tIjc U. of Alt. Wail II, VOL. VIII. No. 126. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's . Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Buitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PPS ES ALlE!{ FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and Williams and Werners Chocolates. Largest line in tee city. Lunches a, all hours. R. E. JOLLY & 0O. 1308 South State Street. mirrors. Not the kind to hang on the wall, but the indispensible oval Hand-Mirrors. There is hardly a size or shape that we do not have. White, black and natu- ral woods. The prices are the quick sale THE ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE Augustus McSnath, a friend of Pet- tibone's youth........Chas. M. Bush Victor Smythe, in love with Emily Will Confine Its Efforts to oral Pettibone Suasion. Bailiff, merely a bailiff... .... Mr. Metheony Altthough but little has been heard Thompson, a shce dealer....Mr. Hayes lately about the AntI-Saloon League, Josephine Bender, Mrs. Theodore the organization has not been at all Bender .................Mi-s Clarke idle and is in an extremely active con- Evangeline Bender, her daughter dition. A steady canvas for members ... ...Miss Spencer has been going on and nearly 600 stu- Rosabelle Pettibone, Pettibone's sec- dents are now enrolled. The officers and wife .................Miss Hall are much encouraged over the results Emily Pettibone, Pettibone's daugh- and hope to have the membership reach. ter .....................Miss Coverl 1,000 before the spring vacation. The Fifi Oritanski, from the Opera Com- oticial organ "Frozen Truth" ws not ique ............. Mi., setk meant to be issued at any regular time IoKaty, maid at Pettibene's..Miss holden and will probably appear but once or Gretchen, Fifi's maid ......Miss Decker twice more during the present school Ed de Pont. stage manager. year. The various reports afloat in re- The performance will begin at 8:15 gard to the publishing of the names of sharp. ctudents seen in saloons were abso- aSocety Programs. lutely without foundation. Sucha proceeding would defeat the Itrpose The Adelphi will meet tonight. The for which the league was organized, following is the program for the even- that is, to arouse public feeling against tng: the saloons, and the idea has not been Music, Mr. French; speech, "Some entertained for one moment. Defects of Our Common School Sys- The remor that a member of the tem," Mr. Nye; debate, "Resolved,, that league had been caught taking pot)- gymnastic work in the University graphs of the interior of a saloon and should be made compulsory, unless on its occupants is a piece of entire fle- account of physical disabilities, and tion and was evidently started by some credit given for the same towards grad- enemy of the league. uation," affirmative, Brilthart, Valle; The league will not concern itself negative, Osgood, Minchin; reading, with violations of the liquor law but Mr. Vas lHook. will leave the apprehension and prose- Ioutisn of all such to she city Anhi-Saoon The following program will be given cuton f ll uchtothecit ati-a~crrby the Alpha Nu Saturday nigl t: league. Evidence is being collected and IythoAptu A turday n ogt n there is a possibility of certain wels. m . A. ELate "s'ltet, lM. . Webster; debate, "Resolved, known Unversity men being summoned that the United States should support in the capacity of witnesses to testify in regard to alleged violations of the England in her attitude toward Chi- nese affairs," affirmative, Wells, Rey- law governing the sale of liquor to nolds; negative, Thompson, Van Horne. students, minors and others. A Fencing Club. Comedy Club Tonight. ~ Since last Saturday's indoor Meet ,- S. L. A. Constitution. Owing to the fact that a special meeting of the Students' Lecture Asso- ciation is soon to be called, the Daily has been requested to print the follow- ing constitution: The name of this.corporation shall be "The Students' Lecture Association of the University of Michigan," aisd its office for the transaction of the business of the Association shall be and is here- by located at the city of Atn Arbor, county of Washtenaw, state of Michi- gan, and the period for which it is in- corporated is the period of thirty. (30) yeass from and including this date. (1893.1 4. The membership of this Associa- tion shall be composed entirely of the students of the University of Michigan, and any person, male or female, who is a student in ary of the departments of the University st tichigan, in good standing, and the owner and holder of a season ticket to the lectures and other entertainments of this Association, shall be members of this Association and entitled to vote and hola office therein. 5. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by six directors. 6. The members of this corporation shall, at its annual election, elect by ballot from among the members of the corporation, a Presidentu, Vice-Presi- dent, Recording Secretary, 'Treasurer, and such other officers as the By-Laws of this corporation may require, who shall hold their office for a per iod not .et ceutug sese ye" nav.or rnts.t.a..t.a,.r2ty r .f t t Tonight the Comedy Club will pire- sent "All the Comforts of Mone" at the Athens Theatre. The club has been rehearsing at the theatre all this week, CALKINS' PHARMACY. __and will present the play in professional style. The seats are nearly all sold, A E R S and the crowd will no doubt be larger than any that has assembled to see a 3 OOKST O 0 E lplay since Booth and Marrett played here several years ago, Owing to a misunderstanding the lisp NEW AND SECOND-HAND of actors and their respective roles giv- B en in yesterday's Daily was partially ext .B ook s' wrong. The following is publisned to- day: For every department in the Uni- Alfred Hastings, Pettibone's nepew versity. Law and Medical Books a specialty. We can supply all your. ......-... . ......Mr.'Weadock needs for the Second Semester at Tom McDow, a protege of Alfred's . lowest prices. Second-hand Books Bought,.Sold....................Mr. Page and Exchanged..s Theodore Bender, Esq., a retired Best Linen Writing Paper 15e and 25c per pound. produce dealer,.......Mr. Wagar The A. A. Waterman Solid Goid Fountain Mr. Egbert Pcttibone, a peculiarly Pensfor $S.25. jealous man ..... . tr. Young Christopher Dabney,;a broken-down WAHR'.00K STORE music teacher ...... ....Mr. Pilcher Up Town fDown Town Judson Langhorne, a young maaiiof S. Stae st. pposte CBourtouse Ann Arhr Maie. leisnure. . . . r. Stone there has been considerable interest manifested in fencing by those who are somewhat proficient in the art and by those who desire to learn the art. Quite a number of interested persons net in the gymnasium last Tuesday afternoon and a committee consisting of Messs Niles and E. T. Berger were appointed to draw up a constitution for a per- manent fencing club. The purpose of the club t ill be to bring together all those interested in the art of fercing for mutual benefit, and to revive fencing as an athletic sport in the University. The club pro- poses to hold a tournament next year and an instruc tor in fencing will be se- cured in the fall. All those who desire to join the club are requested to hand: their names to either Mr. Niles or Mr. Berger. In the athletic meet to be held in Philadelphia, April 30, Michigan's relay team will be matched against Pennsyl- vania, Yale and Georgetown. It is to be the feature of the meet. exceeding one year, or until a majority of the members of said Association shall elect others in their steid. The Directors for the time being shall have power to fill any vacancy which may happen in their board by death, resig- nation or otherwise, for the sinexpired portion of the current term of office of such director. BY-Laws. ARTICLE I. Officers and Their Duties. Section 1.-It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings; to introduce speakers; to attend to the printing of the general and single ad- mission tickets and deliver the former to the Vice-President and the latter to the Assistant Treasurer. He shall pre- side at the meeting of the electoral col- lege and perform such other duties as usually appertain to his office. Vice-President. Sec. 2.-It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to receive the general admission tickets and tend to the dis- tribution of the same, and preside in the absence of the President. Treasurer. Sec. 3.-It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep all accounts; to re- ceive all monies; to pay all bills duly presented and duly signed by the Pres- ident. He shall be required to deposit a bond of $5,000.00 with the Steward of the U. of M. He shall be req-t'red t,' make a full report of the re ceiptsand' disbursements at each regular meeting and a final report at each annual meet- (Continued on second page.)