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily office be- fore 0 p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3are p. inem., of the da dprevious to that on which Subscriptions may be left at The Daily office, Meyer's or °Stoalet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Subcribers will con- fer. a favor by repsrting promptly at this office anv failure of carriers o deliver paper. 'Phi' registration ias gistin ini today's croakers is not lsto isselize,d 11111 thai 31 lehih ns a Iseuilasi's' is t 110 thei ldie- etsi'. A gaini of lit' is qu1ite a fews. ''ie uinifoi'mi iniiretase ill 11(1 deilrl- gossini t meocl adiiir'en issoi lilt touts wllliii be ii soo si thudd. Ai figtuies, It'e 1Da111 will gist a, '0111 llal'lis' tilet of (t' atteililir 't' 1 t' leadinig uive-trsliies 11n tilietco11,r'. Dr. Gombergas Work in Europe. lAi llegeil opers loin thg rs'snies is e dnusa li istrutortti in torgaiI cheistsry', ifter lilt a1lll't'e of iii1r1e seini'stt'rs for s11111y ini Europet. It.'] wtill give, tti tchotst'n stibje,ts tt ad- vailt-st studets, a shioit ls'rli cors 1tl~t in ih' lfirsi si'metesr a1111 a liger soilt' his eotssall lllllttlatory Is'aithing. IllsI 51t111ies ablroadl hasv' been ftri'wI sem-tll s eterl at lleitle'rg, wSith1 origitil re- sar'c'h thlroughouitil at 0 bot aiseisilies. ils re'se'arc''ll iiiMitnitch lit' has pub-1 thl subjec"t. ibting thei ltl711t11ijon iol Tih' last: niuablt'r tof -he (1 -'s'aii ('11101. lt''ig's lil-lacit of a 11ew t'511155111t tf] wtilhi lit tll'51111't'l its ai restult of his re'ss'lli atl llt'i'elberg. Washington Did Not Slug, D~r. Williait 'l'lolnlsoil, tiltirt' inl says' itat lt'e re'por't a111011 Ittif-Baek Walshingtonl, of Obe'rlini, being rult'd off for slugginig, is untrue. Oils of 1111' l'itidu line men. 11111Wls 111105 offt gil thr ss'condl diaif for' iroughnless a ftt'r slit ball hasd 'beost tfawied. The10 besi of fs'eliig pres'vailed. 'tIsliiigtou' w'ill leit lenibered is Oberll's rtrese'ma-o SLive hsere ii rile Oratlorical eoulesI his-IS 'Phere Mill bo a mneeting of lst year's '199 footbiall men in Roonm 9, Iuiversity Mjall, Ibis evsuing at 7 o'clock, Communication Elitor of tiii 1' of -.. 1Daily: tDtar Sir-A lhrgrapsiinIla1t11 33'd- nltl'13s )a1i1y'sggess a lile it f"r It'r tght liog this''.1 5115 st1te11that it wsF11not17tie 1purpose of tits'(, osd i s'rlllrn I Cl ots in1111 gle iii ollt'gt' iolitis for ferth11t1 the 'hitilwouldisdeRgenerates'inoa.t lire ito- litleal mie;t'hiat stdets must 55111 ii after glisliatisli t) apply1 Ills Its'citiigs of this orvi'5tliatitsi. -Nw truthlis isfollo''tl113'1111eror 5st 111l1 11111' 111a11tle Isrong illerlretlltio~sts1 lat ts'egiven~ to tlie' w'hole. It is trtue'11111t i'tie ll) 118a1 1111 511g11, not andtl will lit eter Coleg' tbels stil111)1ot ue t iiritl'iet' to Iroilnt i 10111' i'ollge polsiics. 