THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAHA'. Ehbit of Swell Spring Conceits s . . ....tadlies' Suits, Skirts, Jackets,- Capes and Waists..... Never has the advent of sprinn brou~ht to our doot such elegant ULt ArB-h FHONABLE Ladlies Wearing Apparel, such EXQUISITE EXCLI OLVFBI 9 as we are now showing in our cloak room. 'Y Every garment has that thorough TAILOiREi)ST iIiSH ESO, that air of OttAc rFUL DEBJONAIRI so much3 desired by effective, nobby, dressers 3 xtra SampAtle line Rereenig helaet des ftheeofNw oi'sfteos lics masaenw7i aea Ilereeh(le atstidsoE-thrD eSShaNow gultsfoellong resmkraenoonalat k LINETHIR LES tha reglar ellig prces Bee our Handsoins Skirts, Capes and Jackets. SDACK & O.' New Silks and Cotton Waists Received Today. AI. r't D ADEU (NEW QZUAN'EinS) to10EliuronSt. IODSEFULLER & BERANEK Do yo know thatithe I Call snd See Us, 50'CLOCK -TAILORS WALDO MANDOLIN CennPesnadRpii- tatentenayma- ETS LETIlE PHIOTOGRAPHER ('TEA KETTLES, CeaWogrcled for and eaii ed doiis manic? iDo yonuT kTnow that - 3LEA12G i.. STATE S'.. over itsey's. itlnsonsienced an he name Tlehnei " ANN ARO -(.) 1d LDN rnR inPhonaeNo. 134,New Staie. princripal oc a gosni violin? that _____________________________________ mocha crtam in$12 upward? Ant abont them at 0.6N..NARTIN, AN N ARBOR MUSIC CO 1 NEltAL DIRECTOR. M50-204 E. Wahisgton St. Embalming a Specialty. # -o. BOO FOIJR rH AVENUE. Ambuancem night or day. Renidence, i02 Fitih Avenue. ! Sax: Models ier '98 at A55. '9"i7 Models , avhie they istE at :.$50. CrMi n ao ManadtaonCAN FU' NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. TmaNle Snay, epBOR131. At 1Brcvvfls Dru g tS-tore, Co strecta. Ornders Car alt Fraternity partimsclubt Time ableSunda, Sep, a, 897. _____________________________dances,___etc.___Leave_ tc.dLave ader Ann AnnAror " TtSIP. TABILE: Munic Co. or ant Residence, i710OGeddes ac-e. Trains leave Ainn Arbor by Central Standard At the Theatre. Calendar. P. S. -Wilt take" popilnan Piano and in r Time, - ight reading at above named Piaces. NOTU OUTH. lto the cast of "A B~reezy- Time," Priday April S.-li:on. 3. .it. Bosrtor., A. . JohQ1nsto3. 8:43 a. m. *7:30 s. m wvhich will appear at the-Athena Thea- I- 'iini5s, m. 11:5,a. m. iron1 tndyevnngoar f0 Kansas, in S. 1,. A. Citse. ____________________ 4:40 p. m. i 8:40 p. m. teonStra evngMchL, -- 'Run between Ass Arbor and Toledo oniy. theie are live comedians acid four come- TEtACHIERSB ANTEtD..FOit \EX TU.oM.SaigPrrsndBtRom E. S. QiLMOR, Agetan diennes. Thc principals are P B. Iitaj SEPTEMB3ER. 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. W. 'U BENNETT G. F. A. Toledo 0. I andI Kathryn Webster, A great deal Physics and Chemistry (noon) tine Ladies' artisltin Tai ressing nup sbairs 111 1'.oriinalandtunful usi ha bee 1 k~ih. 1. S, X00.Old rienads call again. We welname aew inn nnni ndtasenn mnsc asbe's itih.Pt i.,1011 Iones. .7. It. TiIOJANO5V5KT, Mfi .61 -E TA compased specially for the productions. Thre' If. S. trios., $1010,51,200,1___________________ 'A Breezy Time" is a veritable minit $2000.F0R" The Niagara Falls Roate." of mirth, anti it depenids for Stnrcess l.i. is. xsistant (wonnians) Engliosh,~ re' hooae CentraliSManCard Time. son legitinmate ability inn the pat nsf the $600. L w eysC ooat' TRAINS AT.ANN ARBOR. perfonrmers rather thass upon "surges- tirls' Coil. Prep. Selz., Latinn ansd 00 TO- EA .M.t iveness." :Fita and _Webster save ad- Gtreek, $430 onsdt honei. ! 3 T TT E ", s.M AD led masny ceo'and origlinalfetalonco W"sav c cyTnny oMerateancie Mail anod Enx.. ----3 47 B9 N. Y, Chi-...8 1i this seasons cworthy of note. ' aevr ayohrvcnis AL(~1TSi o ih N. Y. Special-4 54 PMail -------------9intoand are gettling thens every dany. A- ALO I,1 o ih ENs SLtend- 478 0 aifc x----- 230 "Udr the toine," onenit thne nra- !Iert & Clark Teachris -Age-scyPsull. A. M0. Western Es----. 1 38 unna mosnt sucncnessfunl plays cwith ittsimans Bldg., Clicao. 