THLE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. j Exhibit of Swell Spring Conceits, -- Ia ..... Ladies' Suits; Skirts, Jackets, Capes and Waists ..... ll Never has the advent of spring. brought to outr(loor such elegfant UTRA, FASHIO-NABLE LadieSt W earing Apparel, such EQUISITE }XCLI SI F ESS Cat e reow showmingil our cloak room. Every garment his that thotough TAtLOREDs STY-I-ott' SS, that ait of GRIACERFUL DEB(ONAM SO inuen desired by effective, nobby, diressers. 3 Extra Sample Lines Representing the latest ideAs of threc of New Yotk's foremost dress tmkcrs are now ont sale at ONE-THIRD LESS thant regulat selling prtces. See our Handsome Skirts, Capes and Jackets.. SDACK & O. New Silks snd Cotton Waists Received Today. KINDERGARTEN, ,O2RE1uoSt. _.sC~i AFINI3 DISHES, o .Huo t FULLER & BERANEK, rDoyonow that-the 5 Call and See Us, - 50010K W ..T. LQR S WALDO MANDOLIN rmnIurTU UnPRDnTFKTTF5I Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Etsthe be-ttone ofsnmh- t IN. 31 0- S.! yeTA cTE Tov.n eui s'te. dolis made?):Do Vou i~sow iii etoe0 N A EP hn o , St t i hesttats ItI R .11ninG.1105. STll S ostrLEADeNs it is ostructc oths eled ne JWEW. PboeN.8,New SatI Frictal of a good violin? thast + w .w. w wwww~ t 51l fo 2 otiwadAsk X ' T' R G S' ' I i AAoutOthM USat COFUNERAL DIRECTOR AN'RO MSCC CORNER AMAIN AND HURON STRIEETS Embalming a Specialty. 2M-7E ashngtn S Is tile pliace to buy Dissecting Inotrtuments andi allthiings needed for NC). l0tSFOURTH I AVEN UE. Iacteiology, P'athology. Histology, Etc., Etc. Anibulance sight or day. Residence, 132 tFifthiAvenoe. " w"PRICES RIGHT. AN. A BO CAN FU NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. TieTbe udy et ,an. At the Theatre. Calendar. Ordero for alt Fratersity partieo, ito TieTrbeSndyep,_ I~f;.danceo. etc. Leave orers at Ann Arbor TIME ABLE:MusicCo. oe at Residente, 170tGeddes csee. TIETtL:"A IreelIy Time," the new itiicali Friday, April 8 0.l . 2. Ii.trtob., 1'S. - Wiil take pupis on Piano and in Timslav n rbrb e. ta Sadadforce comedy nsickil wilt be itat sa of ]Kansas, in S. G.. A. Ct".se. sight reading at above tamed Plates. WmOUTTo. 8 I Athens Satorday sight, has cm'eof the__----A. 3' . Johnston. 84a.m *73a.m best casts sow tr'aveling. It hot h(-ero NOTICEl'. *12:15 am, tn. 1125 a. m. thpupsoftoeinrsednte 446 p.m. 8:40 p. m. teproeoliseitrotd Ii te A meetingof the candidatts for the U Of M.Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooma 'Run between Ans Arbor and Toledo only productioin tonmake 'veryoine tiat sees . ' team will be held ThoroS- ~ T T TET ES. GILMORE, Agents it giad that lie has becin there, sot Iday, March 34th, ot 4:15 to. ii., in Room L3d2eS'OTiSTic AE SREEsn W. H BENNETT Ge. P. A. Toedo 0. (uwill not be ashamecd to adisei' s ,WJON SMgr LDd fiestistilcaain.Desigeomp sowir to follsow suil. tn fotiowigosit ones. J. IH. TitOJANtiNSI~i, ,r 'DET i this. purpise'the very heat talent ttiat 'fKIACHKRS WANT~i) c OR NEXT f, _____________co'iulid he ,ecircdl, the very best msicir SPTRM3tBTR. The 1iagara FaisRoute." ttiattinas beeinromposed recently for l'iysics asd Chenmistry (sos ii tor Lownyt''S 'jChocoates Central tasaard Time. ( the American aid English variety ind'l 'irts. Ii. S.,$. os TO TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. 1 cosie rt bitt stage.,isnd the very best TheGt.BO TO. 01.2 0 EAST. rostumeo sid aenery that rots he j$ s iw""s al t r.. ..AM mite tby theatricalfirmoslhave oceii ct- W U T ES js Mali and Es.1..347 BiN.Ycii.... 1il1-1. S. Assistaint (sswoman) Ensglish, ii.R'TS if you wish. N. Y. Special--._5850 Maili-------------- 9 18 cored. i $LL00.1IS *N. S. Limited----8 is Pacific Es .