the . af . a l. VOL. VIII. No. 12. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WE~DNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1897. FouR PAGES. Bargains IN B3ooks. Stud'ents' Bookstore _.. STATE STREET, Opposite University Entrance. Second-hand Books bought, sold and exchanged. Law, Medical and College Text- books at cut prices. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR Blank Books and Stationery Azents for Waterman's Foun- tain Pens, Mathematical Instru- ments and Sporting Goods. SHEEHVAN & coil Prop. WI LD Has received a cull line of Novelties for Fall and Winier in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO. 1O8 E. WASHINBTONST. NEAR MAIN THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. WAHR'S THE FIRST LECTURE. Wmn. E. Mason Will Appear Fri- day Night. I'. S. Senator William E.F> Masca open theS. - A.crsceiin-Fridi'ay ni-ih A b-ief i' '1 111001o 111this in tiuguiod c-orater will Iho 0lalortmi~e at this time. WilliamnEF i-ison, ni-ja Senatcr frcin llinois in tihe 'Inicl tatisi ii ate, 1one of G( ilowe i -4t ---ieeiii'd antd toremiest lawy-ers. 13e wos u-ru in the 'ili e-ofi ' nionvitle a ttai- angus CounltyN. T.,July Ti 1850.) ill i the -on ot Il-iIJ iiiid N anc (Winslow)M'son. Toen-'Mi-iou t_ mioved to - ,1865-i dwsprci cally thirown uiipon h{lu-iin-n urcii(es. IlIe reeeived iirurdien t is' edui cation in the pubiiec heols,. and -stud- has di, tintuicbed himself en nueo- ens occasioiis. Athletic Board Meeting- Lteveiig ,the Athletic tiomilsmot iiiul -ig n~othirbires I olo- n' bo-irisimn-rc named. -Ida-i--ry toaridtProfc-sor-iHutciit nsTiaylot, 1 ai-i'-ron I ieblocil -an-I Lom1)iird' Il,.'Pentis i A-rboir;Ito-ger -ieee- nin liiCia--n :is.tLelioyDetroit. BRoaird 01 1 onirol, Al. Keith IJ.He F'. i Orhu d W AV id tH uh, -i andl t1.I. H1e cm-temiU H.H Ft-iii n il ItH.TI.totir -wcre aptpointedt isiaicoiniitte ii io et the b-o'lof 1ire-i-lin of tie-V. 'of 11. Alunii AimO 0-ai-iuit tli iM01t iiitt- Adelphl Saturday Evening. Saturday .-Nvciiiiq' tithelan-in''lire- n-t ill he 'ire-ieintedl lii-tho Aidel- MICHIGAN TO THE FRONT. Present Registration Larger Than Last Year's. Tie followxing statement -shows the number of students in the University of Michigan rcgis'toed of ti-isc'cre- try's ofiec 00 ti-i 11th day of Octo- hor, in 189(6 and 1897: tepartmeint o- 1 19 897 Literature, scicec, -rs..123 219) Engieering ........29 1 2W, Mfedicine andil one,ry.. ''-i29 411) Phariiacy........ 6; 7 Deitalisuger......14 2.r t-omootathic-i-i-ic-iocllege 40 57a 3611 25)h) If thle rgitiaion ftei tis at i-i- 1897 equlals' that oif 1396i'tie total climber of sudnts in the Cleniar, excluciv-e of sumomer'schiol stetiis,- nill ho na-iei-itquite 3200 It is readilyls-enicon the abcoe tahlecthtntthere nas been a'iniin- ovr--cdeatmenlct extol-t tle jnIj-i i-iii iwilrmo'there hliibeen a-i-isIf I.B. ii 1 iii gains by- dot-ilrtmumeits a- 'i ' 1011011- Literary, 8; ng-ineering, 4;Ihaw,170;i Iphitlil y i-i-idenl-li31t;I homopaticii-- Mi~chganensian Law Prizes. Ih lIaa' eioeir--iof tIe1-ic hidgan- o-i-iaotitar-id