'liT'e' etil not wait ti 1ll fte' grWlli-a tit lbfore5'beginingl tig 0apptly lt'e tehigs ofthis c1111). (Of Istilist'a IilgI' 11111tf tilrt' 'tb's ss'tr sill i1,111 110 'beringlgcoaeisge lift, bt hnoisr inte~grit113'aindgootdbutsiess met'hIos i e things for sw'hilh 1Se'ogtl t stand thilin ll e anilsou it.llInflt'l r flrtaIs woirkl lon" simiblir line-'sr'. Withlihis iteail indthit'G(oodI (10- 1d111y of its tnentlttrs 's inivids sIs and11 t diss'oulr'g'the'i'ir 'se y oers ili ever'y hntaetliway 13. 'I'his mieanss 1103.5NZO A.-bl).t35 The Far mrn and the University. It has long l'entIlls' ire.11sof Atitg I'rt'sideiit Ilutilns 1to 1111e0tLes t 551 81173,111 iot.>giiispoesrhm 1111o 'closrssslactIwiti tis' fi lies lihrtsughot t'slls. Eelry ' sitlle 1 fiamie's ilisliiss is bldinit ie aei counity f teslite111'nd it is istof llstsiis' 11la1 1o111av1'adiresses nmtte 1515111tIses' tl'l'151015oil sbljet'or kindred''t itrest. Withlis111idea il sit-thle stillliai'e' t'll proessrsret- 1toeetus's, iilkingtir111y3-ettttils'st 'Te following is a list of those areay chosen'lt w11tht'irtsubjetts: P'rof. H.. A. ilI'slel'."Thie Rl1 Stchtatl'; 't'tf. 3. E. ('oo1o3, "Heinhg "Who arethsit I''li'trs"; trof. .1. I. t'e 'iillililis'IIsiund": tro. . . 'T'homlsoi, "'131113 English Fnnllig"; Pro. H. 1. (Krisat is''.lgitniag ntl l~iglstiiig os",rtof. H-. 1. Sald lisg, "Foresry." T'litastet'11,11l01 tgistllte st-will miake t e sits' e iisn~sty ithi t111 insiltes fo tes Glee, Bano and Mandolin Clubs. Alli tX151111111011of l'iittlbills5forth le Chubls still be held toigtinIRIoolm 24. at 7 otlete. All sigers ndh play3e, i ll depairtmets18are srgetd to toiie andt he1p111 e n s e ar 3's i"eubs as a 5e1'ss. Buy a good looking "UJ. of M ." P±ir. ONLY Soc. WM. ARNOLD, jewelr _. e (7 i j~~E10 WATCH.- FArsLL Openfing DEALS SVOE SIORE 1Ol) . Mnin Street, Opposite' the Court House. YOUNG' ME4NS SUITS' You~ng Men are the best friendls of the best clothing store because they ae particulat' studenits of dress. They catch at a glance the little differences b~etweenl our clothing anid the ordinary ready made. Double and Single-Breasted Sack Suits in every Fashionable Fabric for Fashionable People. AT $15.00 $18.00 AND $20.00 Stvdents' Lectvrcssociatioo, Single adinlissions will be sold for eaci entertainnment as follows: Nansen's Lecture - _____$1.00 Reserved Seat - ___ $1.50 Sousa, and His Band- __1.00 Reserved Seat- _ _ _.-- 1.50 Gov. Robert L. Taylor.._ .75 Reserved Seat---1.00 Six Other Numbers .7 Reserved Seat----- .75 SAVE YOUR MONEY BY SECOURING A SEBASON TICKET. Season. Tickets, - - - $2.00 Season Tickets Reserved, Lixtra] .50 C'uttingg Reyer &Co. ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR AND Furnishings. COVE THEM A CALL. _ Ann Arbor, fltich 201 and 203 South Main Street. SHOES SUCH AS SOLD BY US Commend themselves to judicious folks by virtue of their ab- solute goodness-caused by close scrtutiny of leather, of style, and of making-of their certain saving-caused by shrewd buy- ing, and quick selling. 71 WM.T J. APRILLZ, r.I . 1l9 'EAST 'WASH INGTON STREET. . I