---- 12130 Pasters its .......0. 47 P . .. Girls' Coll. Prep. S'h.,tLatinsandii A. M. Wetern Es i is38 0Under lbs Doie,"tie big naivat 0 p 0. N. Express ---_55il G R. & tK. Ex 5 5MIiipltay that comes to the Athenis Thseaterttei,40aidhu. AtanticEx.s...... 7 is Uii. Nt. Exa,.--- tondoy7 cWesiavebverAprilydiiierisocaecif iA itanren.1Osd sic gettisng tioisievery doy. At-,f DISCOUNT ON ALL *North Shore timited isano extra fair trin thlii'most rett iotis scenic affairsof ttr1 ecsi''tt icPl bto hena eharge oft$25Wto Non York tban, on the lireseint seaoso. e CakTeces'OdacPl a 0.. PRUGoGnES, II. VW. HATES, 'rie TI. of M. tC'leinaairs fi orss85 ix I arsith e ii'West. Thisrteencthyi r e. P. & '5. AgI.. Chicago. Agzt.. Ass Arkor silb baoda h olws-oie _______ To close them out. THlE BUCKEYE ROUTE. Wuilr's, Waltons or .M0is tLovell 25',IT'eme sil he iii exassniationi forlvM i S T A E BL.ER COitUS HOKNGVLLYAN-OLD RIWA . tiboerty St. 124 those conditioised in Hisory I suitSat- 1119 0W. 'Washingtoun Street. Phone S. In the only lise from the Toledo UnionssaArl2 t8ocodi omF H :RET ~r CUESO TLT1 Station to Columbus aiid polis beyond, ART AiNt) SOC.tOLOG 5 flhe examiiiation will rover the period Ax50 ORIYCL- nErSiss IIEsisN UI isMssn using Union depo1 termnais at Colon- iDirector ilriffith, ot the Deli )it Ari .'75-9t8 A. D). Those intending t~o take IsNTi RLDsss.". has andi'cans tour fast express trains daiiy between the points named, two of} Museum, will lecure befoie thie-soriot- it sir.' advised to consult with the in- A. G. SPALDING & BROS. them in the un-precedetited sims of threeii{uogy class lFriday, Mtarchs 25th, it 1 s '4c tar at an early date. I "Th om h,>aase. hones. Parlor carst on day trains, seats i. I heNm, h uaate cents; Poi~manslseepern on nighlt trains. a. ini. The lectuce swill he open to Silu- i26 THEODORE ID. SMITH-. Official Outiters oShe Leading College, Ath-" Students di siring unequaled fsaciities G dents and others interested in art.' letic Club and Schonol Teams of the U. S. are invited loouse the Buokeye Rote andTOEAH RquitfrBae al san obtain fuil particulars on application Lx-Regenst Barbouri lectures Friday.,05T U~Rt.Eey RqiiefrIaoBl, to locai ticket agents. Apri tst. 125 I'fhe Fists Teachers' Agenis icfill as Athletic Sports and Pastimes. E. R. DAVIDSON, - - iiiany tositions 00 ill others combined. The Spalding Official League Bali Dist. lPass. Agent, Toledo;01' To stick Rubber use MAJOR'S R'UB- lRegister it onre li their Chicago) of- Adopted by National, Minor, College and IT. Ilelit, G.P. anud T. .X. I Elai CEMtRNT. Bewvarec' '. tl ot ice,270 Wabash avenue. .. U.of NI. lSchBaioUlrt enatuslvs Coiuaba, Ot]to. take a substitute. graduzate is manager. 145 :Hiss. Chess Protretors. Shioeas, Etc. THE SPAISINil ERSINLESS BICYCLES ' O A ''" r "V 'ii r'"''IRE SPALDINC SLUE RACER (Chain)tiODLS ".o IRE SPALDING ROADiWHEEL". University S h o f D m n edfrItlustt'ated Catalogue of all 'fhensSendafor Athletic Sports, Athns he- re #Pe$gr4sUNTIL MAY 1t 2 ESSNS PER WEEK. PAWN " c Program party eey Satutday evening with orehestrasmnicl. _Chicago_____ Washington___ $FITZ & WEBSTER $ NOCII DIETERLE,- Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos EnFBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR adMtooe ------IN_..__-- No. iS1 East Liberty Street: Residence, 53a 0prcn f rmoruutrt prices-this month. These Gas $___South Fourth Ave. Phone i29." are all guasenseed. A BRE ZYATME114 West Liberty se. Ann Arbor. 4 * RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. , . .SOnHAEBEor e's fMUiC STORE4' ,1 .r,,....: ... -... ... WASHINGTON BLOCK ANN ARBOR r e rr~~r+ ._