i ppppppwp- lt naE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store HOLMES' LIVERY, 515 East Liberty St. BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. W. J. BOOTH. Pre-. W. ARNOLn, 1st Vice-prey J. V. S HEEBAN, 2u Vice-pres. JOHNs C. WAs. tCashier. State - Savins - Badl. Transacts a general Banking busi ness. 1 uarmvrs&I%1diarnto Nuns. A Token of Phone1ou .. dOS. W, KOLLAJ 114 E, WASHItNGTON ST. Spring! HO! DRINKERS OF C Dean & Co.'s Btlendedl Coffee ist in t"ostiflg coffee, and produces tolor anid sorpassing flavor. anti venture the statement thai #t r a. , ca behad at any lime. a , 214 South Main Street. n e Notes. All of theiii tutu is -'' it 15 iilllthe t r, t Per. Slain anti Heron Streets. UI Capital, $50,00. Surplus.$30,000. Transact a genesal bathing busisesss Rt. Ketie, Pres. C. EOGRENE, Vice-Pres Essen H.BLEs Cashosts THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $15,000. Ann Arbor Mich. Resources. $1,t00,000. Organized under the Ceneral Banking Laws of this State. Receives depesits, bays and setls exchange en the principal cties of the Unitrd States. Drafts cashed upon preper Identificatio. Safety deposit bones te rent, )~OrrICERe: Christian Mack Pres.; W. D. j'~Harriman, Vice-Pres.: Chas E. Hisecc, Cashier: M.S1 Frito Assistant Cashier. lie result of thirty years experience FRT INATIONLR A NK Of Ace Arbor cuselts Cafeeag 5 eropoldnCapital, 81000,000. Surplus and Profits, $40,000; We el tilscofeeat2hi pr pe id Transacts a general banking busines". t no better or more delicious coffee Foreign exchange boughtandsold. Furnish letters ef credit. E. 1). RINNE. Fees. IHARRIISON COCLFE, Vice Pres ~~~.N~~S W.oiI ' N 5CLARKSON. Cashier C. n. MAJOR & CO., in. resems untderthe 'setdutimt ati IThe Artistic deorators R(g ,(nscFieti is yeve a h>it c ofetHave a complete line of thetrckmol. 'hrie -ul lty ithil Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window wihtie' wi .-i.- t-tt sl: i , .1G; Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. d",li.pplteae':1 l ste eomeatttis : .:- Specialty uf fine interior decorating tio ottn lte pat fthe-A.thtit t1' , paintin,frescoing, tinltin ;and paper Olt, hanging. Only the best of workmten empoye. Wrkguaneed. Le 'a~nr' t liet'tittt :tiltettttt C. ff. MAJOR & CO., Iiyl ethttttit t t'tmildoftI titThe Artistic Decortor, stte tof - it igrit, wiill ___________________________ssi_______ tctathintg t h t-is '-c nit t tthsie.LL E teant (if ii s terreilt'ltcill.ege indi tieb hirti-lit iftack worke]1 cllitt-c it) LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S bt strtiger thanieve h. yar We have just received 'a large shipment ofj W RIGHT, PETERS & CO. CELEBRATED) FOR SPRING. New shapes in Vesting T.ops, t$3.00, $4 00, $5.00. New 3 Strap Sandels $1.O D, $1.50, $2.00. Our entire stock of winter shoes at a :RIDUOTIO N!T ,MACK & CO. Shoe Department. X Fear 1st Floor, th 119l'ecttebtiebll ean ill ciii ctrongt ths eari. ltt hlSag 1111Cpti Saiwyeit ill Ireltlts syin; ti tth outlookil is gb'tily. Tes'e toleentei are slt tit-aeisste iiticly hed. Stiggas Nvill known abotillity t iakicie ,a bas~eba~ll Itl tilt itl ou t ofe lvis til t atitfres wtill Ice othert iid--tha t iii Six fetch oiil li l i itt iare isiltit incleg-. i-e 'Pi coi tniti u l- li _I rn it: 1.1, grouiindsl will be itith Nithetlte erTAIn0 Unliversity. il aseittai felts a veti l-tl 1s-l- ' tt~ie Ltn tea wil pay-a srie (i prr. ice LatstNovelien in 'Winter reelyittlet~ilii' ~l'. llti i illsoacellithte 'ltiebt ittpl lie :t).elt(tll and Spring Garments. lkls ike this;:es bs-e Gardercather Clakehither -:COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. Kenntiedy5, fiesthaste; cellr ei, Secondh helton,11 hiig atrcktolpi11 t fOnte itlock swest of t'niscrrsity. base; Merfeildt, ltierd hise;,Sencthrlece1511ftulears ticgo, Ilplaye-ietid shotitopdi; Stawy21e, el tfield;l tesei 1se oithbe Uniesdity itt Pennt sylvania "OHIO"" hetrge, cleefeldtl .1linlefti ~le i pro tfess.ilioa lttieehll tem Satl IttalLi ltglint thile 'Valrsity tetit. ITe -torej e ta i e State elaittilttthiitt timsltefud Ih a 0to6i o te e 'Varlist'y1151 7.1& 0. C. Ry. R. J5 'A. Ry. nom athig junpirg u W J.Sehal, University Barnd Elect Officers. a studenithe tile sitcfhimgo - rhe Only Sleeping Car Line between and ibllineg fremtiehliwaue. .He'is 1Te 111 elsityihandilits e' ilcton toledo anti Columbtus. etoetifegt tttdtte111515i tfils . Se1211 titty, wttillfoitolie rhe Only Sleeping or Drawingfetihgtmsua zcwry Room Afte bl Il-eltatihiig " eltitil he 1thestli;Car Line between Toledo, Coluni- Ibar oiat fet 5ihite ss. I- e.elIeeileTh~re Only Drawing Room Car ILine f c tmaage ,Ge 'lLc Kr, a,1 -betweeno Toledo, Columbus and tTlt Iaseballill ge eati 0 aeeasu ree-, Charleston, W. Va. fl~ehasltoli al~~ideee ee set n,5115cretoiy; Ray -Warren1, ettetile; Pullmano Sleepesa between Colons- silntelilitieie int~ Pellllill11.Ii Setilootcieen etnttliite; bus and Chicago. commos. Svera of te ptyeiareHarryDePnt,_rope ti ntler. The Only Line wills"4 trainls each showsuig tup exeeplltonally stronlg. Tinele MnagsErJonste, oh thue.'99 basehbtll way dully between rloleda and pitcihing ialein lt sstitliaoe te i"teamn,Creperts Ithl ce iprospeets for Columbus. av-eage. a the sealsn are very bright. A meeting( The Only Line with 3 trains eacha tieor *tilio tolc* t r ec-lo. thelandidatewill he heidsT hore- wayoil Sunodays betweeno roledo ofkeswilbthecd nth des-Ida.and Columnbus. i FULL PIQUE GLOVES .$1.00 The Only Line with 5 traine earls way daily between Tlsedo, Bowl- log Green and Findlay. The Only Line with 2 trains each was- daily between Toledo and Charleston, W. Va. The Only Direct Line between Tole- do and the Virginias. Tine popular line between Toledo, Fostoria, Bucyrue, Granville and Newark. Foil information relative to eaten, time of trains. etc., will be cheerfully furnished oy any agent of the Ohio Central Lines. Moulton Houk, G. P. A., Toledo, Ohio. When you take. into consideration that you have never paid than $1,50 you will appreciate the value we are offering. WAGNER & COMPANY, less 1123 South Plain Street. - }' Furnishers. I