nE UIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store HOLMES' LIVERY,' 515 East Liberty St. BEST SERVICE IN TiE CITY. Token of pring!. i-- We have just received a large shipment of WR IGHT, PETERS & CO. CELEBRATED FRI FO'"kOTWEAR FOR SPRING. New shapes in Vesting Tops, $3.00, $4 00, $5.00. Also Our'~. New 3 Strap Sandels $1.OC), $1.50, $2.00. Phone tos JOS. W. KOLLAUF TAILORINC 1 . .l i 1 r r 118 E, WASHINGTON ST. UP STAIRS. Ann Arbor, Mich. HO ! DRINKERS OF COFFEE Dean & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of thirty years experience in roasting coffee, and produces in the cup a beverage of golden color and unsurpassing flavor. We sell this coffee at 25c per pound and venture the statement that no better or more delicious coffee can be had at any time. DEAN & COMPANY. 214 South M'ain Street. Aboutthe Campus. over by farm wagons in some places, still not enough to cause permanent Professor Kirchner delivered his lec- damage. The professor says that the tures to the senior law class yesterday expenditure of fifty or sixty dollars will morning in University Hall, cuing tG put the path in excellent or er again. escaping sewer gas in the law building. At the Engineering Society tonight The Delta Chi fraternity was inad- A. E. Rummler will specak on "Laying vertently omitted yesterday from the 42" watermains. list of those who will give theatre par- Quite a number of football men were ties at tonight's production by the Com- out to practice today. Hut more heavy edy Club. After the performance a men are wanted. house party will be given. Spies from the Ann Arbor police force Former Coach Dead. are spending their waking moments Michigan's fornmer roach, J. A. Ma- these days lying around waiting for un- eattley, Princeton '94, died March 23d suspecting students to ride their bicy- at is home in Rocheste. Mr. Macas- cles upon the sidewalks. Several were icy uses ailing for the last year uitis taken in yesterday.I heart trouble and although his death The debaters to represent the Uni- uwas sudden it uses not ttnexpeeted. He versity of Chicago aganst Mihigs on lwas the most successful coach Michigan April 25 were chosen Wednestiay. They ever had and he was universally loved aire J. F. Hagey A. A. Obersole and E. and respected during his two years in M. Baker. J Murphy is alternate. The thse medical depsirtment tire. He hirot team is considered very strong. led the Michigan leato vietsry The parliametntary law class unsder bagas ConehandmesbeatCicano .Mrs. Fox, of Detroit, uill meet in the, gis ont i eba hcg woma's yninsitus Sturay tsoringboths ganmes under his adninistratiut.. woman's gymnasium Saturday mornim at 10:30 o'clock. The members of Prof. Sot t's classes Vesper services will be suspended in English were given a unitite exer-I next week in order that the stage may else yesterday. As a subject for one of be prepared for an entertainment to be the usual essays they were obaliged to given during the session of the classical interpret a piece of music. The pies conference. They will be resumed the was rendered by Prof. Stanley imte- ueek following and continued until the diately after Vespers yesterday after- spring vacation. noon. It was one of his own compo- Prof. F. M. Taylor denies that the sition, composed by him but a few Whitmore Lake bicycle path is ruined. days ago and expressly for the occasion. A large and appreciative audience Yesterday he and Mr. Divine went over heard the seection wlich was a bril- the entire length of the path. and al- liant exponent of - Prof. Stanley's though they found it had been driven ability as a composer. FULL PIQUE .1.O W. J. Booxa. Pres. W. AasotnD,st Vice-pre J. V. SasEHAN, 2d Yice-pres. JoaNxC. WAt.z. Asst. Cashier. State - avitivs - Bank, Transacts a general Banking busi ness. ttt $_ , iritxtt'r t Car. Stain and turonstreete. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $30,000. Transact a general banking business. R. Knmrr, Pres. C. E. ORENes, Vice-Pres FED. H. BoLsaa Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stoek, 150,000. Surplus,. 1550,0. Resourcen10,0.ISOO Organized undertbeGeneral Banking Laws of this State. Receives delosits. buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United Sate. Drafts-cashed upon proper identification. Safely deposit boxes to rent. Oweteos Christian SMack Prs; W. D. EHarrimas VicePrs' Cha iT. Hiscok. CahiertfR. J. Fit Asistan Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK nis"r180 Capital,{100,000. Surplusand ProfitsW.0001 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought andsold. Furnish letters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, Vice Pres S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. Cn N. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating painting, frescoing, tinting and paper itanging. Only the bet of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. Cn fli MAJOR &4CO., The Artistic Decortor. KLEIN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latest Novelties in Winter and Spring Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET, One block west of University. ...OHIO... Central Lines T. as o. C. By. K. & M. Ry. The Only Sleeping Car Line between Toledo and Columbus. The Only Sleeping or Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo, Colum- bus, and Marietta. The Only Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo, Columbus and Charleston, W. Va. Pullman Sleepers between. Colum- bus and Chicago. The Only Line with 4 trains each way daily between Toleda and Columbus. The Only Line with 3 traips each way on Sundays between Toledo and Columbus. The Only Line with 0'trans each way daily between Toledo, Bowl- ing Green and Findlay. The Only Line with 2 trains each way daily between Toledo and Charleston,W. Va. The Only Direct Line between Tole-