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March 24, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-24

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VOL. -VIII. No. 125.


BIG SOCIETY EVENT. Comnmon Law Pleading. July 5-22. Pro- Will Send a Team to Philadelphia.
" t______' fessor Bogle.
Agecy-ectre. Agus 8-9. The Athletic Board met lust night
prll SeQ~t0nS U~tarrved ll rragemets ade forand adopted the Western Intercollegi-
Spiasletos starvd l rageetsad to 1ructor Dwyer.atAhlic soitonsrvedop
* from the East. Call and Comedy Club Entertainment Partnership - Me, hems -Elements. aeAhei soito' eie or
Inspect our .... - -August 22-26. tnstructor Hutghes. Stisto.Th rpston0'Pns'-
Thte entertaisnent to he gives by the Commuon Corices-Lecturces. jtti ato tted thte relay races. held
Zutn s Trouserrings, April 20 ut Philadelphia was accepted.
'S itngComecdy Clubh tomorrow nigh't pIsolsI' 22 Professor Lanc.
Top-Coats. ises to be lt'e nst important social Bills and NotesJohnson's ldtcemertis. The contest will be for fouir quarter
ecent stf the season. Juttging August 15-26. Professor Johnon. oflesandric ldeMic ehhiga ss ionmber
NO 108.E, WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR J MAIN fo h dane sl, fseutsj Ra rpry itrs t.Lc o.Aeia ihgnhsaynme
-standing rotam will hr at a tuaces. Jutly 5-22. Pcofessoc Thompson. o e nteqatrmladitr
ptenmitun. Neacly- all of the fratccni- Equity Jucispsrudence. - Lccturcs. tt will lens high since teti soeo
--tics will attend the play itt grotups. Autgtist 8-26. Instructoc Farcah. wl ae
A Ie etisSesverttl of them wilt give theater par- 'Equity Pleadittg.-'fhompsouns LEuity EaoaeIrsarto-.cbigmat
ties. Amontg the latter atrc Sigma, Phi, P'leading. Jttly 25-Augutst 12L.tnls- for the entertainsment Of -the contest-
M ]'tI ippa. Psi, Beta Thteta Ptiuand Psi s-c Dwyer c. ars
Upstilon. Thse followingladiles bave Evidence.-Reyntolds'seory sf 1-vi- MihgnvtdotoamtNtr
F e16511every week. (cunsentetd to Oct isspatronesses for d etce. Autgust t-19t. unstructtrc Itoglses. IsoeadKo sleet h et
Only in pckags- t s stlit.M'. Cspsrtiss-ette.S~ 5A-ern tntercollegiate Assosiations (n thse
Lowney's if you (iccen, Airs. Vaughan, Mrs. Knowlton. gust 5. Professor Wilglis. gon htteraaer-ttt u
pieferi Ms.-.:McLautghlin,. Mrs. Wait. Mrs. During the continutancc of theSumsh- i stsrn nuhts0 rprt
Esrster, Mrs. Russsell,- Mrs. Petit,, mzer School of Lasv the following lec- i hi tltcdui -Te at
P-AL~pp~iij PHAMACY.manager reported that almiost all .'the
ttALMERS' PHARMACY, . Mrs. IPeal, Mrs. Carrow; tstces find entertainmuentts will be given
I. .I-atest), Alt's. Sssule, Mrs. Freer, whiich swill be Irs-c to oll the sudents ng col tdarayrsoddt
's dc. A~rs Hull. Mrs Camp- ssftheSumrchsl tc invitatiton of the assssciatlon, stosi
1Ti B-Hsie.Thte' Judicial System osf lhs Jess that preprations fssr the meet were-
ePl an Dr ohr being pushed rapidly. ,It ocemsthat
FOR HE EXTWEE he layto be given this yesar io Pt'sfessor tB. M. Thomps.5t
theDaily was under sa.osis-cneta

Wilams and Werners Chocolates. Largess liarI
In the city.
Lunches at all hours.
R. B.i. JLbY CO.
215)5 South State Street.
Not the kind to, hang on the
wall, but the indispensible oval
Hand-M irrors. There. is hardly
ai size or 'shape that we do not
have. White, black and natu-
ral Woods.
The prices are the quick sale
kind. f
330,0KST ORE.
BFor every department in the U~ni-
versity. Law and Medical 'Books a
specialty. We can supply all your
nteeds for the Second Semestbr at
rowest prices.: ,
Second-hand Books Bought, Sold
-"ai 'Exchanged.
'Best linenz Writing Paper l~c and
25ic per pound.
The A. A. Waterman Sold Gold Fountain
-' 1P golor $A.23!.
tUp-Town Down Town
S. State at.. Opposite ourt5usno
Nn Afrbor iham oSt.