'hirtt oldcst and I31 D. N. Express ----5 :i0GIt & K. Ex -5 5 uesezcadmcaia feti1lreli h et 'itetz j u p s+r ( Atantic Fxa ..7 00 Chi. ~.. I Nine.ceicosx uecsa-c--fecsor7rt s4h7Walyearteti . G. REapress ---1 t10n-ittoncuptnyihe -loge of the Athes Tbccs-lbeanemintnnfn DICUTOAL Thr'vilb neainto o ICUTO North tSaore L~imited lo an exira talr train =The nri'-Monday' night, Aprit 4.1tlnon- -ondnitionned iso Histors' I insSat-AL to be acharge of $,t0 to New York h an I contains sonse remarkable scene, innday, April 2, at 8 o'clocke ins foamns F. - other trains. ~e u 0.1ZGLS W.Rann. H .Bsm ntably the mnus talked of hunrrinane The examination ciii cover the period t 1. F.&Tg. Whcg . A. Abr11ssshcin h estin nrtre 75-918A. 10. Thoseeintendiannotake G. . TAro, hiag. At. An Abo sens sowngthebeutfu ccra relitnnareonivised to coinsnit with the in- To close them out. inaben atAmie bfine te a urs i -strontor nst an early date. THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. Marcia 15th, 0809. A clew if. th-e storms N l THEODORE Ki. SAIITIi. M ~. S'TABBLERBF COLUIMBUS, HOCKING YALLEYf AND TOLEDRAILWAY a as enfromnsthe consual's khoselate'a -.O TEACHERS. i19 W. Svashingtan Street. Phane 0. Isathe anly tine ram tieTld nonin the afternsoon, a view of the '1i: re fs,~snTahr'Ae ioli n onnuisms~onasnmsnraenc Staton to tColumbus and points beyond, nt night during these tormsndone the ' NIIYL UPISADUIOM using Union depzot teeminals at Comm- nanineitvtima1nsoy iositions as alt others enrimbinieit. suncvnssrmiosnmunnnn bun and runs four cast exprestrainc cm maeet trgge of te Tentons+ ma "uN Hscoanr.. - daily between tinh anae d two at against wind and wave. Another scense I~se tn-e ntsi hcsi inthupednted timeuC thre snarcely lenascorthy tnt mentnion ns the rnec, 78 Wunbaslisavenue. A U. on It.$,A. G. SPALDIN G & BROS, hours. Parlar ones an day tralinu, neats 20 perfect reproduction of a fermy boat iant nmaae.12 "TeNm. ie.nrne, cents; Patimn sleepers an night trains. trip trims Jervey Citsy to Nec Soic ._ -_ .,Official Outfittera en the Leading Cnllege, Athi Students di iring unequaled facilities Other secenes show the napital itIWas'h-f ART f AND SO~iOLOC2?I'. letc Cluband ScooslTeas of the U. S. are invited to unet he Buckneye Route and adseealfnil- can obtain utt partieulars on apponleanmain stis illuminated an ee t Ins- to local tick-entagens. jr Waeiingtsn ticalitles. Thsesinter- DirecitoiriGriffith, nit'the Detroit Ant Every Requisite for Dana Ball E:. It. DAVIDSON, iretinsg comniay is a good te ueunn. wiii lectnire before these ncinni- Athletic Sports and PastimoIs. ngy clams Friday-, March 25th.,it 3a The .Spalding Official League Bali Dist. Pass. Agent, Toledo;lo To stickt Rubber usec MAJORS. 1UB- ai n'. The lecture wilt ,be opn to Stn- Adapted by Natiasal, Mitar, College as It1. FISHtERt,0. P. and T1. A. I {,tenta annd others interested in art. School Leagues. Ceumo Oio IER CEMIENT. B~eware D on't E-Regent Rarbimur lectureo Friday, Base Hall1 Uniforms, lists, Goeves, ___________________takle a subatitute. Apni lut. 123 lilts, Chesut'Protecters, Shoese, Etc 1TESPALDING CiIAINLESS BICYCLIES 189s TRE SPALDINC. BLEJE RACER tChain) ' t THE SPALDINGI ROADtWHEE[L MODELS. t University School of Dancin edCrIlutae attgeo l Athe'ns o Theatre Sn o lutatdCtlgeo l ova s'nnsron-nnasen nutumao.Athletic Sperna. A. 6i. SPaALDING & BROS, -$4 UNTIL MAY 1st, 2 LESSONS PER WEEK. Now York Philadeipot, Chicago Wanhiogto! %Woof A TNT}( Pragram tparty every Saturday evenins;with orchnestai-oin:. _________________ +~ (tilt I CE': 427 Topsn it. FITZ & WEBSTER $ENOCII -DIETI3RLE , - ,. ElIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR - Sinas adlnBno No iN81 Flsts Lberty :NiSeet:sidene 53 Pat 20jper cent off froms our ususleor A BREEZY' TIM South FanCHAEEtLAvs.USC.hSOREe A*RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, 114 West Liberty St., Ae~niArbor. + J ~Ony 3dooenWent oC Rain St. " + ot e WA~INh1'.~lj RI Afi 11ANNRID I! Rn b r s 1 .r ... - - w,)nlnu[un ULUUR nnn xnovn