off te tlol'-winig riz-in tlastod-ils01119' 01 9riui'lstt-to o Twlve idollarin, ilaw- huoks (fuo lah -ocrio of fore osit ileobttti legraleglt toy.orsorioc.llg F ighlo dolla's inl law- books for te hbs om0111 il-i'diutilonary of fifteni "The '-'ne-i-Cpritzes for lierary co- timlitions to the Mieiiaeuiicoillxvi lie uuouiu 'i-i by ti-icbat- inia shot Michigan's Crack Rider. Harriy Marh, Mihi,an's crack bicy- clust of '9),tias ;joined iicparty of prtofessionls- who are toiinig te countyan- itlliiifolow the entire cer- tit into Mexico. The riders ravel in fwc specci ca-is ad are mnaagig to have man uex aped good ime. Marsh is 11usfrounding into for-i--ind Ist week at Peoria, Ili., node Secod to (ard-ne, idefesing lthe- great Tu Cooper aod thers of eqal not. Sik- oess and a bad fall in -te early seaso kept him off the track al summe r. Th'e rest. howiever, did hiin good aid from now on, brring, accidents, he nill doubtess be foud inog te leadlers,- 8 ..L, A. seats.;'is ,red at Wahr's and Palmer's Thurs-. day, 8 a. m. UNIfTED STATES SENATOR Wil. E. MASON. Students should try us before making any purchase. We are hound to satisfy and please. Our large stock of Law and Medcal Books, in short, Text-Books for every department in the University,, new and second-hand enablesĀ° usI to sell at the lowest price. Blank Books and U. of M. Sta- tionery at low prices. Make our stores your headquarters. WAHR'S BOOK STORE Up Tows Dews Tows S. Stale at. Opposite lCou tfous _Ass Arbo Bainst. ied tn-c years at Birminghamii Coliege. By -utternatiug periods of ienoliiig wifh study, lie waos enabied to make his 'n-ny through school and sutaport himelcf untii he was adniitteiitio the bar in 1871. Mrt. Mason 1-asaiways icon a stlaunch 'tepttbliian. FHe ina-serveid onie tore-i in t(liow-cr iouse and one in the 'upper Ihoi-so of thestato Ie"in- lature of Illinois, 'and two terns as a member of co-i-irex -- In 189'ihe enterdthe canmas-ito-i the United Stales Senite, and won one of the most remarkable and nt-hi-i- batles ever fought at Springfieidli-i 1n 1873 11r.? Mason was married to Miss Edith Juiia While,.of Des'.fiues- low-a, an-d they 'av nop'interest-i" familiy. Ho -s notedfor brevity, enneisentcx dad poitedness of slatei m I and be- ing possessed of areedy wit Ania, hr ac know-i go of public affaits, he phlui Doboimeng Society: te'i-r-ii a-l il-i-i-iby t-i presd-nt;debt e,"to- sobvd c-lhaot pollt- -ffil-iationis. prefer- -iti-i to inudepeniden ttiou inpolitics," W. B. Pitkin, eadei of tfliafirtmative, C' -B.FHarveyil-ider -of -il-inenotive. Fx-eryo-ne ittrestedin de biling sin- v-ited toIatte v Alpha Nu Program. Everybody isxveito-ine hoatten-il l-ie Aphua Nii meeig it 7-30) o'cliii'k nxl -- ituday evoi n-i--iT-le prx'-rain will be as folios: iiipiomiptu umusc. I. G. Divukn-,ondebate, "Res-!olvcdThai governmlenti'by injunction is being used to excess in the imted SI-tes," alflrri--otive T. Bat iesi and A. It.WitadngtvD.RHoead J. C.Bills,; iproutpi I'. Engelha rd; 'A irgeaglass coaermng has lien ~ ill' 0overtue pimuping rooniotfthe boiler tonse