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March 24, 1898 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-03-24

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W.JB~ftrr Pre.. W. RNOI, st Vice -pes
J. V,'_SHEEA1, Vitse- res.
JOHN C. ,VALZ,. Apt. a tler.
T he uStore HOLMES' LIVERY,' tt ~v~ ak
-- -515 EastLiet St. Transacts a general Blan ing bti

Cr. Sain and Hluron Streets.
T ok n. A S"VO 11 J r( ~l 'Captal, 15,IO. Surplus, 1,50.Transct a
gnrlbanking business. 11
Token JOS. WreKOLLAUF.E. Knwp Y Pr-s.eH
11 .WAHNTO T Capital Stock, 51,000. urplu, 6150,0lS:
111' SNTORST. AnAbo ihResources. 1,100,000.
UP SAIRS AnnArbo,' Mch.Oranled under the General BankinLas
of this State. Recevesdeposits,-huys and
o sells exchange on Ie pincipal eIts o( the
United Sates. Dtrafts cahed upon isproper
Sprng! HO! DRINKERS OF COFFEE ldnilafn artaft~~1
" H~arrinmsnVie FP O has wek
Cashier: l1i. .. Fritz Aslstant C4sile,'
Deals &Co.'s Blended Coffee is ths result of thirty years experience FIRT NATIONALrbo
in roasting coffee; and produces ill 11e0cp a beverage of glenCRJ ApTO100,050 Surplsiened roes,*4@g0
color ind lnsurpassing flavor. We sell thils coffee a 2c. per pouteid ratsa ge0ne0 Srlsank rit sisee
and venture the statement that no better 01 more delicious coffee 'Foreig exchange boaht and old tral.f
callbe' had at any time etters olsredil.
Vice re
B1RISE, renLARK S N shir
214 South Main Street.
AthleticNole..ff. MAJOR & co,
Atlei Nte. nil pracie xd srenningss. wo:IThe Artiti eratos
An Aiiori High Shi:lIplayeisisDIury Have a complete line Of
. The new seitiof'rules cithlbs Cenral aed lraii, wee oi. 1oth are ece- Wl aePitOlWno
..\soriaioniiof the Amateur Ahleice.lent. plyer::, lbs firer at taekle aiii Shades, Room Mouldings, Et.
We avejus reeivd aUnion sill e isuied ini a few iday. liei loler at quailrer, and will eter Specialty of fine interior cecortiun
Wecea havel jtaudsit wllh ii:livroleceilllvpedig ra intiligndpat
lare htpen offond.T oinlir ieila wil evoa-~uh oe aninilg. Onlyrecthe, bet of workme
lSeealImprn dii:towlbe'theare 'roe: erial diasfundbTiei emsculr ilhreolr-em sployed. Work guaranteed.
(W t { /''' (' e the laws goerningo baseall nst foot-theliiscX~ornsoi (ardlapeae Te-C l.MAJOR & CO.,f ~l YY04bl em hi o h isttm a.]henme s evtdt hs
hail Ite 'sms. ThinWWWyer frli'ba iely I 'i~~ie d IThe Artistic eertor,
the A.A. . aumses iriiliioniwoer iei o lio a d atheics____and___is__o__e__of___e _______
- I ~~these two Spolo.Fl'Nihll andas- lheast et loied.. It s rotiiely it.-
CI5'L~.BlATE)btolt}pa ers will havei _toregiter tisl lstirsisd, icontiing cus o f Itrb.k
seasosn to liecome eligible to plliyfgnu 5i iO laebil n tal l ieamsa fiew,-
ith weern olege team. The nw 5yiiiiiilliiiand oitlir. LADIES' AND GNTLEMIEN'S
tles wdrk hlardshiptoi teims who hare UNIVERSITY NOTES. ~ I l
aihmuli :iiis ut wo h ass former __TALOR
FO O T E rofessioal i their peronnel. Pro:, T. c. Tueblood is .n.ka lr 'mlsiste a PlSO~elt S. winter
F OR SPRIING. he1nvei;yofIlnihacamanSpigarnt
________Candidaeed Ithehilslidlea fll~w:sofor 'lit aneelsle~aa n eet-
pleeditbsebllscedles___los:at air griunsis sat 4 o'clck tidr 'r iOR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
Alril 2- RiicklIsland-ltlt ido seni~ se- tratie.One block west of University.-
. o glengins nIltnois fild The net reularnesetng f tlbsIT.
April ll-Nortlsesotern atilChamnpa ig. ofM.IPhilologial soiey will iso held.OH ..
Newshpe i VstngTosApril l-Mficligaii at Champlaign.I in Room P;, Uiviersiy hal, Tusrday Central Lines
t Alpril 23- Purdue t ihampaigsm. efsveninsg, Macit 24, 189, a half po
:$3.00, $4-00, $5. 00. April 30-Chicasgo at(Chanmpign. hr. Ppr'ieFrnhClt . . 5.. .y. ,I. A4S. Sy.
Say 7-Michigsan at MIhgao. iMBore couisty. Mihilgasi, amd Its The Only Sleeping ar Line between
Ma________ uy 9-Northwsrnirit Nirthwstal- Dialet," Mr. ',3. FBlrandoi. Toledo and Columbus.
yeste rdan ee eayth al The Only Sleeping or Drawing Roaom
100 o r.r May 10-Chicago at Ciciiagi. seraw hich reads as folluws: bCanLinerbetwetoldo ~ l
May21Slsligisat'3anliilii 'al R. Sier wishes to as- Tie Only Drawing Room Car Line
Nw3SrpSnel May L7-Wisroenis at Champaign. l~ic 1:1Issca:si i between Toledo. 'Colunbus and
Nw8Srp SnesCharleston, W.' '
May 28-Oberlin ait Chanmaign,. the prcticee of law in the Seels of Can- PlmnSeprt'ewe ous
$.0,$.0$20.May 30-Northwestern at'Northwest- merce building, "1 Nasatt-ntet. New bus and Chicago.
ein. Yortk. Roon, 800. Telephone. 2,00 The Only Line with "& trans
--Jane 4-Morning, C'hicag:: at PChicag; alidlSrSin's ayia wa daily between Toleda
afternoon,. Oaks Prk at (Oab Prk. Arbor friends wish him great sucesun
Our, entire stock of June 6-Notres Dame at Ntre Dame. J. B. Says, law '5, who is connected TheaOnly Line with 3I trans eak
loe1-iesnna isuss. with the legal department of the New wl on Sundays between Toled
winter shoes at a e. e * Yrk Life Insurance company at(Chi- TeOl in ihrtilsec
The football candidastes lined tp yes- ealI ntect nteitrssstwy diybten rIoeonw
the compnoy. Br. Bys has an excel- lg Green and Findlay
0Z~ T1O0~ Tlerday ateriooi:fnrtsrelsfirst time Iis lent position wih a salary of $2,00 0a h nyLn it rised
sping The work wadoedtotslI si- year,. way daily, between Tledo at
_ ~Charleston, W. Va.y
i The Only Direct Line betweenTole-
JJ.411 BRA SCEPTREU Tho and the Virgns
GOLD RANTl~ popular line beteen Tole
MA K Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granille Vid
Has been #smokcted by college men and is to-day, a LEADER" Newark. ,
M C 6L C .as at purwe, mild, sweet mixture for the pip..Pl nomto eaiv o° e ttA
trans, etc. will be cheerfully trnsxed lay
Shoe Departm ent. 1391= .613 1 T0%='guy aget of Ihe Ohio Cepl Lines ,
psI\"PECT THEIl OR Moutn +ook, G.P A
ear ot Foor.Toleo o1


a: i 1

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