'Al11tIhe tCsmforts of Esome," by Wil-
liam (Giletto. The nmembers tsf the
c'lsttatee 'working hard o it, holdtiug
three rehearsals a.sNeeks. :Hr. Louis

'Te Jeswisho CommonoweathO. Psofes-
sr J. C. Knosvlton.
The Lawsyer. Judge Victor H. Lone.
Magnsa 'harta. Professor f1. tL. Wil-

Ethel has'conmposed sod arranged for 0515.-
orsctestra specisalrsusic fosr tie- plus.,, Base Ball Prospects Bright.
The cast is as follows:.
Alfred Htastings..... Thou. J. Weadocts I Mattager Keitht reports that the prs-
Tons HecDttx...... .:RU . H. Page pects for the baseball teatm are betum-
Theodore Bender .......... B. K. Wagar, ing brighter every' day. The season
Eghe't 'Pettihssne........L. Young, jr. will open Friday afternoon, Apsril 1st.
Christopher Dabney... P. W. Pitcher The Bay City team have been secutred
Judson' Langltne....... -W. ..Ptoneotoocome to Ants Arbor and ploy a ser-
Attgtistus McSwath.... A. W. Plutm iesconsisting of twvelve games. The
Victor Smylhe..... B. B. Metheany, j-. OBay City team is considered otse ot the
Thomtpson -.... -......... W. Hayes best in the tnterstate Leagute and the
Josephtine Blender... tFrances E. Clarke m nanagement is fortunate in securing

Evangeline Bender.... Mary E. Spencer
Rosabhelle Pettibone.. Florence M. Hall
Emily Pettihsne...Caroline B. Cols-er
Piti Dretanaki ................Anna Bacli
Katy .............. Euphenuis. 0.:Otoldetn
Gretchens .............Genevieve (Deeker
Law Work in Summer School.
.Dttring the summer of 1898,- com-
mencing Jsly5 and continsting eight
weekts, members of the faculty or the
Department of Law of the Itnives-sity
of Michigan. ii offer instruction in
the foliowing subjects:
Elementary Lawv-Blackstone, Hook
., and parts of It and ItI. July 18-29.
tnstructor Farrah.

this series of games. A siogie admis-
sion of 15 cents wiii be charged for
wpelt day games with the excepltn of
Saturdays, when a 25 centt admission
wviii he required. A ticket admitting
t ihe entire series will he sold for $t.
It is hosped thsat the stutdent body wviii
tturn out and open the season's wsork
with great enthusiasm.
I Chicago vs. Columbia.
fThe. Unfiversity of Chicago 'debaters
who will oppose Coliubia. let for Ncew
york yesterday, The debate 'will be
held Friday night and Presl ent Seth
Low, of Columbia, will presiute. The
judges are James C. Carter, Charles S.

in regar'd to the energy with whsich thtis
mtatter xvas beisg ishsled. The manrag-
es in chat-ge of the grounds s-crc in-
strutcted sssto uldla new entransce os
tke north end osf the State st-oct side
of' the athtletic field. The folloxving
autendosient n-as- adopted Ds lay brefrr-
the assoc-iatiosat thlie cosmintg annfsal
Thet'Board of Directsrs shall hart'
thte athority to cogage a gr-adusate di-
rector of athletics, whot shsll hecsme
the advisor of the asnociatlan's athletic
policy and shtall. assunte sutch powers
anti duties as shall fros tlimo to time
he delegated Io them: by the Board osf
This is the resolution that has beet
pending for a lung time, and is very
wide-reaciigt in its inmportance antd
deserves the careful attention of every
member of the association. The ideat
in to has-c a "Graduate Director" sub-
ject to the hoard, who can delegate hims
enough powers to make him effic-iett
without forfeiting the idea. of student
control and interest in the actual
management. An arndmettxas aluso
introduced to provide& for a manager of
interscholastic athletics.
-'01 Glee Club to Celebrate.
An organization known as the Fresh-
sman Dice Club has existed is the Uni-
versity for several years. In the past
It has not hers considered one of Mich-
igan's most nlourishing organizations
in as much as there was little interest
taken in it by the members. Never-
theless as an organization it baa im-
proved from year to year, and withouit
-doubt the efforts of the present Fresh-
man class show results faor superior to
all former ones.
The club this, year will give a hop,
which will take place on Tuesday eve-
rning, April 8th.* The number of tick-
ets sold will he limited and can only
be obtained by invitation. The Fresh-
men are counting- on a large time.
During the course of the, evening the
club will render several choice selec-
tions to add to the pleasure and enjoy-
jment of the ocesioun.-

Elementary Meal Property-Black-5 Fairchild and Joseph H. Choate. Tis
stone's Commentaries, Hook 11. July debate will be the first intercollegiate
18-August 5i. Professor Brewster. debate betxveen the cast and the west.
Contracts-Anson on Contracts. July HevLosF mFi.
t-25. Professor Knowefton.
Criminal tiaw-Lectures and Test- Lightning set nire to the power house
Book. Augurst 2-19. Instructor Ilugisca. electric light plants and, machne shops
Totst-Cooleys' Elements,- of Torts. 'of Ktanss'University Tuesday night,
J1uly 5-15. Profeor Wilgus. and all burned to the grotmd. The
Domestic Reations-Lectures.: July university is left without heat or light
t8-August 5. Instructor Farrah. 'adted frp ' rmnshv
Personal Property-Lectures. August Ldth dfre 3pzans av
8-26. Instructor Dwyer. been clused for #tws. weeks. Tire less is
Common Law Pleading-Stephen's ;$40,000. .~


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